Goodspeed's History of Tennessee 1887

Biographies of Weakley County

Biographies - T
Edward A. TANSIL was born in North Carolina in 1813, one of nine children born to Edward and Piety (Thomas) Tansil, who were born in North Carolina in 1770 and 1780, respectively. The father followed the occupation of farming through life, and a few years after his marriage was also engaged in the mercantile business.   He came to Tennessee in 1825, and in 1849, while visiting in Texas, was taken sick and died.  He owned at the time of his death 320 acres of land, on which our immediate subject is now residing.  Mrs. Tansil departed this life in 1862.  After receiving the education and rearing of the average farmer's boy, Edward A., September 8, 1842, married Caroline, the daughter of John and Winnie Jenkins, by whom he had seven children: Ann Eliza (wife of Dr. E. J. Shannon), Elenora (wife of Dr. T. J. Moore), Mollie (wife of Dr. B. T. Bondurant), Albertine W., Thomas J., Virginia Alice (Mrs. C. W. Moore) and Ernest L. Mrs. Tansil departed this life in 1862, and in 1866 Mr. Tansil married Mrs. M. Lou (Goodson) Gardner, who died in 1878. Mr. Tansil owns a well cultivated and improved farm of 200 acres near Sharon. Previous to the war he was a Whig in politics, but since that time he has affiliated with the Democratic party. He is one of the influential members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South and formerly belonged to the I.O.O.P.

J. N. TERRELL, a farmer of Weakley County, Tenn., was born in Dresden in 1848, he being one of six children born to Peleg and Martha Terrell. The parents were born in 1803 in Virginia and Tennessee, respectively. The father came to Tennessee at an early day, and was a farmer and served as sheriff a number of years. He will be remembered by many of the old citizens of the county.  He died in 1855.  The mother died about 1858.   Our subject was reared at home and received the greater portion of his education at Macon Ga.   January 18, 1870, he married Miss L. M., daughter of L. R. Walker.    She was born on the farm where she and her husband now live, February 1, 1853, and is the mother of four children: Arthur, Cress, Ross and Maud.  Since his marriage, Mr. Terrell has resided on his father-in-law's old homestead.  He owns about 600 acres of land, a portion of which is in Obion County.  Mr. Terrell raises and deals quite extensively in stock and is a man of active and energetic habits.  He is a Democrat and a member of the I.O.O.F.   In 1861 he went to Macon, Ga., and resided there and in Mississippi until 1866, when he returned home.   He had two brothers, John and Thaddy, who were taken sick and died while serving in the Confederate Army during the late war.

Capt. G. C. THOMAS, a prominent citizen, and postmaster, of Martin, is one of thirteen children, and was born in Weakley County, in 1837.  His father, W. 0. Thomas, is a Kentuckian, born in Henry County in 1811, and became an inhabitant of Tennessee when nineteen years of age.  He is a farmer, and has been twice married.   The mother, Mary Elizabeth Thomas, was born in North Carolina, in 1812, and departed this life in 1863.  Her parents were eighty-four and ninety-two years of age, respectively, at the time of their deaths.  Our subject was educated in the district schools near his home, and in August, 1861, enlisted in Company K, Thirty-first Tennessee Infantry, C.S.A.  For the first lix months John Elliot was captain of the company; after that our subject himself was chosen captain. He was at Perryville, Murfreesboro, Missionary Ridge and in many other engagements of note.  July 22, 1864, he was wounded at the battle of Peach Tree Creek and was obliged to remain in the hospital until the surrender. He returned home in May, 1865, after having rendered valuable service to the Confederacy. He was wounded eleven  times and has part of the bone of one of his arms entirely gone.  Mr. Thomas farmed until 1878, when he was elected sheriff of Weakley County, and being re-elected, resigned in 1880, and moved back to his farm, where he continued to reside until December, 1885. At that date he was appointed postmaster of Martin, a position he still continues to fill. In February, 1878, he married Sarah E. Gibbs, who was born in Weakley County, in 1857.  Mr. Thomas is a Democrat and a member of the Masonic and K. of H. fraternities, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.  He had five brothers in the Confederate Army: Joseph V. (deceased), John F., a farmer of Kentucky; W. A., who was killed at the battle of Franklin; C. G., a farmer of Obion County, Tenn., and J. B., a farmer of Weakley County.

