DEED to George Washington CAMPBELL

Transcribed from Deed book H, Weakley County  by MaryCarol  June 1999

N.K. and D.E. Jones                            100 Acres for $216
Deed    100 acres
to G.W. Campbell

Registered May 28th 1847 at 10 OíClock am.

This indenture made and entered into this 22nd day of March 1847 between N.K JONES of the County of Weakley and D.E. JONES of the County of Fayette both of the State of Tennessee of the first part and George W. CAMPBELL of the County Weakley and State aforesaid of the second part.

Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Sixteen Dollars ($216) to them the said N. K. and D. E. JONES in hand paid by said George W. CAMPBELL the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged therefore the said N. K. and D. E. JONES have given, granted, bargained and sold and doth by their presents give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said G.W. CAMPBELL his heirs and assignees forever a certain tract or parcel of land, containing One Hundred acres (100 ac) Situated in the County of Weakley and State of Tennessee it being a part of a tract entered in the name of John McIVER for 4360 acres No: entry 523. 

Beginning on a white oak tree South East corner of Edmond KEMPS 200 acre tract and the North East corner of Gilbert PATTERSONS 200 acres runs South with PATTERSONS East boundry line ninety six and a half poles to a stake the North West corner of J. J. WARDS 100 acres Runs East with WARDS North boundary line one hundred Sixty Six poles to a stake, WARDS North East Corner on Samuel BAKERS West boundary line Runs North with BAKERS West line Ninety Six and a half poles to 2 white oaks. BAKERS North West Corner runs West One Hundred and Sixty Six poles to the beginning.   To have and to hold the above bounded One Hundred Acres with all its appertainences (means improvements) thereunto belonging unto him the said G. W. CAMPBELL his heirs and assignees forever and said N. K. and D. E. JONES do hereby covenant and agree to with said G. W. CAMPBELL that the right and title to said land they now doth and will forever hereafter warrant and defend unto him the said G. W. CAMPBELL his heirs and assignees against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whomsoever.

In witness whereof we have herewith set our hands and seals this the day and date written

N. K. JONES   Seal                                           D. E. JONES                       Seal 
                                                          by his attorney in fact N. K. JONES
State of Tennessee
Weakley County      Personally appeared before me, Tom H. ETHERIDGE, clerk of the County Court of said County, N. K. JONES and D. E. JONES by his attorney in fact N. K. JONES the above bargainor with whom I am personally acquainted and acknowledge that they executed the forgoing Deed on the day it bears date for the purpose therein contained.  Given under my hand at office this 22nd day of March 1847.     Tom H. ETHERIDGE Clerk