Weakley County Deed Book I, Page 441

Registered May 5th  1851
At 6 O Clock  P.M.

 This indenture made and entered into this 23rd day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred & fifty one brtween Mark PATTERSON of the County of Henderson & State of Tennessee and Riddle PATTISON of the County of Weakley & State aforesaid of the other part.  Witnesseth  that for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred and twenty nine dollars paid in hand to him the said Mark PATTISON  paid by said Riddle PATTISON , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, therefore the said Mark PATTISON hath given, granted & sold and doth by these presents give, grant, bargain & sell & convey to the said Riddle PATTISON, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land situated in Weakley County, State of Tennessee in the 13th district, range 2, section 5, containing one hundred thirty three & a third acres, it being part of 4360 acres entered in the name of John McKININ, No. of Entry 523, the said one hundred thirty three & a third acres bounded as follows, to wit, beginning in a dogwood, poplar & maple pointers Thomas PATTERSON’s south west corner, thence east 173 poles  to a  hickory and dogwood  said Thomas PATTISON’s south east corner, thence south 143 2/3 poles to a stake, ash, dogwood & poplar pointers, thence west 45 poles to white oak and dogwood, poplar & black gum pointers, thence north 40 poles to iron wood and elm  & hickory pointers, thence west 45 poles to a stake, two hickory & white oak pointers, thence south 5 1/3 poles to a stake, two elms & dog wood pointers, thence west 83 poles to a white oak, white oak & beech pointers, thence north 123 2/3 poles to the beginning.  To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land with all its rights and privileges unto the said Riddle PATTISON or his heirs & assigns forever and the said Mark PATTERSON doth covenant and agree to and with said Riddle PATTERSON, his heirs & assigns that the right and title of said tract land, he more doth and will forever hereafter warrant & defend unto him the said Riddle PATTERSON & his heirs and assigns against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whomsoever.  In witness whereof said Mark PATTISON has hereunto set his hand & seal on the day and year within written.  Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us.
Mark PATTERSON     Seal
     Samuel BAKER
     Thomas  x  PATTERSON

Submitted by Nancy Denty Breidenthal