William McNairy COATS from MOSELY & EZZELL
180 Acres – $2,137.62

Book V Page 75   Weakley County, Tennessee

Registered February 15, 1871 at 10 oclock AM
Robert MOSELY &
To} Deed
W M COATS [William McNairy]
We Robert MOSELY and M EZZELL have this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer and convey to W.M. COATS, and his heirs & assigns forever for the consideration of Twenty one hundred and thirty seven & 62/100 Dollars to us in hand paid as follows (viz) one third down one third 25th Dec 1870 and the other third 25th Dec 1871 a certain tract or parcel of land cituated lying and being in the State of Tennessee Weakley County 13th Surveyors District Range 1st and Section 5 Beginning on the North boundry of the locative Interest of the original John G & Thomas BLOUNTS three thousand acre Entry at a Stake white oak poplar and ash pointers, thence East 115 poles with said locative interest to a Stake & three hickory pointers. P B MOSELY North boundry thence North 251 poles to a Stake hickory & dogwood pointers Near Mrs GAILYS S.E, Corner, thence West 115 poles to a Stake poplar and oak pointers, S W Corner of Mrs GAILY, thence South 251 poles to the beginning containing one hundred & Eighty Acres more or less. to have and to hold the same to the Said W.M. COATS his heirs and assigns forever. We do covenant with the said W M COATS that we are lawfully seized of said land have a good right to convey the same and that the same is unincumbered We do covenant and bind ourselves our heirs representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to the Said land and every part thereof to the said W M COATS his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever. Given under our hands an d seals this the 10 of September 1869.
John WHIT      Robert MOSELY (seal)
James C GALY     Mason EZZELL (seal)

State of Tennessee
Weakley County
Personally appeared before me E J Looney clerk Robert MOSELY and M EZZELL the above bargainers with whom I am personally acquainted and acknowledged the Execution of the above and foregoing deed on the day it bears date and for the purposes therein contained given under my hand at office on this 22 day of April 1870.
Clerk fee      .25     E J LOONEY clerk of
State tax    2.13     Weakley County Court
County tax 2.13
                  4.51 Paid
Stamped with one dollar & fifty cents U S Revenue

Transcribed & submitted by Kathy Faul