Old Schools Weakley County, Tennessee

The GHS Yellowjacket Football Team of 1940

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday September 13, 1940

Jackets To Play
Five Home Games

The Greenfield High School Yellowjackets have five home games for the 1940 season, opening here against a strong Parsons eleven on Sep, 20th and then going to Tiptonville the following Friday.

On Oct. 4th, they meet Bruceton on the home field and go to Dresden on October 11th. Rivals of long standing, Martin High, comes here on October 18. That game always gets a good crowd. The boys go to G1eason on October 25 and to Trimble on Nov. 1st. Prof. David Halliburton is the mentor at Trimble and he evidently wants to take on a few more lessons from the old stomping ground.

The last two games of the season are played in Greenfield. McKenzie comes here on Nov 8th and Bolivar on Nov. 15th.
The Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring sa1es of Season Tickets for the five home games. A ticket costs just one dollar and we would encourage all to generously support this sales campaign.

Order of season games:

The Greenfield Gazette
September 27, 1940

Jackets Down
Parsons Eleven
In Opening Game

The Greenfield Yellowjackets emerged victorious in their first grid combat of the 1940 season, defeating the Parsons eleven 12-0. This opener, played on Harris Field, was witnessed by a large, crowd of Ye1Iowjacket supporters, as well as several "toot-em-uppers" from Parsons.

The local eleven pitched into battle with plenty of spirit and soon moved into scoring position. Johnson, Yellowjacket quarter back, carried the pigskin through and across for the first score. The try for the extra point failed.

In the second quarter, the Yellowjackets continued to wage their cooperative attack in earnest, and Johnson with the proper aid from his ten brethren, galloped across for another six points. The extra point attempt again failed.

Parsons began to perk up a bit in the third quarter, but not to the point of scoring. They came out with blood in their eyes, but the vim, vigor and vitality of the Yel1owjackets held them in their places. During the second half, Coach Herndon sent in a number of substitutes, a policy, I that was applauded by the"grid veterans present. All the subs showed their appreciation for their "breaks" 'by holding the Parsons eleven without gain.

Here is the lineup of Yellowjackets that stung Parsons: LE, Moore; LT, Harris; LG, Reddick; C, Fred Medlin; RG, Overton; RT, Higgs; RE, Doran; QE, Johnson; LH, Hansbrough; RH, Medlin; FE, McDonald; Substitutes, Porter, Hall, Brock, Foust, Davidson, Sullivan, Hansbrough, Maness, Lane and Maiden.

‘Jackets To Play Tiptonville Tonight

The Greenfield Yellowjackets are not content to sit back and rest in the glory of their victory over Parsons last Friday, but will throw their power and skill against the Tiptonville eleven at Tiptonville tonight. Coach Herndon says that the Tiptonville boys are plenty tough, but the bigger they are the harder they fall. Throw it to ‘em boys.

Yellow Jackets Romp To Victory

The Greenfield Yellow Jackets won another victory Friday night when they defeated the Tiptonville team there 7 to 0. Next Friday afternoon the Yellow Jackets will play the Bruceton team here. Another interesting game is expected.


Old G.H.S. is coming right out of the kinks, athletically speaking this season. Her swarm of thirty hot Yellowjackets continue to thrust their stingers at uninitiated opposing teams. From the mass of thirty potential hard driving players, eleven tried and true are chosen to take charge of the pigskin for G.H.S. every week--and how! -- no matter when or where, Coach Herndon’s line-up is not permanent, but varies enough to allow players who rank along together in ability to exchange positions, and to give ‘em all a bite. Of course all in the group of thirty reporting for practice cannot expect to get to strut their stuff this year, but their time is coming.

But to get back to what I started to say in the first paragraph when my mind go to wandering--G.H.S. laid Tiptonville among the daises to the tune of 7-0 Friday night. And think of it, everybody “allowed as how” Greenfield would have to take a licking for the Tiptonville toughies.

The only scoring play in the game was during the first quarter. Captain Harris blocked a punt, Moore recovered and Hansbrough went over from the two yard line. Moore drop kicked for the extra point.

