Weakley County Deed Book 26, Page 138
This Deed, made on the 23 day of Jan. 1901, between W.M. ORR of the first part, and D. JONES of the second part.  Witnesseth, that the said W.M. ORR and wife M.M. ORR for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Dollars, to be paid as follows: In exchange of land.  Do by these presents hereby sell, transfer and convey to the said D. JONES and his heirs and assigns, a certain lot or parcel of land containing about 33 acres more or less, lying in Civil District No 22 of Weakley County State of Tennessee, and bounded as follows: About one mile north west of Greenfield and bounded on the north by the lands of A.J. BARTON, on the east by the lands of C.C. REEVES, on the west by the land of John W. JONES, on the south by the lands of O. ELLSBURY.  It being the same conveyed to me by and of — [left blank] on the 22 day of Jan 1901, and recorded in the town of Dresden, Tenn on the 22 day of Jan. 1901 in book 24 page 458.  To have and to hold said land to said D. JONES and his heirs and assigns forever, we do covenant with said D. JONES that we are lawfully seized and possessed of said land and have a good right to convey the same, and that it is unencumbered.  We further covenant and bind ourselves and representatives to forever defend the title to said land to said D. Jones and his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whosoever . . . [the last line was not copied by the Registrar of Deeds]

[D. Jones was Darling Jones, W. M. and M.M. Orr were William M. and Mary Margaret Lawless Orr.  John W. Jones’ relationship, if any, to Darling Jones has not been established.]

Submitted by Nancy Denty Breidenthal