WAR of 1812
Stephen Herring GROOMS
1790 - 1833
Served from Georgia

Stephen Herring GROOMS, brother of Bright  GROOMS [1790-1862] who also served in War of 1812.   The two brothers moved to Weakley County aroung 1826 from Todd County, Kentucky.  Prior to that they lived in Tennessee and Georgia. Stephen enlisted with the 3rd (Few's)  Georgia Militia, Captain Edmond Hopson's Co., of Georgia State Troops. He appears on the Company Muster rolls as follows: 
Entering service Sept 26, 1814, and was discharged on Mar 2, 1815. 

The Company Pay Roll gives the following information: 
From Residence, Washington County, to rendezvous, was 55 miles.  From Camp Covington (where discharged) to residence, was 140 miles, From Rendezvous and discharge, to residence 195 miles.  Travelling to and from residence, 13 days.  Term of service charged, 5 months, 17 days.  Contract price of rations, 17 cents.  Pay per month, 8 dollars.  Pay, 44 Dollars, 53 Cents.  Subsistence, 0 dollars, 51 cents.  Total amount of pay and subsistence, 45 dollars, 04 cents.  signed, copiest, J. Baker. On one of his Company Muster Roll is for: -from Sept 23, 1814. Roll dated Camp Jackson, Sept 24, 1814,  time engaged six months. Present or Absent, present. commanded by Col. Ignatius A. Few

Submitted by Charlie Campbell


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