The Yellowjackets buzzed right on through the game with the same old spirit but the Tiptonville boys tightened down some, but too late. The chief ground gainers were Bob McDonald and Thos. Hansbrough. Tiptonville came within a hair’s breadth of scoring in the last fifteen seconds of the game; one Tiptonville man figuring it was about time to do some performing, took off in a weaving way and started out for a touchdown. Fortunately for G.H.S. he stepped out of bounds, and the many Tiptonville rooters’ mouths that were open to yell for their saviour had nothing to do but snap shut. Another in the line of victories for G.H.S. 

Here is the Yellojacket lineup that defeated Tiptonville: LE. Doran; LT Harris; LG Reddick; C. Hansbrough (Mac); RG. Overton; RT. Higgs; RE. Moore; QB. McDonald; RH. Medling; LH. Brock; FB. Hansbrough (Thomas).

Coach Herndon is really proud of his boys this year.

“During the years I have been coach at Greenfield,” he declared, “I have had more promising material to work with this year than any other previous year. Prior to the ’40 season, there have not been enough boys going out for the necessary scrimmage. The boys seem to realize this, and they are getting right down to business. They’re sticking together and working very satisfactorily.”

According to Coach Herndon, most of the boys have been observing training rules; only two or three, he believes, continue to patronize the tobacco manufacturers. He says that it is a little hard for the boys to subject themselves to a rigid food course, but that they should do the best they could.

“Eating between meals is a habit that should not be practiced by anyone attempting to keep in good condition for athletics,” said Coach Herndon; “when a person feels the urge to eat between meals he should eat some fruit or drink a large quantity of water. This will serve to curb the appetite until mealtime.”

The field is in good condition this year, although it has been rather dusty up to now. The City fire department was inspired to dampen the field for the boys one day last week, which they appreciated. Greenfield has a football field that is the envy of a good many West Tennessee towns of this size. Harris Field is quite a change for the better from the old gullied field, covered with bricks and cinders, that the boys had to play on several years ago.

A number of the boys are allowd to report for practice before school is dismissed in the afternoon; that is, as soon as they are through “saying their pieces” in the classrooms. The following boys have this advantage: Porter, Hall, Harris, Maness, Overton, Fred Medling, Mac Hansbrough, Davidson, Brock, Thomas Hansbrough, Johnson, McKelvy, Bailey, Gearin and Crawley.

The Bruceton eleven come to Greenfield today to pitch their strength against the Yellowjackets. Bruceton has a darned good team, it is said, so we can look forward to a good game. Mac will probably be back to his position at center and other changes may be made in the lineup. Anyhow I’ll bet a dollar to a donut that Greenfield will have a line of men that will knock ’em cold. We’ll soon know.

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday, October 4, 1940

G. H. S. Vs. Bruceton

The Greenfield Yellowjackets will battle the Bruceton eleven here on Harris Field today at 2:45. Both teams are hitting hard this season, and a good game is assured. The Jackets stand undefeated so far this season, but today's results are unpredictable Go on out and see for yourself.

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday, October 11, 1940

Yellowjackets Down Another Eleven

The Greenfield High School Yellowjackets still hold their undefeated, un-scored on record this season after the battle with Bruceton here last Friday, wherein the Jackets emerged victorious by 18 against Bruceton's nothing. Bruceton, we might add, is Coach Herndon's home town, and this victory made him rather happy, no doubt.

We hesitate to strew many flowers to the individuals on the Yellowjacket team who were responsible for the scoring, because the mentioning of one or two brings down the rest of the flock on your head, which is bad. And it is true that combined teamwork alone can win a game ---one man alone, no matter how he presses the collar, cannot score. It remains, though, some do work better than others. So we'll say that the Yellowjackets, one and all, laid the Bruceton team lower than a snake's tummy.

T'he Jackets are treated to a free picture show following their victories each week by the Palace Manager, a very kind gesture, so the boys say. Today they wage their forces against the Dresden High Eleven. To put it briefly, it will be plenty tough. Game begins at 2:30 on the Dresden field.

Mac Hansbrough will be back at the center position.

Greenfield Yellowjackets Down Bruceton 18-0

Greenfield High Yellowjackets outplayed a strong Bruceton eleven Friday for an 18-0 decision.

