Old Timey Tales

Hiccups & Miss Nanny Campbell
by Joe Stout


Miss Nanny Campbell was the 7th grade teacher at Greenfield Grammar School in 1943. Her husband, Mr. Jessie Campbell, was my 8th grade teacher and also the Grammar School Principal.

One day during that year I developed a bad case of hiccups in Mr. Jessie's class. I held my hand up and asked permission to go down the hall to the water fountain to get a drink of water. One of the old time remedies was to hold your breath and take several swallows of water. Sometimes this remedy worked but many times it did not.

As I was passing Miss Nanny's room she was standing in the doorway as the door was open. Just as I passed her one of those loud hiccups was audible as sometimes happens when you hiccup with your mouth open. At that point Miss Nanny stopped me and told me to stand in front of her class. She then instructed me to hiccup for all the class to see and hear. Needless to say this immediately "cured" my hiccups.

Ever since that experience when others around me have the hiccups I have used this technique to cure them with about a 99% success rate. Even if it's just one on one have the person look you in the eye and give you a big hiccup.

Try it. It does work.


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