Goodspeed's History of Tennessee 1887

Biographies of Weakley County

Biographies - F

Thomas H. FARMER, cashier of the Bank of Martin, is a Weakley County Tennessean and was born February 20, 1861.   His father, T. H. Farmer, was born in Halifax County of the Old Dominion, about 1835, and when a small boy was brought to Tennessee by his parents.   He was a farmer and tobacco dealer, and died in September, 1869.  The mother was born in the same place as her husband, but three years earlier.  Her maiden name was Lovelace, she being a sister of J. B. Lovelace, of  Martin, Tenn.    Her ancestors on her father's side came from England about two centuries ago.    There were four brothers, one of them being a man of no little literary ability.  The wilds of the new world soon became distasteful to him and he returned to England, where he afterward, became Lord Lovelace.   Mrs. Farmer is now residing with her daughter, Effie (Mrs. J. W. Hutcherson, of Martin).  Thomas H., our subject, obtained his early education in Weakley County, and afterward graduated front the S. W. B. University located at Jackson, Tenn., completing his education in 1880.   The next year his marriage with Lena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stevens, was celebrated.   To them were born two children: Harris H. (deceased), and George E. After completing his education, Mr. Farmer and his uncle, J. R. Lovelace, engaged in the milling business continuing about three years, when our subject purchased the entire property, but at the end of a year and a half disposed of a one-half interest to M. P. Martin, and six months later sold the entire property to A. Hatler.   In June, 1886, the Bank of Martin was established, and he is one of the stockholders and cashier of the same.   Mr. Farmer is a man of energetic habits, and his efforts have been attended with marked success.   He believes in National prohibition,and might be termed a Prohibitionist in politics.  He cast his first presidential vote for James G. Blaine.   He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church.

Alpheus D. FINCH, M. D., of Dresden, was born in Weakley County, in 1849.   His father, J. M. Finch, was of English descent, born in Granville County, N. C., in 1824.   He was brought to Tennessee when about two years of age.   He married Melissa Montgomery, in 1848, and followed the occupation of farming.   He is now one of the oldest citizens of Weakley County, and is highly esteemed for his many good qualities.   In 1878 he was elected county court clerk and held the office four years with credit to himself.   In 188a he moved to Gleason Station and there now resides.   His wife was born in 1831, and became the mother of the following children: Alpheus D., Benana, Cornelia E., J. Bruce, Ella, Lillie May, Zula and Emma Hite.   Our subject's grandfather was a farmer and carpenter by trade, and erected the first jail and assisted in erecting the first court house in Weakley County.   He was one of the first magistrates of Weakley County.   He and wife returned to North Carolina, their native State, on a business trip about the year 1842, and while they were returning, the carriage in which they were traveling upset at night and both were thrown out and killed.  He was a soldier in the war of 1812.   Our subject, Alpheus D., received an academic education in the Gleason Masonic Institute, was elected valedictorian of his class in 1870, began the study of medicine in 1871, and entered the medical department of Nashville University in the fall of 1873, where he remained for one session.   In 1874 he went to Howell County, Mo., but the following year returned home and located in Obion County, where he did a successful practice for six years.   Owing to, ill health he abandoned practice, and in 1881 came to Dresden and opened a drug store.   In the fall of 1884 he returned to his former alma mater and graduated as an M. D. in February, 1885.   In May of that year he resumed his practice, in which he has been very successful.   He is a Democrat, a member of the Methodist Church and of the orders of I.O.O.F. and Masonic fraternities.  In November, 1875, he married Laura A. Terrell, who died in September, 1876, and in July, 1878, he wedded E. Augusta Jones, who was born in 1854.   From this marriage there is one son, Carl D.

Mrs. Dr. T. J. FRAZIER, a resident of Ralston, Tenn., was born in Weakley County, Tenn., in 1833, being one of two children born to Capt. Job and Agnes Rogers.   Her father was a native of Granville County, N. C., and came to Weakley County, Tenn., in 1825, where he remained until his death in 1837.   Her mother was Agnes Rust, and was born in North Carolina in 1790, and died December 6, 1850.    Her father (our subject's grandfather) was born in 1794, and is still living, enjoying good health, being one of the oldest citizens in the county.   Mrs. Frazier was educated at Shady Grove Institute, and September 10, 1850, she was married to Dr. T. J. Frazier, who was born in Knox County, Tenn., on January 22, 1822.   He was educated at Paris, Henry Co., Tenn., and studied medicine under Dr. Mathewson, of that place, and afterward completed his medical course at the medical school of Louisville, Ky.    After marriage he began practicing his profession in Weakley County, living on his farm, seven miles north of Dresden, where they continued to reside until 1867, when they removed to the village of Ralston, where he died January 8, 1880.   He was a skillful and successful physician, and was well known throughout this and Henry County.    He was public-spirited, enterprising and gave a liberal support to all laudable public movements.   His death was universally regretted, as be was regarded as a good citizen and neighbor. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The subject's people were among the early settlers of Weakley County; and at present a large number of them are citizens of the county, all occupying prominent places in the estimation of the public.

J. E. FREEMAN's birth occurred in Nottoway County, Va., in November, 1828, and of a family of five children he and his sister, Mary A. (Mrs. J. P. Wood), are the only ones living.   Their parents, William H. and Lucy J. Freeman, were born in North Carolina and Virginia, in 1793 and 1800, and died in 1842 and 1869, respectively.   They were married in Virginia and came to Tennessee in 1836, being among the early settlers of Weakley County.   The father was a farmer and a soldier in the war of 1812.   Our subject received an academic education, and in 1858 married Portia J., daughter of Dr. Samuel Allen.   She was born in 1838 and died in 1868,  leaving four children: Virginia M. (Mrs. W. R. Harris), Nola, Johnnie and James V.   Mr. Freeman resided in Dresden until 1861, when he purchased a farm near Gardner's Station where he has since resided.   He owns 482 acres of land.   December 15, 1875, he married Elizabeth Rast, who was born in South Carolina in 1850.   They have five children: Tilden C., Marvin R., Annie I., Newell C. and Otis W.   He served as tax collector and deputy sheriff for some time, and then engaged in merchandising and tobacco dealing.   He was magistrate of Dresden, and has served one term since coming to the Third District.    He is a Democrat and a member of the Masonic and I.O.O.F.  fraternities. His wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church.   Mr. Freeman is a man of strong constitution, and for twenty-seven years after marriage there was not a single day that he was unable to attend to business.   He is of very temperate habits, and has not tasted liquor of any kind for nearly forty years.

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