Book V Page 380 
Registered September 18th 1871 at 9 oíclock A M 
J G & J R Atkins 
To } Deed 
W W Allman

State of Tennessee Weakly County December 12th 1870 for in consideration of the sum of Eleven hundred dollars the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged J R & J G Atkins have this day bargained and sold to W W Allman of the State of Tennessee and County of Weakly all of our interest in and to a certain tract of land lying and being in the county and State aforesaid and belonging by inheritance and Deed to J R Atkins J G Atkins and Mary L Allman and are Jointly and bounded as follows. Beginning at a Stake the South West corner of Said tract of land running there North one hundred and ninety seven an a half poles to a Stake with pointers on T H Fosters North boundary line thence West with said Fosters line eighty one poles to a Stake with pointers Miles Wood N E acres thence South one hundred and ninety Seven and a half poles to a Stake with  pointers thence East Eighty one poles to beginning containing by estimation one hundred acres Now we J R Atkins and J G Atkins bind Our selfs and heirs and assigns forever to the Said W W Allman his heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the title of Said Land against the lawful claims of all ________ other  person whatsoever in witness where of we have set our hands and affix ice our seals this the day and date above mentioned.
J . R. Atkins  (Seal)
J G Atkins     (Seal)
Signed and Sealed in our presence this day and date above named.
J R Wood
J K Wood

State of Tennessee
Weakly County
Personally appeared before me T I Little deputy clerk of the County Court of Said county court of Said County J R Wood & J K Wood the subscribing witnesses to the above and foregoing deed both of whom I am personally acquainted and after being Sworn as the law dircts defend and Say that they are each personally acquainted with the above bargainers and that they each signed and acknowledge the executive of the avove deed on the day it bears date and fix the purposes therein contained given under my hand at office on this Jan 3rd 1891.
T. I. Little D.C.
State tax   .75     Stamped with one dollar
Co.     ì     .75     and fifty cents U S Revenue
Clks fee    .25
               1.75 paid

Transcribed & Submitted by Kathy Faul