Greenfield     Bruceton
Moore    LE   King
Lane   LT   Brown
Overton  LG   Rogers 
Medling  C   Shaw
Reddick  RG   Noles
Harris   RT   Wyatt
Doran   RE   Johnson
Medling  LH   Heckerson
Hansbrough  RH   Wright
McDonald  FB   White

Substitutions: Greenfield----- Hansbrough, Higgs, Porter, Hall, Davidson, Sullivan, Maness, Foust and Maiden.  Bruceton---- Cox, Herndon, Brown, Cox.

Referee---Claud Brock of Humboldt; Head linesman---Norman Campbell of Greenfield; Timekeeper----Russell Fisher of Sharon.                                                  

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday, October 18, 1940

Jackets Prove More Powerful
Than The Lions

The Greenfield Yellowjackets succeeded in crushing Dresden's hopes for going to the Rose Bowl when they defeated the Dresden Lions 13-6 on the Dresden field Friday.

The Jackets new out on the field with their wings scorching for having been burned in effigy by ardent Lion patriots the night before. The Dresden supporters went so far as to construct dummies of the Jackets and burn them, so sure were they of the downfall of our home team: But, alas, they awoke to a sad fact Friday, when our eleven fighters laid them low, very low, so low in fact, that their dominant roar has decreased to a mere purr.

McDonald scored for Greenfield in the first quarter. In the fourth quarter Moore kicked out on the six inch line, and Doran and Harris blocked the punt to pave the way for another touchdown. Everyone of the Jackets stuck together like molasses in January to win this coveted victory, and they deserved and got plenty of praise for their thorough job.

Clipping (probably Dresden Enterprise)
Yellow Jackets To Meet Martin Here

Next Friday afternoon the Greenfield Yellow Jackets will play the Martin team here. This promises to be a most interesting game. The Yellow Jackets defeated the Dresden team Friday, 13 to 6. They have not been defeated the entire season. This game with Martin will be watched with much interest.

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday, November 1, 1940

Yellowjackets Are Still Undefeated

The Yellowjackets maintained their undefeated record after battling the Martin Panthers here on Harris field Friday. Although the game ended 0-0 it was crammed with action every quarter.

One of the biggest crowds to witness a game on Harris Field was on hand to lend political aid to the boys on both sides. The Martin section alone made a good crowd and they urged the Panthers on plenty.

McDonald provided the biggest thrill of the game when he intercepted a Martin pass late in the fourth quarter and scampered seventy yards before being brought down on the Martin ten yard line.

Both Martin and Greenfield are undefeated for the season.

Today the Jackets play the Gleason eleven there with the local eleven favored to win.

The Game Between Martin-Greenfield

The much looked forward to football game Friday between Martin and the Yellow Jackets resulted in a tie, 0 to 0. Though the Yellow Jackets could not claim a victory, they did not lose. the game and to date they still have not been defeated.

Next Friday they play Gleason, there. Some of Greenfield’s best players were unable to be in Friday’s game.

Greenfield 24, Gleason 0

Gleason, Tenn. Oct. 26.-- Putting up one of the hardest fights of the season, Gleason High Bulldogs fell victims to the heavier Greenfield squad here Friday afternoon at Hamilton Field, 24 to 0.

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday, November 8, 1940

'Jackets Defeated Trimble 14-0 Friday

The Greenfield Yellowjackets defeated Trimble High School last Friday by a score of 14 to 0. Although an interesting game was played throughout, no scoring was done until the last half when the 'Jackets quit "fooling around" and tightened down on the Trimble boys. Touchdowns were made by Captain George Harris and Co-Captain Thomas Hansbrough.

The local eleven: will engage the McKenzie team today on Harris field. The results of the game today will determine the "Little Ten" Champions.

Attended Game

Those attending the football game at Trimble were: Mr. and Mrs. Neal Freeman, Chas. Argo, Joe Barton, Peggy Gallimore, Nancy Grooms, Dorothy Keel Argo. Evelyn Wright, Joseph Barton, Joy Gallimore, Josephine Moseley, Edd Hill, Robert Elvis Jeter, Edward Maness, Jack Sweringen, Earl J. Sullivan, Fred McDuffey.

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday, November 15, 1940

Jackets Are "Little Ten" Champions 1940

The Greenfield Yellowjackets have won the laurels this year . They are winners of the Little Ten Conference, and the people of this area are as proud for the boys and Coach Herndon as they are for theirselves. With the winning of the McKenzie game here 16-7, the 'Jackets were acclaimed the undisputed champions of the conference. Nineteen boys pushed the pigskin for G. H. S. this season. They have scored 106 points against their opponents 13 this season.

