Goodspeed's History of Tennessee 1887

Biographies of Weakley County

Biographies - D
Rev. J. H. DAVIS, a minister and farmer of the Eighteenth district, was born in Gilford County, N. C., January 12, 1820, and is the son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Howard) Davis, both natives of North Carolina.   His father was a saddler by trade.  Mr. Davis spent the days of his boyhood with John Kester, Esq., and his only education was that which he gained by his own exertions, studying at home.   In August, 1841, he married Sarah McCrary, a native of North Carolina, who died in 1842.   June 2, 1844, he married Sarah Clark, also a native of North Carolina, who was born November 22, 1822, and died  March 4, 1864.  To this marriage were born three children, viz.: Rebecca J., wife of A. L. Freeman; Lou, wife of James Hollis, and Agnes.   Mr. Davis came to Tennessee in November, 1857, and located at Yorkville, Gibson County, where he lived for eight years, and then removed to Weakley County, where he has since resided.    In October, 1864, he married Mrs. Collier, daughter of Archibald and Rebecca Rowlett, who was born in Virginia July 81, 1830.  To the last marriage three children have been born, two of whom are still living, viz.: P. A. and Emma P.   Mr. Davis has been a preacher of the Baptist Church for over thirty years. He has been a zealous worker in the cause of religion, rendering effective service to the Lord.   Politically he has affiliated with the Democracy since the death of the Whig party.    He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church.

E. R. DENT, magistrate and farmer of the Eighteenth District of Weakley County, Tennessee, is one of five children born to John B. and Nancy Dent, who were born in North Carolina July 30, 1812, and September 29, 1806, and died in Tennessee in 1884 and 1885 respectively.   They were married about 1834.   The father was a farmer.   Our subject was born in Weakley County, Tenn., October 4, 1841, and obtained a common school education.   October 3,1866, he married Martha A. Chambers, a daughter of J. W. and Margaret Chambers.   Mrs. Dent was born January 9, 1847, and is the mother of six children, viz.: Minnie B., Ida L., Effie D., James R., Eugenie M. and Jessie.   Mr. Dent has resided on two different farms in the Eighteenth District.   His present farm consists of 140 acres of well improved and fertile land, about three miles from Martin.   Mr. Dent has always been industrious and energetic and a man of good business principles.    In 1870 he was elected to his present office of magistrate and has served by re-election up to the present time.   He is a Democrat and his first presidential vote was cast for Horace Greeley.   He is a member of the K. of H., and he and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Joseph E. DENT's birth occurred in North Carolina in 1807, and he is one of eight children born to the marriage of John Dent and Eda Williams.    The former was born in North Carolina in 1783, and was married when about twenty-one years of age.    He died about 1845 and his widow a few years later.   His father, John Dent, Sr., was born in Maryland, and served as a private soldier in he Revolutionary war.   Joseph E. Dent was educated in the common schools, and when about nineteen years of age immigrated with his eldest sister, Mrs. Willis Cook, to Maury County, Tenn., and began working rented farms.   In 1828 he came to Dresden and worked for several years at the carpenter's trade, and in 1834 removed to Hickman, Ky., and after residing there until 1844 returned to Weakley County and took charge of his father-in-law's farm for about three years.   Since 1875 he has resided on his present farm of 210 acres.   He also owns several other tracts of land amounting in all to over 500 acres of land. He was formerly a Whig in politics, but since the war has been strictly conservative.   He belongs to the I.O.O.F.     In January, 1830, he married Catherine Jones, daughter of Israel and Margaret Jones.   They have no children of their own, but in 1852 they adopted an orphan boy, George W. RACHELS, whom they reared and who is now living on the farm with themselves.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Dent are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

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