Court Records Page one

Court Records

Submitted by

The following were in the part of Gibson that became Weakley County 1837or moved to Weakley later. These are abstracts of early Gibson County.

1826  JOHN DRURY (DREWRY) “buyer on an estate of Berry Redman. (Drewry’s must have been in Gibson/Weakley area by or before 1826)

1832  March term, $5,000 Jno(John) DRURY (Drewry), R. C.(Richardson Clark) DRURY, J. B. DEBRELL, Wm W. HARMON and E. BILLINGSLY sec. sd John DRURY this day appt. Commissioner of the board of Internal Improvement 8 June 1832 (p206-207)

1837 Feb. term,  $100 Robert ELAM, guardian Phillip H. JOHNSON, orphan and minor heir of John A. JOHNSON with John DRURY, sec. 6 Feb 1837.

1840  $4,000  Beverly A. WILLIAMSON, Administrator of Lendy WILLIAMSON, decd., with Joseph WILLIAMSON, sec. 5 Oct. 1840 p. 353 (this is Ludowick “Ludie” WILLIAMSON who died in 1840)

1841  James A. HARWOOD (brother of Nancy Harwood, wife of Richard DREWRY)

1840 Will James McBRIDE (any kin to Martha McBride, wife of R.C. Drury above?) Sons: William A., Hugh Miles, James F., Daughters: Hester A. R., Sarah, Nancy G., Mary J. wife Lucy and two little sons, John P. and Jesse G.
Witness: James A. HARWOOD , Thomas G. TURNER  pp. 367-368.

1841  James PATTERSON $200 admin. of Marshall BROWNING. Carson PATTERSON sec.  7 Sept 1841.

1841 Nov. term,  $20,000 James PATTERSON Admin. of Joseph C. THOMPSON, decd. Samuel J. WILKINS, Darling TIDWELL, Lewis SMITH, sec. 1 Nov 1841.

July 13, 1838 WILLIAM PRICE witness to will of Rebecca M. GARY.

1844 ARMISTEAD COATS signed on $4,000 . $4,000 Samuel R. TUCKER, John S. McCULLOCK, Armstan COATS and John R. JONES, sec. Sd. TUCKER duly elected Constable to fill unexpired term of Josiah G. BOON, decd. 4 Nov 1844  p. 196.

1840  $200, Samuel BOGLE, admin. of Samuel CROSS, decd. with Absalom KNOX and Armstead COATS, sec. 2 Nov 1840  p.358.

1845  $2,000 Allen DODD, admin. of Lucy McBRIDE, decd. Joseph Barratt and John C. MOORE, sec.  6 Oct 1845  p. 259.

1846  CHARLES COATS appt. by circut court to apprentice Lucy A. MANNARD, a 6 year old orphan, to teach housewifery. Thomas EDWARDS, sec. 6 July 1846  p. 327.


Fiskel & Bro. vs W.S. Old
Submitted by Dan Olds

Attached is a file containing the names I ran across while transcribing
the 97 handwritten pages of testimony re Fiskel & Bro. vs W.S. Old. 

Names appearing in the Chancery Court Record, Box 22, File 45, entitled Fiskel & Brothers vs. W.S. Old, dated 1878. 

Transcribed May 2001 by Dan Olds from a copy of the original on file in Special Collections, Paul Meek Library, U.of T. at Martin.


Atkins,George A Negro who bought molassas from W.T. Brann.

Barr, H.H.  Lawyer representing Fiskel & Bro.

Bostic, R.F.  Acting Justice of the Peace, Weakley County, 1878.

Brann, Nicholson Resident of Weakley County, AKA Nicholas Brann.

Brann, T.J.  AKA  Tom.

Brann, W.T.  Resident of Weakley County. Borrowed $300 from H.C. McWherter.

Buckner, ?  One half of Buckner & Terrell. A business in Paducah, KY.

Burnett, W.J.  Attested a note for $110 from N. Brann to W.S. Old.

Campbell, ?  Referred to as Doc Campbell. Bought molassas from  W.T. Brann.

Collins, M.J.  Estate of Mrs. M.J. Collins owed money by W.T. Brann.

Drake,H.W.  Summoned to give a deposition in Chancery Court, Dresden.

Drake, W.P.  A doctor in Dresden.

Edwards, B.B.  Clerk & Master, Chancery Court, Dresden, Weakley  County, 1878.

Edwards, N.N.  Lawyer representing W.S. Old et al being sued by Fiskel & Bro.

Finch, J.M.  Clerk of the County Court of Weakley County.

Fiskel, Jules  Resident of Davidson County, DBA Fiskel & Bro.

Fiskel,            Moses Resident of Davidson County, DBA Fiskel & Bro.

Gillespie, ?  Gillespie’s 640 acre tract on or near Cane Creek.

Hutcheson, ?  Part of Palmer & Hutcheson, a business in Palmersville.

King, ?  King & Co. was a business in New Obions.

Matheny, Jas  Did purchasing along with Mizell.

Mayo, Miles  A Negro who bought molassas from W.T. Brann.

Mayo, Tom  Did some horse swapping with W.T. Brann.

McWherter, A.C. Almus McWherter. Husband of Henrietta Old.

McWherter, G.R. Resident of Weakley County, DBA McWherter & Co.

McWherter, H.C. Cousin to W.S. Old.

McWherter, J.D. Sold land to S.M. McWherter.

McWherter, John 60 acres covered by dower of John McWherter’s widow.

McWherter, Robert Owed money by W.T. Brann.

McWherter, S.M. AKA Tebe McWherter. DBA McWherter & Co.

McWherter, Thacker Thacker is a nickname. Don’t know whose. Lived in Palmersville.

Mizell, ?  Bought corn from W.T. Brann.

Old, Cordelia Wife of W.T. Brann.

Old, Edwin  Resident of Weakley County and  previously deceased.

Old, Emaline  Wife of Thomas J. Brann.

Old, Henrietta Wife of A.C. McWherter.

Old, Hester Ann Wife of A.J. Pentecost.

Old, Mary B.  AKA Mollie. Wife of Nicholas Brann.

Old, Winfield S. Lived 1/2 mile West of Palmersville. Was being sued by Fiskel & Bro.

Palmer, ?  Other half of Palmer & Hutcheson.

Palmer, Lode  Person from whom W.S. Old intended to buy a mule.

Palmer,R.S.  R.S. Palmer & Co. A business in Palmersville.

Pentecost, A.J. Husband of Hester Ann Old.

Pentecost, Mount Paid some money on a debt owed by W.T.Brann.

Pentecost, S.S. Sold tobacco to H.C. McWherter.

Pentecost, Tom Did some horse swapping with W.T. Brann.

Prestwood, J.B. Sheriff ?

Roberts, L.T.  Had an interest in a hogshead of tobacco with W.T. Brann.

Robertson, One Pronounced O-NEY? Probably a nickname.

S[?], John  Chancellor, presiding at Dresden as of 1878.

Taylor, Ben  Had an interest in a hogshead of tobacco with W.T. Brann.

Terrell, ?  Other half of Buckner & Terrell. A business in Paducah, KY.

Webb, J.C.  Along with his wife, sold land to S.M. McWherter.

Webb, William AKA Bill. S.M. McWherter traded some notes to him.