Capt. J. G. THOMASON, clerk of the Circuit Court of Weakley County, was born in Henry County, Tenn., in 1825. His father, Richard Lee Thomason, was born in North Carolina, in 1801, and was a farmer by occupation. In 1820 he left his native State and came to Rutherford County, Tenn., where he married Elizabeth Smith the same year of his arrival. He resided in Henry and Weakley Counties the remainder of his days and died in the latter county in August, 1881. He was magistrate of his district in Henry County for about twenty-three years, and was a man of sound judgment and true worth. His wife was born in North Carolina in 1802, and came to Tennessee in 1820. She is yet living, and although in her eighty-fifth year, is in good health. Of their nine children, seven are living. J. G. Thomason was educated in Henry County, and at the age of twenty began clerking in a dry goods store. In 1845 he was elected constable of the Tenth District and served four years. October 18, 1851, he married Sarah C. Peck, born in Weakley County,  in 1834. They have five children: Temperance E. (Mrs. Robert Carman), Lela May (Mrs. E. H. Ayers), John P., Sarah G. and Stella.  In 1852 Mr.Thomason moved to Weakley County and began merchandising in Gleason.  In 1854 he bought a farm and followed tilling the soil for seventeen years.   He was elected circuit court clerk of Weakley County in 1860, but in the spring of 1861 raised Company G, Fifty-first Tennessee Infantry, and was elected captain. He was at Shiloh, Perryville and in numerous severe skirmishes, and in 1863 was captured near his home and taken to Johnson's Island, where he was retained three months.  After his exchange he served until the Surrender of Richmond, then returned home.  In 1870 he was again elected circuit court clerk and has been re-elected four times in succession. He has been a life-long Democrat and belongs to the Masonic, I.O.O.F. and K. of H. fraternities.  He and Mrs. Thomason are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

W. G. TRENT, an old resident and druggist of Martin, Tenn., was born in Halifax County, Va., July 11, 1838, and is one of two surviving members of a family of six children of R. T. and Susan Trent. The father is of English descent some generations back, and was born in Henry County, Va., in 1811.  In December, 1888, he removed to Tennessee locating in Weakley County, where he followed the occupation of farming, and died in 1845. The mother was born in King and Queen County, Va., a few years later than her husband, and departed this life in 1813. Our subject was educated in the schools near his boyhood home, and December 7, 1865, his marriage with A. E. Freeman was celebrated.  Mrs. Trent, a worthy woman, was born in Henry County, Tenn., May 22, 1840; daughter of John and Ann E. Freeman, and has borne her husband the following children: Inez, Edith J., Anna and Mary W.   For three years after his marriage Mr. Trent farmed, and the following five years sold drugs at Cottage Grove. Since that time he has resided in Martin, and now is the oldest business man in the town. His stock of drugs amounts to about $2,500, and he does an annual business of about $5,000. Mr. Trent is energetic and reasonably economical, and, as a consequence, has prospered financially. May 20, 1861, he enlisted in Company H, Fifth Tennessee Infantry as sergeant, and was at Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Franklin, and assisted J. E. Johnson in fighting Sherman, while on his raid through Georgia. He was in the army four years to a day, and during his entire service was neither captured nor wounded. Mr. Trent is a Democrat and cast his first presidential vote for Breckinridge. He is a Mason, and himself and wife are church members.

Alex M. TUCKER(deceased) is a Weakley County Tennessean, born January 20, 1828; son of Daniel and Pruey (Myzell), Tucker. The father was a North Carolinian, and came to Tennessee at an early day. He was married in Weakley County, but afterward moved to Obion County where he died. Of his seven children, only two are living: William and Goodin. Alex M. resided with his parents until twenty-five years of age. April 25, 1850, he married Elizabeth Mayo, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Ross) Mayo. Mrs. Tucker was born February 28, 1829, and became the mother of five children: Susan Martha, Sarah Caroline (Mrs. James A. Kelley), Thomas G. (who died June 27, 1884), Mintie Pruey (wife of J. M. Nanney, who died February 8, 1886), and Neal Marshall. The same year that Mr. Tucker was married, he purchased 160 acres of land near Dresden. Here he died July 19, 1884. He began life poor in purse, but by close application and good business management, became the possessor of 800 acres of land. He was a Democrat and a member of the Baptist Church. Since his death, Mrs. Tucker has lived on the old home place with her son.

C. J. TULLY is a son of Michael and Eliza (Nolan) Tully, was born in Albany N. Y., in 1854, and is one of ten children. The father was a native of Ireland, being born about 1828. His mother died when he was quite small, and, in consequence, his early education was somewhat limited. When about twenty-four years of age he immigrated to America, and located in Albany, N. Y. Here he married in 1852, and remained about five years, and then removed to Chicago, Ill., where he died in 1885. The mother is still residing in Chicago. The subject of our sketch received his education in Chicago. He began working at his trade, as an employe, at the age of eleven years, and in 1868 went to Benton Harbor, Mich., and was engaged in fruit tree grafting, and in working at his trade. In 1874 he was married to Katie Pender, of Benton Harbor, by whom he had two children: Katie and Eddie. Mrs. Tully died about 1877, and in 1881 Mr. Tully removed to South Haven, Mich., and in company with I. T. Pierce and T. A. Shaffer, opened their fruit package manufactory, continuing about six months, when Mr. Shaffer retired from the business, and about four years later, our subject did the same. November  17, 1884, Mr.Tully married Jennie, daughter of Admiral Bartholomew, of South Haven, Mich. They have one child - Jennie. In the fall of 1885 Mr. Tulley came to Greenfield, and purchased a one-third interest in the Tennessee Box and Basket Manufactory, at that place. The firm is doing a thriving business, and is engaged in an occupation that has already proven itself to be of inestimable value to the town and county. They give employment to, about thirty-five men and boys. Mr. Tully is conservative in politics, and he and wife are members of the Catholic Church, the latter being born in Holland, in 1865.

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