Fairground Hospital
Macon, Georgia
August 24, 1864
My Dear Kate,
I was rejoiced
last evening to get 2 letters from you and one from sister Mary. Jack got 1
from his Pa and one from wife Lou. Oh, it was a feast indeed. They were as
late as July 5th. Oh how much I feel relieved.
These are the first letters I have Recd since May 8th. Dear I wrote you a letter
the 8th of this month which I hope you have recd but I have written so many that
you have not received. I will give you the particulars. Our corps attacked the enemy
on the 28th of July near Atlanta. Our Brigade fought desperately. I was struck with
5 balls. Two only took effect. One passed through the wrist joint of my right arm.
I came very near bleeding to death on the field. My arm was amputated and I am
doing very well and will get 60 days leave of absence in a few days & will go to
Washington in this state and stay with Col. Bailey. I will take Jack with me, he is
mending very fast. Tell Pink Jep was wounded in the shoulder and I don’t know
where he is as we had 53 wounded in the 49th and 9 killed. Capt. Howard and
Jeff Stone of Co. G. Since we have been with army the 49th has lost 15 killed,
65 wounded and 2 missing. Oh Dearest I was so glad to hear that you all had a good crop,
and especially that Willie B. and Clinty were so smart. Tell them this old one armed Pa will
come home as soon as the road is open and that will be about a month. Sow wheat and try to keep
everything together & I will make a living for You all for my trust is in God and my children
Shall not want. Dear I have a boy to wait on me & I have plenty of money. The ladies are very kind to
the wounded. So do not be uneasy about me. I will write every two weeks. Direct your
letters to me Army of Tenn, Atlanta, Ga. & they will send them to me. Give my love to all.
Kiss the children for me & write to your devoted husband
W. F. Young
Washington, Ga.
Thursday September 22, 1864
Dear Kate,
I am happy to inform you that I am improving very fast. My arm is nearly
healed up. I am staying with Maj. Bailey. Jack, Jep, and Melville Cherry
are here on 60 day leave --- they will soon be well of their wounds. Mr.
Morris is staying in the country with an old farmer. He is doing well. He was
wounded in the shoulder, but broke no bones. Jack was carrying the Colors
which was pierced with 34 balls. He was wounded in the thigh. Flesh wound.
Mell was wounded in the left foot. Well Dear, I am on 60 days leave and will
start to Va. next Monday to see all our Relations there. Write to me as soon
as you get this and direct it to me at Wellville, Nottaway County, Va. I expect
to remain there about 4 weeks. Oh Dear I was delighted to get a letter
from you last evening dated Aug. 15, and how glad I was to hear that you
were getting along so well. I see that you had not rec. my first after I lost my
arm. This is the 4th and I am very anxious to hear from you. Capt. Coulter
forwarded 2 letters that were sent by Mr. ---but they have never reached me.
Oh Dear You are not more anxious to see me than I am to see you all. And I will
certainly come as soon as there is any chance of doing so. Tell the friends that the
boys are doing well. Capt. Howard and Corporal Stone are all that have been
killed in this campaign. Dear, I have a boy with me and can make out very well.
I have a new suit of Clothes and enough money to get by on. So answer this
immediately as I am very anxious to get it at Wellville. My kindest regards to
all friends and relations. Kiss the children for me. And share my love with
Mother, Father and Sister.
Your devoted Willie F. Young