Friday's game was one that drew attention from the first to the last. When Moore kicked the field goal that started Green field to scoring, the McKenzie spectators seemed to sink in a body, and they stayed sunk. The McKenzie boys tightened down as best they could when they regained their composure after the first Yellowjacket score.

The Homecoming game will be played this afternoon with Bolivar, a team by no means soft. The football queen, ,Miss Nancy Grooms, will be crowned this afternoon, and former G. H. S. students will gather to watch what will more than likely be a very tough game.

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday, November 22, 1940

Jackets Won Final Game of Season 52-6

The Yellowjackets added another scalp to their collection Friday when they defeated the Bolivar eleven 52-6. The Jackets scored almost as soon as they got in action, and then Bolivar boys slipped in their only touchdown.

Nearly every boy on the Yellowjacket squad took part in the Bolivar massacre. Harris scored 18 points; Thomas Hansbrough scored 6 points; Sullivan scored 18 points; MacDonald scored 3 points and Medlin scored 8 points.

Greenfield’s total score for the current season to 158 points against competitive teams combined score of 19 points. Scores for games are: Greenfield - Parsons 14-0; Tiptonville 7-0; Bruceton 18-0; Dresden 13-6; Martin 0-0; Gleason 24-0; Tribble 14-0; McKenzie 16-7 and Bolivar 52-6.

As the record shows Greenfield is undefeated and tied only once.

Two Bolivar players were injured in Friday’s game, one suffered a broken ankle, and the other a jaw broken in two places. They were given immediate medical attention.

Miss Nancy Grooms, a Senior class member, was crowned queen of the Yellowjackets with a short ceremony before the game.

The Greenfield band, directed by Miss Parrish, and the pep squad have helped to spur the boys on to their string of victories.

Special to the Commercial Appeal
Greenfield Boasts Little Ten Laurels

Greenfield, Tenn., Nov. 12--- Greenfield High Yellowjackets, after staying in the West Tennessee prep football background several years have marched to the Little Ten Conference championship.

Other teams in the loop are Tiptonville, Martin, Ridgely, Newbern, McKenzie, Dresden, Huntingdon, Bruceton and Gleason.

The Greenfield Gazette
Friday, December 20, 1940

Football Boys
Guests Of Men
At Stag Banquet

Members of the 1940 Greenfield High 'School Football Squad were guests of the business men of Greenfield last Thursday night at a stag banquet at the Colonial Hotel There were 48 men and boys in attendance.

Retiring Captain George Harris announced the election of Hayden (Hez) Medling as captain for 1941 and James Reed Doran as alternate captain.

Coach Joe Herndon presented “letters" in the form of gold footballs to nineteen players as follows: George Harris, James Reed Doran, C. U. Moore, Ray Porter, Robert Hall, Jimmy Higgs, Benton Lane, Charles Maness, Wash Reddick, Thomas Overton, Fred Medling, Mack Hansbrough, Hayden Medling, Julian Brock, Spurygeon McKelvey, Thomas Hansbrough, W. D. McDonald, Billy Brock Davidson, Wiley Foust.

Coach Herndon distributed all the, letters, save one, and gave Prof. Moore the pleasure and distinction of handing the letter to his own son, C. U., Jr.

Pep talks, brief and otherwise were made by everyone present. Joel H. Clark acted as toastmaster.

The banquet was occasioned by the Greenfield Yellowjackets having won the 1940 "Little Ten" Championship. The affair was a success in every detail.

Mascot, Billy Wright

Bottom Row L to R; W. D. McDonald; Wiley Foust; Charles Maness; Billy Maiden; Billy Brock Davidson; Jr. Gearin; Ray Sims;

2nd Row L to R; Mac Hansbrough; Spurgeon McKelvy; Julian Brock; George Doan Harris; Ray Porter; James Reed Doran; Thomas Hansbrough; Prof. C. U. Moore

Back Row L to R; Coach Joe Ted Herndon; Hayden "Hez" Medling; Wash Reddick; C. U. Moore, Jr.; Jimmy Higgs; Fred Medling; Benton Lane; Robert Hall

Submitted by Joe Stout

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