DEED 54 acres

Young P. Bowers
John Bradbury

Registered Nov 1st, 1852 at 3 oíclock p.m. General Warrantee deed for land 54 ? acres.  I Young P. Bowers ________this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer and convey to John Bradbury  and his heirs forever for the consideration of one hundred and seventy dollars to me in hand paid and a note of thirty dollars due the 25th of December 1853 due Richard Bradbury the said tract of land in the State of Tennessee, Weakly County and district No. 7 containing by estimation containing 54 ? acres be the same more or less bounded as follows by L. C. Dukes land Robert Bradbury and J. Branham to have and to hold the same to the said Bradbury his heirs and assigns forever I do covenant with the said John Bradbury that I am lawfully seized of said land have a good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered I do further covenant and bind myself my heirs and administrators to warrant and forever defend the title to the same said land and every part thereof to the said J Bradbury his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatever In testimony whereof I have set my hand and seal this 1st day of November 1852.

                                                                                                         Young P Bowers   (seal)
Robert S. Bradbury
James F. Ford                                                                       Registered Nov 1st 1852 at 3 oíclk p.m.

State of Tennessee
County of Weakly

This day personally appeared before me C. P. Bondurant Clerk of the County Court of Weakly County Young P Bowers with whom I am personally acquainted who
acknowledges the execution of the within deed on the day it bears date and for the purposes therein prescribed. Given under my hand at office in the __________of Dresden this November the first 1852.

                                                                                    C. P. Bondurant, Clerk
Transcribed by Carolyn Wilcoxen 1999

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