Court Records Page Four

Court Records


Misc Court Records – 1833 – 1837
Includes David ” Davy” CROCKETT, dec’d

Monday, July Term, 1833

This day the administrator of Asa TODD returned an inventory & account of sale of the said estate which is received by the court and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered by the court present the worshipful Perry VINCENT, John R. SHELBY [? sp.], Stephen SMART, Israel FOUTHARD [? sp.], John H. MOORE, Stephen GOLDS ??, Daniel CAMPBELL, William TODD, Ebenezer CRAIG, John SERATT [? sp.], Moses SPANN, John F. CAVITT, Ephraim D. DICKSON, and Nathaniel HENDERSON being more than two thirds of the acting JUSTICE, all noting in the affirmative that the clerk of this court be allowed the sum of Twenty five Dollars a compensation for making out & recording the tax list
for the year 1833 to be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the county __?___ not otherwise appropriated.

A Deed of Conveyance from Nathan L. NORVELL to Peter RAGS____ [cut off in photocopying]  for 63 acres of land was this day produced in open court and the due execution thereof was acknowledged by the said NORVELL and ordered to be certified to the County of Gibson where the land lies for registration.

Ordered by the court that male ___?__  be appointed to oversee and keep in repair the road running from James Bridge to Tinch [or Finch] Creek in the room of David THARPE and that all the hands that live in the bounds of the land that worked under said THARPE work under him on said road.

Ordered by the court a majority of the Justices present that __?__  BAYLEY [? sp.} be appointed to oversee and keep in repair the Mills Point Road in the room of John TERRELL and that all the hands that live in the bounds of the lands that worked under said TERRELL work under him on said road.

Ordered by the court that Smith PALMER, James OLD, Benjn. HOLT, John RIDGEWAY, Amasa WEBB, John HOWARD and Leonard S. LANG [ LY is written on next line so name may be LANGLY.]  be appointed __?__ to __?__
and mark a road from James RIDGWAY __?_ the nearest & best way to Benj. FARMERs Bridge and report to next court.

Ordered by the court that BENJAMIN HOLT, Aaron WINTERS, John THOMAS, William LAURENCE, Robert H. BREEDLOVE, William MAXWELL  and Samuel LANDRUM be appointed a Jury to __?_ and mark a road from Samuel LANDRUM’s to Robert H. BREEDLOVE’s at Henry County line the nearest and best way and report to next court.

Ordered by the court that Thomas SIMMONS, John SIMMONS and James CANE be appointed to work under William BALDRIDGE on the Mills Point Road.

Weakley Co. 1837

This day it appeared to the court that John ROGERS late of Weakley County departed this life intestate and it appeared that the said dec’d was at the time of his death a citizen of this county and Elizabeth ROGERS and Thomas E. [or C.] MANLY {?? not sure of name]  applied for letters of administration upon the estate of said dec’d and contract into bon of six hundred dollars conditional as the law directs with 
[word blurred]  MANLY [could be MORELY] and Robert MANLY [or MORELY]  ___?__ and took the oath according to law and thereupon received letters of administration.

Ordered by the court that Callaway HARDIN, Edwin WARREN,   William HILLIS be a committee appointed to lay of one years provisions for Elizabeth ROGERS & family the late widow of John ROGERS Dec’d and report to the next court.

Ordered by the court that William JONES be released from a pole tax improperly _?__  in  and made oath that he was over fifty years old.

This day it appeared to the court that David CROCKET late of Weakley County departed this life intestate and it appeared to the court that the said dec’d was at the time of his death a citizen of Weakley County and Willis FLOWERS applied for letters of administration upon the estate of said dec’d and entered in to bond in the same  five hundred dollars conditional as the law directs with Micah ___?__  security and took the oath according as the law directs and thereupon received letters of administration.

Tuesday morning, November 7, 1837

The court then met according to adjournment The Honorable Thos.S. EDWARDS, W. B. BLAKEMORE,  D. P. CALDWELL being present the court then adjourned until court in ___?___

State of Tennessee, Weakley County  Monday, December, 1837

At a county court begun and held for the said county on the first Monday in December 1837 at the court house in the town of Dresden it being the 4th day of the said month present the worshipful Caleb BRASFIELD, William RIDGEWAY, Woodrw ROSS, Bright GROOMS, Richard MURREL, Thomas S. EDWARDS,  E. P. LATHAM, David P. CALDWELL,  James LASEWELL,   Thomas H. FOSTER,  Col__?_ MOORE & —?–

Ordered by the court that the report of the commissioners to lay of one years provisions for Elizabeth CROCKET and family the widow of David CROCKET, Dec’d twenty barrels of corn  six hundred pounds of Pork  three hundred pounds of flour  20  [pounds] coffee  60  sugar  1 spice  1  ginger [?]  & bushel salt  one cow & calf if on hand.  Signed  C.  HARDIN 7 Jacob LONG

Weakley Co. court minutes  1837

This day it appeared to the court that Dennis GLESON, late of Weakley County departed this life intestate and it appeared that the said decd was at the time of his death a citizen of this county and Abraham GLESON applied for letters of Administration upon the estate of said decd and _?__ into bond two thousand four hundred dollars conditional as the law directs with Willis FLOWERS, Bright GROOM & Micah EDMONSTON security and took the oath according as the law directs and thereupon received letters of administration.

