D. JONES-heirs

Weakley County Deed Book 18, Page 357

 Know all men by these presents that for the love and affection we D. JONES and wife M. JONES entertain for our descendants we do hereby give, transfer and convey to them a certain piece or parcel of land containing by estimation 11/48 of an acre which  is to be forever reserved  and kept for a cemetery  for the benefit of our descendants making the eldest one in all time to come the trustee for said land, said land is situate[d] in Weakley  Co  Tenn and in the 22nd Civil Dist, described as follows, beginning at a stake with hickory pt,  said pt about 63 inches n.w. of corner, thence east 100  ft  to stake mulberry and cedar pts, mulberry 24 in s.w. of corner, thence south 100  to stake cedar pt, thence west 100 ft to stake cedar pt, thence north 100 ft  to the beginning, said piece of land is now surrounded by a number of cedars in the form of 92 ft square and lies about 200 yds south of mansion house on east side of field.  We covenant with said descendants that we have a lawful right to convey said land and that it is not encumbered.
 On witness whereof we hereunto affix our signatures this April 23 ­ 1895.
Attest                                                                                                               his
W.L. Graim                                                                                       D. x JONES                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                           Margaret x JONES

[The D. and M. Jones were Darling and Margaret Miller Jones.  Appearing after the acknowledgement by them of this deed and the certification of filing, was a drawing of the road, house, stables, and graveyard.  Darling and Margaret Jones and their son James Jones were buried in this family graveyard.  In the 1930s the remains were transferred the short distance to Highland Cemetery.]

Submitted by Nancy Denty Breidenthal