Big Cypress Tree Park Festival
Greenfield, Tennessee
Sept 2004

Festival sponsored by the FRIENDS OF BIG CYPRESS TREE PARK

Photos of the Festival 2004

Photo 1 - Master of ceremonies, President of the Friends of Big Cypress Tree Park.

Photo 2 - Guest speaker talking about Davy Crockett with picture of his cabin in Rutherford, TN

Photo 3 - Campbell Cousins - MaryCarol, Marjorie & Loretta

Photo 4 -  Group shot - storytelling time

Photo 5 - The food wagon - a money making project for Greenfield's High School Seniors

Photo 6 - Special awards to the Tillman Family whose ancestors donated the land for the park

Photo 7 - Music by the Southern Sounds

Photo 8 - Music by the Southern Sounds

Photo 9 - Greenfield's graduating class of 2005 worked the food wagon


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Webpage & Photo Graphics by MaryCarol