NOTE: The 1830 or 1840 census shows GLEESONs living in Weakley Co.  The above record might refer to that family. B.G.

Ordered by the court that Micah FRENCH {?? very hard to read]   Edwin WARREN, Jacob LONG be appointed a committe to lay of one years provision for the widow & family of the late Dennis GLESON decd and report the same to the next court.

Ordered by the court that the report of the commissioners be received to lay of one years provisions to Margret BURGIN and family widow of the late Abner BURGIN decd fifteen head of pork hogs & 50 barrels of corn and what wheat on hand  1 barrel of salt  100  [lb.] coffee  200 [lb.] sugar  3  Ginger  5 pepper  5 spice  two cows  milk and all her garden vegetables  two sides of sole leather  one side of upper leather  one raw hide to barter  five dollars worth of  __?__ sugar  two chois {sp.}  stands of beef.  Signed  David FERGUSON??  Callaway HARDEN  Wm HILLIS

Ordered by the court that the report of the commissioners be received allowing one years provisions to the widow and family of John ROGERS decd  6 choist hoggs  1 cow & calf  20 barrels of corn  250 flour  25 coffee  50 sugar  2 bushels salt  1 pepper  1 spice  1 ginger  ___?__ & shoe leather  that is on hand and potatoes and fl_?_ the pottry on the place

Ordered by the court that B_?__  FREZZELE  be appointed to oversee & keep in repare  the road from Frezzells Bridge to the county line that meets the road from Brightwells Ferry & mouth of Sandy  _?__  Pleasantview and that all the hands that worked under JONES  work under him.

Submitted by Brenda Gartside


Power of Attorney, Petition of Heirs, B. Stovall dec’d, Wm. B. Stovall dec’d, Terrisha Stovall dec’d, 1843 


                                                           Source: Sumner County, TN Loose Record Estate# 1134  

                                                                                        Transcribed by Linda Carpenter
Know all men by these presents that I Burton L. STOVALL for myself and as Guardian for the minor heirs of Wm. B. STOVALL dec’d and Beverly J. MILNER who intermarried with Saluda STOVALL a daughter of Terrisha STOVALL dec’d do make ordain constitute & appoint and by these presents we have made ordained constituted & appointed Benjamin PIERCE of the County of Smith & State of Tennessee our true and lawful agent & Attorney in fact for us and in our name to ask demise sue for and receive of and from William STOVALL of Sumner County, Tennessee administrator of Bartholomew STOVALL dec’d late of said County & State or from any other person having possession of the same our distributes share in right of our father the said Terrisha STOVALL dec’d in the real and personal estate of the late Bartholomew STOVALL dec’d and for us in our names upon the receipt of all or any part of such distributive share proper and necessary bond acquaintances or other discharges to make sign seal execute and deliver for the purpose aforesaid hereby authorizing our said Attorney one or more Agents or Attorneys to make and again to revoke at pleasure hereby satisfying and confirming whatsoever our said Attorney may lawfully do in the premise in as full and ample a manner as if we were present at the doing thereof. In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hand and affixed our seals this 17th day of February 1843. Burton L. STOVALL (Seal) Beverly J. MILNER (Seal) 

George W. OLDHAM 

State of Tennessee, Weakley County – This day personally appeared before me John C. Dodd Clerk of the County Court of said County Burton L. STOVALL & Beverly J. MILNER whose signatures are appended to the foregoing Power of Attorney with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged the Execution of the same to be his own act upon the day it bears date and for the purposes therein contained. Witness my hand at Office and the Seal of the County Court affixed this 18th day of February 1843 & 67th year of American Independence. John C. DODD, Clerk 

State of Tennessee, Weakley County – I John Henry MOORE Chairman and presiding Justice of the County Court of Said County do hereby certify that John C. DODD whose attestation states above is now and was at the time of the same Clerk of the County Court of said that his certificate is made in due form that his signature is genuine and that full faith and credit is and ought to be given to all his Official acts as such. Witness my hand at Office this 18th day of February 1843. John Henry MOORE, Chairman 

Registered & Examined this 11th July 1843 – John L. BUGG, R. S. C. 

State of Tennessee, Sumner County – I John BRUCE Register of said County do hereby certify that the above and foregoing  is a full true and perfect transcript of the Power of Attorney from Burton STOVALL and Beverly J. MILNER to Benjamin PIERCE as the same now appears of Recorded in my Office in Book G Page 330 this 17th day of March AD 1849. J. BRUCE, Regr. S. C. 

* Beverly Jones MILNER (b. Sep 17, 1805 – d. Oct 31, 1871) married Saluda STOVALL MILNER (b. Oct 11, 1811 – d. Sep 26, 1868) and buried at Stovall Cemetery, Obion County, TN. 

B. L. STOVALL (b. Jan 8, 1812 – d. Nov 9, 1879) and buried at Stovall Cemetery, Obion County, TN.