WAR of 1812

Served from Nashville, Tennessee

John Drewry�s War of 1812 Declaration

State of Tennessee
County of Weakley

On this 10 day of April 1855 AD, personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid, John Drewry aged 65 years, a resident of Weakley County in the State of Tennessee who being duly sworn according to law declares that he is the identical John Drewry who was a Lieutenant in the company commanded by Captain MacKey in the 1st regiment of Colonel Phillip Pipkin commanded by General Jackson in the War of 1812 or Creek Indian War and continued in actual service six months and was honorably and continued in actual war service in said War for 14 days that he has heretofore made application for Bounty Lands under the act of March 1852 and received a land warrant No______for 80 acres which has since been sold.  He made this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the additional Bounty Land to which he may be entitled under the act approved the 3rd of March 1855.  He also declares that he never applied for nor received under this nor any other act of Congress and Bounty Land Warrant except the one above mentioned.

John Drewry

We John J. Drewry and Thomas E. Moseley, residents of Weakley County in the State of Tennessee upon our oaths declare that the above John Drewry is known to us personally.

Submitted by MaryCarol

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