Book V Page 75
Registered February 14th 1871 at 1 oclock P M

Jas J Atkins
To}  Deed
J R Atkins
This Indenture made and entered into this the 26th day of January 1869 between Jas J Atkins of the one part and J R Atkins of the other al of Weakley County and State of Tennessee. Witness that for and inconsideration of the sum of two hundred and Seventy (270) Dollars in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Jas J Atkins has this day bargained and sold to the said J>R. Atkins all of his interest in that tract or parcel of land belonging by inheritance and Deed to Jas J Atkins J.R. Atkins Mary L Atkins and Martha J Butler lying and being in the county and of Weakley and State of Tennessee in Range two Section Seven thirteenth Surveyors district on the North Side of the Middle fork of the Obion river and being bounded as flows beginning at a black oak with black oak pointers running then Wet one hundred and forty sic (146) poles to a Stake with white oak & Dogwood pointers thence South one hundred and Ninety Seven and one half (197 _) poles to a Stake with Black oak and post oak pointers thence East Seventy nine (79) poles to a Stake with post oak pointers thence North Seventy four (74) poles to a Stake with post oak pointers then East forty (40) poles to a Stake with hickory pointers thence South Seventy four (74) poles to a Stake with Elm pointers then East fifty four (54) poles to a Stake with post oak pointers thence North Seventy four (74) poles to a black oak with black oak pointers then West thirty (30) poles to a Stake with persimmon pointers thence one hundred and nineteen and a half (119 _) poles to the beginning containing by estimation one hundred and seventy five (175) Acres Said interest being Eighteen (18) acres. I the said Jas J Atkins bind myself my heirs and representatives forever to warrant and defend the title to Said Land against the lawful claims of all and every other person whatsoever. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and date above mentioned.
J J Atkins (Seal)

State of Tennessee
Weakley County
Personally appeared before me E J Looney Clerk of Weakley County Court J J Atkins the above barginor with whom I am personally aquainted and acknowledged the Execution of the above and forgoing deed on the day it bears date and for the purposes therein Mentioned. Given under my hand at office on this 5 of January 1871.    E J Looney clerk

State Tax   .25
County ì     .25   Stamped with fifty
Clerk fees  .25   cents U S Revenue
                  .75 paid

Transcribed & Submitted by Kathy Faul