Goodspeed's History of Tennessee 1887

Biographies of Weakley County

Biographies - K
B. B. KING, register of Weakley County, Tenn., was born in Mecklenburg County, N. C., in 1826.  His father, J. W. King, was born in 1793 on the Atlantic Ocean, while his parents were crossing from Belfast, Ireland, to America.   He was a farmer and while in North Carolina, married Margaret S. Rogers, who was born in 1793 and died in 1836.  At the latter date he came to Tennessee, locating in Weakley County, where he died in 1872.   He was twice married, his second wife being Nancy B. Rochelle, who bore him three children.  Seven children were born to his first marriage.   He served as sheriff and magistrate while in North Carolina, and also filled the latter office while in Weakley County, Tenn.  Our subject resided on a farm until twenty years of age.   He then worked as clerk about six years, at different points and then returned to the farm.  In December, 1860, he wedded Jennette Lesieur, who died in 1862.  In 1864 he married Melissa Delisle, who died the same year, and in 1868 he wedded Angeline (Johnson) Neill, daughter of Thomas Johnson. Mrs. King was born in Calhoun, Ky., in 1844, and became the mother of the following children: Bertie, Beulah B., Joseph Andrew, John Robert, James Shannon, Victor Czar and Jeb. Stewart.  Mrs. King had two children by her first husband: Thomas L. and Mary.   In 1862 Mr. King enlisted in Company I, First Missouri Cavalry Regiment, and was at the battle of Frederickstown.   His principal duty was scouting and he remained in the service two years.   He resided in Missouri until 1869, when he returned home.   In 1880 he was elected county register to fill the unexpired term of W. T. Cardwell, who died in office, and in 1882 was re-elected for four years.  He has been faithful in the discharge of his duties and is an efficient officer. He is a Democrat and belongs to the Masonic and I.O.O.F. fraternities. He and wife are  members  of the Cumberland  Presbyterian Church.

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