Weakley County Deed Book 26, Page 136

This Deed made on 21st day of Jan 1901 between D. JONES of the 1st part and W.M. ORR of the 2nd part.  Witnesseth that the said D. JONES for and in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars to be paid as follows, One Thousand Dollars cash in hand, one tract of land valued at One Thousand Dollars, one note of One Thousand Dollars made with this date and due Dec 25th 1902 with no interest, one note of One Thousand Dollars made with this date and due Dec. 25, 1903 interest from date, balance of One Thousand to be paid in services in taking care of, providing for and waiting on D. JONES, the balance of his life with the following provisions.  In case of said D. JONES visiting his children at any time this obligation remains in full force and effect as it would be if the said D. JONES remained with the said W.M. ORR all the time.  In case of failure on the said W.M. ORR[‘s]  part to comply with his part of contract, the said W.M. Orr is to be paid for the time he takes care of the said D. JONES from now until failure on W.M. ORR[‘s]  part to comply with contract. This settlement to be made by arbitration.  The balance of this One Thousand Dollars after settlement deducted goes back against the land.  Do by these presents hereby sell, transfer and convey unto the said W.M. ORR and his heirs and assigns 2 lots or parcels of land lying in Civil District No 22 of Weakley County and State of Tennessee and bounded as follows, 1st tract beginning on the s.w. corner of a tract of land said Joseph W.C. LIDDLE bought of John C. DODD, runs east 166 poles to a tract on the edge of a branch marked D.J.  Thence north 96 _ poles to a stake, three white oaks and a hickory pointer.  Thence west 166 poles to a stake, 2 hickory and two sweet gum pointers, thence 96 _ poles to the beginning containing 100 acres more or less.  2nd tract bounded as follows, commencing on D. JONES n.w. corner with a stake, with 2 hickory and 2 sweet gum pointers, runs with 83 poles to a stake, 3 elm and white oak pointers in the north boundary of the original.  Thence east 167 poles to a stake with 2 beach gum and maple pointers, thence south 83 poles to a stake with 3 white oak and hickory pointers, thence west 167 poles to the beginning containing 86 _ acres more or less.  To have and to hold said land to said W.M. Orr and his heirs and assigns forever, I do covenant with said W.M. ORR that I am lawfully seized and possessed of said land and have a good right to convey the same and that it is unencumbered.  I further covenant and bind my self and representatives to forever defend the title of said land to said W.M. ORR and his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whosoever.  Given under my hand and seal this _ _   
Witness  J.R. BARTON                                                        D. x Jones
               J.L. McADAMS                                                        mark

[D. Jones was Darling Jones. W.M. Orr was William M. Orr, known as “Buck”.  The Jones house, a two-room dogtrot, went to Buck, who extensively remodeled and added to the existing structure, as well as turning it to face the new county road.  It is located northwest of Greenfield on Puckett Road.]

Submitted by Nancy Denty Breidenthal