Postal envelope not available.
George E. Young (the son).
Elliott Young in Montgomery
County, Tennessee.
Macon Co., Illinois. July 31, 1849
My Dear Father,
I received your letter sometime ago which was a source of great
gratification to us to hear from you all once More. I had received nothing
from you since Bro. William’s letter last summer. It seemed you all had
forgotten us. And it made us glad to know that we still lived in your
remembrance. I hope you will pardon me for not answering yours sooner. I
was taken sick with the Bilious Remitting Fever on the 4th inst. and had a
very bad attack. Since I got about, my business has been so pressing that
I could not write till the present time. I am not yet well, but able to be
about. My family are not very well. There is some considerable complaining
through the county but no serious cases as yet. I was sorry to hear of
Sister Mary’s illness, but glad to hear that she is on the mend. I have
moved about 8 miles north of where I was living and settled on the
Sangamon River. I have purchased the half of a Saw and Grist mill for
$1250. I have four years to pay it in, and to be paid out of my half of
the profits of the concern. I have the whole management of the matter &
after paying the expenses, my half of of the profit goes to pay the $1250
till it is paid. The gentleman who owns the other half had been after me
for the last six months to go in with him and when he made me the offer of
half the property for my trouble managing the concern, I thought I could
not do better than to take it. I will take care of my practice as before.
The mill when kept in good order clears from $4 to $5 per day. We will
have a good house when finished to live in. My house and firewood costing
me nothing will be a considerable advantage and at the end of four years
or sooner the property paid for and will be worth no doubt $2000. It is
said by our best mill wrights to be the best location on the Sangamon
river. You spoke of coming out to see us, we should be glad to see you
here & I think if you were to come and see the country that you would
never live where you are. As you are handy with tools if you and Mother
would come out I will support you for your work in the mill by keeping up
repairs and for making such things that are Necessary to be made new. Come
see and satisfy yourself. Crops are fine. Cattle and hogs are high and
land is rising constantly and the country is settling very fast. I must
conclude. Give my respects to Uncle Patrick and wife and tell him I would
be pleased to receive a letter from him. Elizabeth and the children join
me in love to you all. Our youngest, little Robert was two years old in
May and I believe one of the smartest children I ever saw. Frances Ann is
nearly as large as her mother and Drucilla not far behind her. William
Henry is beginning to work and Melville is a remarkable smart child. They
often speak of their Grand Pa and Ma and Aunt Martha and Mary. Direct your
letters hereafter to Cerro Gordo, Illinois. Please write soon and I
promise to answer every letter I receive.
Your Affectionate Son untill Death and in hope of a meeting in Heaven.
Notes by Margaret R.
George was born Jan. 23, 1817 in Virginia, possibly in Dinwiddie County,
and died in 1857 at age 40 according to the Young-Kidd family Bible.
According to notes kept by his father, “George Young moved back home to
Dudley’s place.” which was probably in Montgomery Co.,
and is probably is buried there.
George was a minister, most likely a Presbyterian like his father. George
officiated at numerous marriages in Montgomery Co., Tennessee. His wife, Sarah
Elizabeth Harris was the daughter of Augustine Harris who was a chaplain in the
American Revolution and Ann Almond. ~~
A family connection:
The William
Young Letters, 1864,
and the William Young Obituary , 1899,
Montgomery County Tennessee.