Confederate Veteran
Veteran's Pension Application

Under the Class "5."

I, W. [William]Campbell a native of the State of Tennessee and now a citizen of Tennessee, resident near Hollow Rock in the County of Carroll in said State of Tennessee, and who was a soldier from the State of Tennessee, in the war between the United States and the Confederate States, do hereby apply for aid under the Act of the General Assembly of Tennessee, entitled "An Act for the benefit of the indigent and disabled soldiers of the late war between the States, and to fix the fees of attorneys or agents for procuring such pensions, and fixing a penalty for the violation of the same." And I do solemnly swear that I was a member of, at first I was a member of the 15th Tennessee regiment, Company, A. Afterwards a member of Wm. Forest's Co. McDonald bitalion in the service of the Confederate or United States, and that by reason of disability and indigence I am now entitled to receive the benefit of this Act. I further swear that I do not hold any National, State, or County office, nor do I receive aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, and that I am not an inmate of any soldier's home, and that I am unable to earn a reasonable support for myself and family. I do further solemnly swear that the answers given to the following questions are true:

In what County, State, and year were you born?
Born in 1842 in Henderson County Tennessee

When did you enlist and in what command? Give the names of the regimental and company officers under whom you served.
I enlisted in the 15th Tennessee Co. A. I served under Col. William Carroll, Cap. Ben Ezell, Co. "A."

In what battle or battles were you engaged, and, if not wounded, state what disabilities did you receive, if any?
Belmont, Cross Roads [Parker's Cross Roads], Thompson's Station, Chicamauga [Chickamauga], Oklona [Okolona], Harisburgh [Harrisburg], Memphis, Trice's Cross Roads [Brice's Cross Roads], and others. Not wounded but ruptured while in war.

What was the precise nature of your wound or disability, if any?

Were you incapacitated for service by reason of said wound or disability incurred?

Were you discharged from the army by reason of said wound or disability?

If discharged from the army, where were you and what did you do until the close of the war?
Not discharged.

What was the name of the surgeon who attended you?

How did you get out of the army, when and where?
I went with Liet. S.B. Solomon after some men that had left the army. After we all got together, S.B. Solomon said we could not make it back, and were disbanded Feb. 15-1865 and as the war soon closed we never got back together.

Did you take the oath of allegience to the United States Government?

If so, when and under what circumstances?
I here file parole, (see)

Are you married, or have been married?

If so, what is the size of your family living together?
Wife and nine children.

What are the respective ages of your wife and the children living with you?
Wife 38, children 14-13-11-10-8-6-(3-3 twins)-1.

To what sex do your children belong?
4 males, 5 females.

Are not some of your children able to support you?
None of them large enough.

In what business are you engaged, if any, and what do you earn?
Farmer, earn about $250.00 per year.

What estate have you in your own right, real and personal, and what is its value?
No real estate, and but little personal property, worth about $150.00.

What estate has your wife in her own right, real and personal, and what is its value?

How have you derived support for yourself and family for the last five years?
By my own work and management.

Do you use intoxicants to any extent?

How long have you an actual resident of the State of Tennessee?
All my life.

Have you an attorney to look after this application?

If so, give his name and address.

       Witness my hand, this 25th day of January 1908
                                                W. Campbell   
              W.M. Wright       , Physician
              J.R. Pressana[?] , Witness
            Thos. G. Gaskins  , Witness     V.R. Burk

State of Tennessee, } 
    Carroll    County.    I, W.A. Hill Trustee of said County, certify that 
W. Campbell and his wife                     are assessed with no acres, valued at $none, and with $no personal property.
        Witness my hand, this 27 day of January 1908.
                                                        W.A. Hill Trustee.

         If applicant and his wife have no property the Trustee must so certify.

Submitted by Jeff Viar


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