Goodspeed's History of Tennessee 1887

Biographies of Weakley County

Biographies - P
J. G. PARKER, druggist and groceryman, of Dresden, Tenn., began life for himself as a druggist in 1867, and in 1881 disposed of his stock, and two years later established a family grocery store. In 1884 he added a full line of drugs, and has continued in that business to the present time. Mr. Parker was born in Rutherford County, Tenn., in 1832, and is a son of John and Amanda (Williford) Parker, both being of English descent, and born in Rutherford County, Tenn., the former in 1799, and the latter in 1801. They were married in Gibson County, in 1823. In early life the father was a surveyor, but later, after locating in Trenton, became a lawyer. He was an early settler and a prominent resident of Gibson County, and died in 1836, followed by his wife in the forties. Of five children born to their union, our subject is the only one now living. He was educated in the academy at Trenton, and at the age of sixteen began clerking in a drug store in Trenton, and during his leisure hours pursued the study of law. In 1851 he went to Hickman County, Ky., and the following year was admitted to practice law before the courts of the State. In September, 1858, he married Ann Etheridge, who was born in North Carolina, in 1832, Mr. Parker came to Weakley County, in 1861, and cultivated the soil until 1867, and then came to Dresden and established a drug store with the above results. He is very conservative in politics, but was formerly a member of the old Whig party. In 1855 he was elected judge of Fulton County, Ky., and held the office one year, and in 1873 was elected magistrate of Dresden to fill a vacancy, and served, by re-election, for nine years. He belongs to the K. of H., and his wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

J. H. D. PARRISH, a prominent citizen and a miller of the Fourth District, was born in Virginia on November 26, 1826, and is the son of Jesse and Jane Parrish. His father was born in Virginia, in 1804,where he was married, and after which event he removed to Weakley County, Tenn., and was one of the early settlers of the county. Locating on a farm in the Fourth District, he remained there until his death occurred in 1874. His mother was also a native of Virginia, was born in 1802, and died in June, 1883. Mr. Parrish was reared at home and obtained his education in the district schools. He was married in 1860 to Rebecca, the daughter of Robert and Catherine Pagine, who was born in Alabama, July 26, 1836. In 1855 he purchased a farm of 200 acres in the Fourth District, and in 1877 entered the saw and gristmill business in partnership with J. M. Lockridge, continuing for several years. At present they have a steam-saw and grist-mill near Mr. Parrish's residence, on the Dresden & Mayfield road, ten miles north of Dresden, and are doing a good business. Our subject is an enterprising, public-spirited man, always ready to lend a helping hand to all laudable enterprises, and especially liberal in his support of religious institutions. In politics he is a Democrat, and was strong in his opposition to the secession of his State in 1861. He and wife are members of the Primitive Baptist Church.

John PICKARD was born in Chatham County, N. C., in 1822, son of Thomas and Mary (Workman) Pickard, both born in Orange County, N. C., in 1793 and 1800, and died in Tennessee in 1859 and 1874, respectively. The father was a tiller of the soil, and in 1822 came to Tennessee, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was the father of six children, four of whom are living: William S., John, Catherine (widow of David Williams), and Richard E. Our subject's grandfather, John Pickard, was a native of Wales, After coming to the 'United States he settled in North Carolina. He was twice married, and was the father of twenty-four children-twenty sons and four daughters twelve children by each wife, and each the mother of ten sons and two daughters. Our subject was educated in the country schools, and March 19, 1843, was united in marriage to Elizabeth Hall, who died in 1844. In 1847 he married Sarah Ann Williams, daughter of Allen and Elizabeth Williams. Mrs. Pickard was born in 1833, and is the mother three children: Travis O., Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. R. E. Kelso), and Martha Jane (Mrs. S., M. Stephenson). Mrs. Pickard died on the 10th of March, 1879, and October 14 of the, following year he married Mary Elizabeth Timmons, daughter of John H. and Elizabeth Timmons. Mrs. Pickard was born in 1853, and has one son - James A. Garfield. This wife died May 20, 1884. In 1849 our subject purchased 80 acres of land near Boydsville, but has since increased his farm to 120 acres. He is a Democrat and a member of the Masonic fraternity, Lodge No. 121, Boydsville. He belongs to the Christian Church.

John T. PRIESTLY was born in Springfield, Robertson Co., Tenn., in 1824, and is one of four children, two of whom are living, born to the marriage of Dr. John Priestley and Hannah Montgomery, the same being consummated May 24, 1812. Dr. Priestley wag of English lineage, born in Davidson County, Tenn., in 1790. He studied medicine under Dr. Butler, and finished his medical education at Philadelphia. He practiced his profession in Sumner and Robertson Counties, and died in the latter county, in 1824. His widow married Beverly Nelson about 1829, and died in Haywood County, Tenn., in 1872. John T. (our subject) acquired a good business education, and November 12, 1846, married Eliza B., daughter of John M. and Ann Williams, of Rutherford County, and by her became the father of ten children: William, James B., John M., Robert Walter, Joseph L., Anna, Eveline (Mrs. Wm. C. Deuberry), Emmett D. and Thomas P. are living. In 1848 Mr. Priestley came to Weakley County, and purchased 170 acres, on which he located, and has since continued to reside. His farm now consists of 850 acres, the most of which is productive and valuable land. Being a Democrat, Mr. Priestley's first presidential vote was cast for Lewis Cass. He was a Mason for a number of years. Mrs. Priestley was born in Rutherford County, in 1828, and is a member of the Christian Church.

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