Court Records Page Three

Court Records


TUCK vs PARKER land settlement

Transcribed by Randall P. Kelch  Feruary 28, 2001

May Term Circuit Court 1881
W. L. Tuck et als            }
    VS                               }       In County Court for Weakley
J. W. Parker et als          }       County May Term 1881

                                      This day came on this cause to
be heard and was heard Hon. A M Smyth chairman to
upon report of commissioners to make partition appointed
at March Term 1881.  of this court which report is
in the words and figures following to wit:

W. L. Tuck et als            }
    Vs                               }       We T J Little, J W Newton and
J. W. Parker et als          }        R B Clark, the commissioners
                                             appointed at the March Term
Of the County Court to se apart homestead and make Partition of the lands set out in the Petition Land decree in the above cause beg leave to report as follows.  After being sworn as the law directs we went upon the lands mentioned and proceeded to discharge our duties as follows: we find the lands mentioned in the order under which we act to contain about 434 acres which we divided and set apart as follows. We set apart to Mrs. Nancy Tuck as her homestead 45 acres bounded and described as follows. it being the tract conveyed by Socrates Lovelace to M G Tuck by deed registered in Book T page 441 Register’s office Weakley county Beginning at a Stake with Sweet gum and dogwood pointers. J W Newton’s S. E. C. thence north 63 poles to Stake with hickory ptrs; East 15 poles to Stake with red oak pointers, South 7 1/2 poles to Stake in Cane Creek road, then eastward with said road about 53 poles to Stake in the north line thence East 51 poles to Stake with hickory ptrs Maynard’s N. W. C. then South 63 poles to Stake with Small post oak ptrs, the west 117 poles to beginning which we value at ??????? dollars  She having elected to take this amount of land as her homestead in lien of the $1000. worth of land to which she is entitled by law. We divided Said land into nine (9) parts And Set it apart as follows:  To Mary T Tuck we Set apart lot No 1 it being the 45 acres ????? above described and being Subsect To the homestead of Mrs Mancy Tuck which Ot No 1 we value at $250.  To M C Stafford wife of W J Stafford we set apart lot no 2 bounded as follows: beginning at a Stake with a large
red oak pointer, the S. W. C. of M G Tuck’s
————–page break —————————
March, Term County Court 1881
Nat Lovelace lands and lands of M G Tuck
On the west by…………


in the Book of Grants for Weakley County, Tennessee my ggg grandfather Uriah Davis is mentioned.
p 69  No. 546
   By the virtue of the ocupant law of 1826 James HALL Assignee of Uriah DAVIS______ Whitly enters 200 acers of land situate in …county on the waaters of the north fork of the Obion river 13 District range  (p-122) 2 Section 8 and 9 beginning at a white oak 56 poles west and eight poles north of the south easte and north easte corner of said Secton running south into Richland Creek at 72 poles leaving the same at 84 poles and at 94 poles crossing said Creek at 122 poles running into said creek again leaving the same at 125 poles running into said creek again leaving the same at 125 poles in all 127 poles to a large white oake thence west crossing the said creek at 20 poles in all 254 poles to a stake thence north through a cypress pon 59 poles to the highlands in all 127 poles
to a large willow on the south side of a large open pond thence easte 254 poles to the beginning. Mar. 10th 1831 J. Hall Lo

Submitted by Nancy May