E J ATKINS to Siblings

Deed Book R Page 369    Weakley County, Tennessee
E J Atkins
To} Deed
J J Atkins
J R Atkins
M J Atkins
M L Atkins
This Indenture made and entered into this the 23rd day of March A. D. 1866 between E J Atkins of the first part and J J Atkins J R Atkins M J Atkins and M L Atkins jointly of the second part. All of the County of Weakley and State of Tennessee witnesseth, that for and inconsideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid by the said J J Atkins J R Atkins M J Atkins M L Atkins jointly to the said E J Atkins the receipt whereof is herby acknowledged the said E J Atkins hath Granted, Bargained, sold, conveyed and confirmed unto the said J J Atkins, J R Atkins, M J Atkins and M L Atkins Jointly and severally their heirs and assigns in fee simple all His right title claim and interest in and to a certain tract or parcel of Land belonging to the Heirs of J R Atkins it being one eighth part of that part Laid off as the Widowís Dower and that Lying East and south of said dower containing by estimation two hundred and two acres (202) Lying on the waters of the middle fork of the Obion River in Range 2 Section 7 Weakley County Tennessee and Joining the Lands of C R Steel and J L B Oconer on the East and Thomas H Foster on the North and Elizabeth Philips on the South to have and to hold said Land with all and singular the rights privileges hereditaments appurtenances and improvements thereunto belonging to the only proper use and benefit of the said J J Atkins, J R Atkins M J Atkins and M L Atkins Jointly and severally their Heirs and assigns forever and that He has a right to convey the same that it is free from all encumbrances that He binds Himself His Heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the title to the said  J J Atkins, J R Atkins M J Atkins and M L Atkins their Heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all and every Person or Persons whatever in testimony whereof the said E J Atkins has hereunto set His hand and seal this day and date first above written.     E J Atkins (seal)

State of Tennessee
Weakley County
Personally appeared before me W T Wilson Clerk of the County Court of said County E J Atkins the above Bargainor with whom I am personally acquainted and acknowledged the He executed the above deed and for the purposes therein contained witness my at office in Dresden 24th March 1866. W T Wilson clerk

Transcribed & Submitted by Kathy Faul