Capt. William Carroll HOLT
Skullbone Tennessee
1818 - 1901

Capt. William Carroll Holt
Served in Co E 7th Reg't Tennessee Infantry USA
Served in Co M 6th Reg't Tennessee Cav Volunteers USA
Captured twice, escaped once.

His pension No 450-559

Mary A. Holt wife of William Carroll Holt
# 757-714 Widow of Capt William Carroll Holt
Co M 6th Reg't TN Cav

Certified copy of Marriage Mary A. Reavis to William Carroll Holt
Oct 17, 1887 J. B Prestwood, JP

1st wife - Mary Jane Connell Holt died Nov 18, 1876 Bloomfield,  Stoddard Co Missouri
2nd wife - Widow of James Monroe Drewry, Araminta Catharine Jackson Drewry Holt, died Dec 3, 1886 Martin TN 
William Carroll Holt died Jan 23, 1901 Dresden, TN
3rd wife - Mary A. Reavis Holt died April 20,1924 Dresden

Declaration for Original Invalid Pension

State of Tennessee
Weakley County 

On the 20th day of May A.D. One thousand Eight hundred and 82 personally appeared before me, County Clerk of the Weakley County Court a court of record within and for the County and State aforesaid, Capt William C. Holt aged 64 years resident of Weakley, county of Weakley State of Tennessee, who, bing duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Capt William C. Holt who was enrolled on the 18th day of July 1862 in Company E of the 7th Regiment of Tennessee Infantry commanded by Col John A. Rogers and was honorably discharged at Pulaski, Tennessee on the 24th day of June 1865; that his personal discription is as follows: age 64 years; height 5feet 5 inches; complexion Dark; hair Gray; eyes Blue.

That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty at Macon "Georgy" [Georgia] & Savannah in the State of Georgy on or about the 29th day of March 1864, he contracted chronic diarrehia, Rheumatic & Ciatic pains brought on by exposure while in prison at Macon, Georgia & Charlston, South Carolina.

That he was treated in hospitals as follows: At Macon & Savannah, Georgia 1864. That he has ---------[blank] been employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated above - state what here -  Transferred from the 7th Infantry to 6th Calvery under Col Hurst about July 1863.

That since leaving the service this applicant has resided in County of Weakley in the State of Tennessee, and his occupation has been that of Farmer. That prior to his entry into the service above named he was a man of good, sound, physical health, being when enrolled a Farmer. That he is now wholy disabled from obtaining he subsisitance by manual labor by reason of his injuries, above discribed, recieived in servive of the United States, and he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States.

He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, W. R. Myers & Co to prosecute his claim.  That he has not received nor applied for a pension.  That his Post Office address is Greenfield county of Weakley state of Tennessee.

Claimant's signature
William C. HOLT

 J. A. Mangrums ?
W. L. Tuck

Also personally appeared James A. Mangrums, residing at Dresden, Tenn and W. L. Tuck, residing at Dresden, Tenn, persons whom certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw W. C. Holt, the claimant, sign his name to the forgoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, for the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him, that he is the identical person he represents to be and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.

J. A. Mangrums
W. L. Tuck

Sworn to and subcribed before me this 20th day of May 1882 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, & c, were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words......blank......and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim

J. M. Finch 
Clerk of Weakley County, Tennessee

Stamped - Pension Office May 27, 1882
Claim for Pension - Original
William C. Holt - applicant
E Co., 7th Reg't
Tennessee Vols
Enlisted July 18, 1862
Discharged June 24, 1865

Filed by W. R. Myers & Co
Washington D. C.


Adjutant General's Office
Washington, May 7, 1883


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your request of Feb 8, 1883 for certain information for use in the consideration of application for pension No 450-559 and return it herewith, with the following information from the records of this follows:

It appears from the rolls, etc, on file in this office that W. Carroll Holt was mustered into the sevivce of the United States as ----can't read it----subsequently Co M 6th Tenn Cav or West Tennessee, to date Oct 3, 1862 to serve 3 years or during the war. On the Muster-Roll of ----blank----of the Regiment for the months of from Muster in to Feb 29, 1864, he is reported present March & April 1864 missing  in action at Boliver March 29, 1864. His name is dropped from rolls to Jan & Feb 1865 when reported absent. Captured the same or about March & April 1865. Absent _____20 days leave Hdgrs Dept Comd So 176 April 9, 1865.  The following is a copy of application on which said C----was based.

