Klinginsmith Letter


Ellen KLINGINSMITH to ESSIE 8-24-1932. 507 Bushey Ave. Caruthersville, MO.

Dear Essie:

I am writing to you to find out what has become of Walter and Mary Bradberry. I wrote Mary two letters since I have left there but she never answered either of them her health was so bad when I left there. I am uneasy about her. I wish you would write and tell me something about them and did you ever get work at the shirt factory there is nothing here for any body to do did the Midwest Ice Cream bus. move there factory away from Martin If Mary is still there ask her if Mrs. Lesly Griffin or Mrs. McDanials. Wants a housekeeper and Essie did Marry get to work in the shirt factory or does she still keep boarders. I am sending this letter in care of Bennie Ford because I do not know your house number. Now Essie answer my letter and tell me all the news you know and if Mary still lives there tell her to write me a nice long letter I now she dont care very much for me but she is the only sister I have living and I wish she would write to me sometimes she cannot write but Walter can Will close with best regards to every body.  Ellen Klinginsmith.  Submitted by Sharon McNair-Thurman

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