Deed Book F Page 292    Weakley County, TN 
Registered March 25th 1843 at 8 o clk P.M.

John Clayton & 
S M Rowland
Bill of Sale
J R Atkins
For and in consideration of the Sum of Four hundred & thirty five Dollars lawfull money in hand paid by Josiah R Atkins to John Clayton & Simeon M. Rowland the receipts, thereof is hereby acknowledged the said John Clayton and Simeon M Rowland ____ by there presents bargained sold transferred conveyed and delivered ______ said Josiah R Atkins his heirs Executors administrators and ____ a certain Negro Boy of yellow collour a slave for life  ___ to name Alllen and not excluding thirteen years of age ____who is sound healthy sensible To have and to hold this and ____Negro Boy Allen to the said Josiah R. Atkins his heirs executors administrators ___ assigns forever from the said John Clayton and Simon M> Rowland their heirs executors and administrators and all and every  ___ person the title of the said Negro Boy Allen the John Clayton and Simeon M Rowland will warrant and forever defend in witness thereof the said John Clayton and Simeon M Rowland hath hereto se their hands & seals this the 24th day of March A D 1843.
Wittiness                                                 John Clayton (seal)                                   John Henry Moore                                  Simon M. Rowland (seal)
William G Clayton

State of Tennessee
Weakley County
This day Personally appeared before John O Dodd Clerk of the County of said County John Henry Moore & William Clayton and made oath in due form of law that John Clayton & Simon M. Rowland witness to the within Bill of Sale did sign and acknowledge the within Bill of Sale on the day and date thereof and for the purposes therein contained. Witness my hand at office this the 24th March 1843.
John O. Dodd clk

(Blanks indicate those portions near the binding and not readable on the copy made by Clerk of Deeds.)

Transcribed & Submitted by Kathy Faul