Input by Linda Ledlow.
LOCATION: In the old garden behind the Kendrick-Morrow-Morrison House on North High Street, Waynesboro, Tennessee
Kindrick, Col. W. P., 2nd Tenn. Inf. (only inscription on stone)
Additional information: William Patrick Kindrick, b. 1 Apr 1826, d. 18 Mar 1864
Also thought to be buried here:
Cypert, Robert Perry, b. 1841, d. 2 July 1887
Cypert, Pantha Emma MEEK, b. 1845, d. abt. 1884, first wife of R.P. CYPERT.
Other tombstones at this site were reportedly removed and destroyed sometime in the 1920-1930 period. Only the stone of Col. W. P. Kindrick remains and it is not visible, but is buried at the grave site.
Addtional information and dates provided by Edgar D. Byler, III
I am looking into a Cavalry regiment that Col. Kendrick was in charge of early in the Civil War. It is the “3rd West Tenn. Cavalry” however I find no concrete evidence it existed. Was that a different name for another regiment? The Col. was a POW and sent to Libby Prison, so I know he commanded troops.
Thanks you–Don
Very good article in most recent issue of Military Images, a mag I subscribe to. Article says he was with 3rd W. Tenn. Cavalry (Union). Tenn. Civil War Trails marker in Waynesboro says he was captured while recruiting for the 3rd W. Tenn Cavalry near Corinth, MS. I am trying to find any kind of photo of him for an article I am doing.