Gatewood Letter

GATEWOOD – Dresden, Tenn May 24, 1924

Dear Mama and Family

Will ans. Your most kind and welcome letter received the othere day was sure glad to hear from you all. Sorry Kizzie and Madge are having the chills they soon get the best of everyone. This leaves all well at present my eyes bother me some wild hairs I think I set up all night last night and they feel terrible today.

Aunt Bettie Clemmers is mighty sick. She has leakage of the heart and Mama, Mrs. Lizzie Woodrough has paralyses they are going all over her. Her mind hasn’t been right for some time. It is a pity for any one to suffer so and don’t think Mr. Wyatt can live over 30 days he has tumor and Mr. and Mrs. Parham are getting to be mighty no count. 

We were down there Sunday Wayne and Billie was there you they are living right at the edge of Martin. Carlis Parham and wife are at Wayne Place. 

Well, we are dong a little farming it rains so much though until anyone cant hardly do any thing we are though planting corn and cotton have 800 sweet potatoes slips set out haven’t any tobacco set yet. Hubert planted? Didn’t do any good nor anyone else plants are sure scarce I reckon it a good thing. We got through stiping about to weeks ago haven’t carried it off yet. We have 73 baby chicks they are small yet but mighty pert we have had one to sicken and die. The old hens peck several and they would die. Beauton has 16 white Guinnes eggs sitting. Mrs Liddei Smith gave them to her.

Yes, Mamma we got lthe little ring it was to large I filed it into and made it smaller she takes spells of wearning it. Well, I think you are doing fine picking berries better than I could do you know I never was fast hand picking berries. Ruth could pick them but I could not is there a lot of fruit down there if nothing happens here will right up here this time our cherries are getting ripe now but the birds are getting there share. Well, I have wrote about all I know will write Eessie some so all of you be good and write and come. With love and best wishes from Zelma Gatewood. —P.S. Ruth, Beauton said tell you all she has 3 little baby kittens 2 weeks old tomorrow and a little white dog. Submitted by Sharon McNair Thurman

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