Capt 6 Reg't TN Cav Edgefield, Tenn March 22, 1865
_____Whipple BrigGenl & AA Genl Dept of Cumberland

I _______to request a C_________absence for 20 - Twenty days for the purpose of visiting my home near Trenton, Tenn.  I have been in the service nearly 3 years and have never been absent with or without leave.

I was Captured near Boliver, Tenn by the rebels on the 29th day of March 1864 and kept closely confined in rebel prison until on or about the 24th day of November 1864 when I succeeded in making my escape and joined my command on or about the 11th day of March 1865 and from the experience while in prison making my way back. I am unable for duty from cause of rheumatism.  Think I will not be able for duty for 30 thirty days, Further, Lt. C. H. (or H.) Deford ? is serving with the company to which I am attached and my service can readily be spared for this period _____.

Respectfully Your ___Servant

W.C. Holt Capt Co M

Can't read next paragraph......MaryCarol

Palaski Tenn June 17, 1865
Capt W. C. Holt C M 6 Tenn Cav having applied for certificate on which to ______his resignation I do hereby certify that I have ____fully examined this Officer Find him laboring under chronic Rheumatism which seriouly affects ____________at the joints fo the lower _____________that it is my opinion unfit for duty said disease was contracted while in south prisons

General L O TANNER


State of Tennessee, County of Gibson

In the matter of Capt W. C. Holt Invalid Pension Claim No 450 -559 - on this the 15th day of September 1883, personally apeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorised to administer oaths, W. H. Perry age 53 years a resident of Bradford in the county of Gibson and state of Tennessee who is well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn declare in relation to the aforesaid case as follows:

I was acquainted with Capt W. C. Holt 8 or 10 years before the late Civil War. Lived a neighbor to him & knew him to be a sound man.  Saw him frequently while he was in the U. S. service until he was captured.  He was a sound healthy man up to the time he was captured (___of March 1864) during said Holt's confinement affiant did not see him.  Affiant further states that he saw Capt W. C. Holt in a few days after he made his escape & came home & have known him and lived a close neighbor to him for three or four years after he came home (which was in 1865) he came home sick was very sick for several weeks; was not able to do any manuel labor during this time or for years (which was just after the Civil War) at the expiration of which time he (said W. C. Holt) moved to Missoui but returned to this state ____years ago; live within 20 [maybe 10] miles of him now see him frequently. He is disabled from manuel labour at this time.

Post Office address of affiant is Bradford, Gibson County, Tennessee
Affiant delcares he has no interest to said case and is not concerned in its prosecution



Additional Evidence 
Claim of William C. Holt
262 859
Co M 6th Reg't Tenn Cav, Vols
For - inc & add�l

Proof of Disability

State of Tennessee, county of Cheatham on this 28 day of August 1891, personally appeared before me a Magistrate in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, G. W. Mullins age 58 years a resident of White Bluff in county of Dickson state of Tennessee acquainted with applicant for invalid Pension, and know the said Wiliam Holt to be the identical person of that name who enlisted or volunteered as a [blank] in Company ----not sure what it says...Regiment of Tennessee Vols, and who was discharged at Greenville on or about the 26 day of May 1865 by reason of Time exspired.

That the said_____ Holt while in the line of his duty, at or near Nashville in State of Tennessee did, on or about -----blank----day of Dec 1864 become disabled in the following manner:

While on duty garding prisonors in time of Hoods raid on Nashville, Tenn, the said Wm Holt was taken down with kidney & bladder trouble & suffering rheumatism at the time he was Officer of the gard and had to be relieved of duty on account of his sickness & was sick most all the time while in the service I no Dr. Knaffle did treat him for kidney & bladder trouble & rheumitism. I was present & saw Lieut Holt every day.  That the facts are personally known to me by reason of I was with the Command at the time.

And deponent further state that I am well acquainted with the claimant, having known him for at least 30 years and further, that the knowledge of the facts above stated I derived from said acquaintance, and from having served a Private of Co A of the 10th Tenn Regiment of Volunteers from April 1863 to July 1865 and deponent further states that the claimant was a sound and able-bodied man at and prior to enlistment, so far as I knew and that he is totally disinterested in this claim.

