Photos of Greenfield, TN

The Boy Scouts of Greenfield. The Scout Troop of the 1930’s built the cabin included here. The cabin is still standing and is on a farm located on highway 54. It is the land that is to the right just past Spring Creek going all the way up the hill where Mt. Hermon Church is. The cabin is located in the woods about ?  mile east of the highway. - Joe Stout

The Cabin in the woods

Joe crossing rope bridge they had made

This is a photo of the Scout cabin about 1946 with some of the Greenfield Troop.
L to R: Dick Brock, Bobby Mitchell, Jerry Coats, Unknown,Unknown, Gene Williamson, Lyndell Swindell, Billy Wright

Joe in his Hippy Days
The Ghost in the Church Story by Joe Stout

In 1944 our Boy Scout troop here in Greenfield was meeting in the basement of the Presbyterian Church.  Brother S. O. Payne was our scoutmaster and he was also the pastor of the church. 

At one of the meetings that year Bobby Mitchell and I got there early and as it was getting dark decided to turn on the lights in the church.  The switch box was located in the vestibule just at the bottom of the stairs from where the Sunday school rooms were located. 

As I was reaching to turn on the lights we heard this sound coming down the stairs going clomp clomp clomp.  This scared me so bad that I froze.  Bobby, who was standing beside me started to run.  I was so terrified that I could not move but I knew that if Bobby were to get out I would be left alone there in the dark.  Even though I could not move I did reach out and grab Bobby by the collar and hold him for several seconds while deciding that I did have to move because if I did not what ever the thing was coming down
the stairs would get us.  After what seemed like an hour but was only a few seconds I finally managed to run. 

We ran down the steps of the church and got some distance away and pretty soon some more of the troop and our scoutmaster arrived.  We hurriedly told them all the story of what had happened.  By having an adult and several other members of the troop it gave us the confidence to all go in the church, turn on the lights and look to see what it was making the sound of someone coming down the stairs with a loud noise.  After searching the entire church nothing was found. 

To this day I have no idea what it was making the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs but I never enter that church and go near those stairs that I fail to think of that frightening experience.


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Jane Colmenares

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