Training School
Newspaper Articles - the FIRE &
rebuilding the school
February 12, 1915 GREENFIELD TRAINING SCHOOL IS BURNED On Thursday night of last week
Greenfield’s magnificent $18,000
training school building was reduced to ashes, the fire, which is
considered beyond a doubt to have been incendiary origin, was
discovered about 11:30 by members of Mr. Daniel Brock’s family. Mr.
Brock had company until a late hour, the party engaging in XXXX for
several hours. At about 11:30 a pistol shot caused Mr. Brock to go to
the door, when he discovered the blaze, then a very small one, in the
school building. Giving the alarm as he went, he made for the school
building, finding the fire on the stage in the second story. The
building was filled with a dense smoke, indicating that the blaze had
been smoldering for some time. Some one possessed the forethought to
close all entrances to the upper floor, this confining the smoke to
that part of the building and enabling those who had responded to the
alarm to save nearlyall the contents of the lower floor, including the
piano and desks, but nothing was saved from the second floor.
The building cost about $18,000, and the ground on which situated about $2000. The building and contents were insured for $10,500. That the fire was the result of an incendiary the citizens of Greenfield have not the slightest doubt. There had been no fire nor occasion for a fire in the room nor about the stage during the day. It is reported to us that some ten days before the building burned a scorched place somewhere about the building was discovered, and while it was thought by some to have been the result of a piece lighted paper being carelessly dropped there, others held to the belief that it was an attempt to fire the building. On Saturday the board of trustees got together and it was the unanimous verdict that a new and more modern and complete building take the place of the one burned, and as soon as the insurance is adjusted building operations will commence, demonstrating the character of those loyal gentlemen who have put their money into the Greenfield Training School. Mr. Harris informs us that school opened last Monday morning with practically every student in his or her place, the Edmonson residence, a large two story structure situated near the public school, being used for temporary quarters. Citizens throughout the entire county are in sympathy with Greenfield I all her recent fire losses, but more in this last loss than in previous ones. This school, since its foundation several years ago, has been doing a great work, the thoroughness of which is recognized throughout this entire section. Under the able administration of Messrs. Harris the school has been especially prosperous, and the friends of these gentlemen regret their loss. |
Dresden Enterprise
September 3, 1915 GREENFIELD TRAINING SCHOOL The opening exercises of the Greenfield Training School were held in the auditorium of the beautiful new building Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. The platform presented a very pleasing appearance in its banking of cut flowers and potted plants, for which the faculty is indebted to our lady friends who so untiringly aided in the furnishing and decorating. Professor Thurman gave a well worded address of welcome to the large and appreciative audience of patrons and friends gathered there to help efforts to restore to Greenfield one of her greatest blessing—the training school. Devotional exercises were conducted by Brother Astels, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The speakers for the occasion were Mr. Fulcher, editor of the Greenfield News, Professor Reed, principal of the public school, and Rev. Astels. Each, in his own way gave a very appropriate and effecting address. Miss Van Hooser most charmingly rendered a vocal solo. At the close of the exercises the visiting friends were dismissed and classification of students began. An enrollment was made which was far beyond the expectations of the faculty, much to the gratification of all well wishers of our school. The Enterprise predicts this will be the most successful term of the school. |
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