Post Office Address of affiant is White Bluff

G. W. Mullins
State of Tennessee County of Cheatham

Sworn by W. C. R. Greer, Notary Public 
Stamped Sept 5 1891

Declaration of a widow for Original Pension
State of Tennessee
County of Weakley

On this day of 8 March 1902 personally appeared before me, a clerk of the Weakley County Court, within and for the county and State aforesaid. Mrs Mary A. Holt age 60years, a resident of Dresden, county of Weakley, state of Tennessee, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain pension under acts of Congress granting pension to the Widows of Soldiers and Sailors & who have died by reason of wounds or injury received or disease contracted inthe service of the United States and in the line of duty:

That she is the Widow of Capt William C. Holt, who was enrolled under the name of Captain William C. Holt enrolled or commisioned at Dresden Tennessee on the 18th day of July 1862, as a Captain in Company M 6th Regiment Tennessee Cavalry Volunteers and was discharged on the 24th day of June 1865 and who died at Dresden, Tennessee on the 23rd day of January 1901 of kidney involved due to Rheumatism and resulting disease of heart and chronic diarrhea and resulting disease of liver and general disability resulting in total disability incurred in the above named service and in line of duty, military.  That she was married under the name of Mary A. REAVIS to said soldier, on the 17th day of October 1887 by J. B. PRESTWOOD, justice of Peace, that their was no barrier to this marriage, that she had not been previously married. That the soldier had been previously married twice.  First marriage to Miss Mary Jane CONNELL. She died January 7th 1887  - 8 miles from Bloomfield, Stoddard Co., Missouri. Second marriage to Mrs. Araminta Catherine DREWRY died December 3, 1886 at Martin, Weakley County, Tennessee.  That she has not remarried since the death of her said husband.  I am childless, never had a child, Captain William C. Holt had children by his first marriage.  No children by the 2 last marriages.  That she has not heretofore applied for pension, that she hereby appoints Mary A. Holt, of Dresden Weakley Co, Tennessee (herself) true and lawfull attorney to prosecute this claim. That her post office is Dresden Weakley County State of Tennessee.

Mary A. Holt
Claimants Signature

Attest 1: John A. Paschall
Attest 2: J. H. Ford

They state that they have known her for 30 and 35 years respectfully and that she is the identical person she represents to be, and they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
8th day of March, 1902.

County Court Clerk

Notified March 20, 1902
Widow No 757-714


State of Tennessee, County of Weakley in matter of Pension Claim of Mrs. Mary A. Holt widow of the late Capt William C. Holt Co M 6th Reg't Tenn Cav Vols on this 2nd day of August 1902.

Personally came before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid county and state, Pleasant A. Cashion, MD age 62 years citizen fo the town of Martin, County of Weakley, State of Tennessee, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to the aftoresaid case as follows:

I, Pleasant A. Cashion, MD Martin, Tenn county of Weakley am verifying to the death of Capt W. C. Holt's  Co M 6th Tenn Cav. late wife Mrs Arminta Catharine Holt. Waited on her in her last illness, Consuption, which was in the latter part of 1886. The records say 3rd dec 1886. I was his Family Physician for several years I am noways related or hav any interst in the case whatever.

Pleasant A. CASHION, MD


State of Missouri, County of Howell, in the matter of the Pension Claim of Mary A. Holt, widow of Capt William C. Holt - late Capt Co M 6th Reg't Tenn Cav Vols

Personally came before me, a Clerk fo the County Court in the aforesaid County and State, John Fox age 61 years, a citizen of Howell County, Missouri, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to the aftoresid case, as follows:

That he served in the same Company and Regiment that the said Capt William C. Holt commanded and was well acquainted with him ever since this affiant was a small boy and knew and was well acquainted with his first wife, Mary Jane Holt and that she died Mary Jane Holt. Died sometime in the early part of January 1877 in Stoddard County, Missoui. That he lived a neighbor to the said Capt William C. Holt and was presant and helped blot....her away in her last resting place.

John FOX


Mary A. Holt Dresden, Tenn
Class 542568 - May Wid
May 10, 1924
Canceled on Schedule payee deceased
The name of the above described pensioner who was last paid at $30 per month to April 4, 1924 has been dropped because of death April 20, 1924

Karla Butler Everett Notes:

James T. Holt, son of William Carroll Holt, was with his father at battle of Bolivar, sent a letter home to his Mother telling her that Father was lost - he did not know that his Father had been taken prisoner. James T. Holt m. Ledufsia Butler in Gibson Co., Tenn

Although James T. Holt survived the Battle of Bolivar, there is no evidence that he came back from the War.

Records transcribed by MaryCarol from copies furnished by Karla.


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