Cook Letter

Ruth COOK letter

Atwood, Tenn – Nov 30, 1927

Dear Mamma and Family, 

After so long a time will try to write a few lines hope all are well we are gettin along fine. Got moved last Monday was a week ago old hands been run to death. Pick cotton 2 days and geather corn 11/2 days. Went to see a sick one and trying to wash today had a time wind blowing and dashing rain seems like might turn cold if it does guess we kil our hog Jim Bob has one here to kill.

There as been a few lost there killing hogs they don’t show any sign of being sick out and died. Thursday now we sure did look for you all Saturday and Sunday we went to Otis Cooks Sunday evening then went back Sunday night to a singing all of Cooks are well. Bug got moved. 

Well Momma I I haven’t got your sheet and pillow cases layed off yet for I have had so much to do got all of kids cloths made they haven’t been school yest. For we been running from one thing to another so much I don’t think I will catch up with my work. I wont to quilt some if I get time. OK I got a letter from Jack yesterday and I have been so nervous for I am afraid something will happen will send to you. Will you all come Saterday. For sure you like were we are at now. We have so much better house with windows and doors well I have 2 dress to wash out and it getting late.

Dudley talk like they might come tonight tell Ed (Dycus) if he means to come this winter and before the weather get bad you better come on for we be shut up for so long when it does come if you all go to Jacks (Zelma) /Friday and they come with you all up here. And let me tell you if you do try going Greenfield and then get on highway. That come to Sadge switch the one that you cross come up here there sign has Greenfield. Dresden and some more names. It is only 26 miles from Sadge to Dresden next time we to Jack we going that way or try it so write to me if you think you get to come Saterday. Your loving children Ruth Cook.  Submitted by Sharon A. Cocker THURMAN

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