Contributed by Sarah Hutcherson







TO HOLD MEMORIAL FOR DEPARTED MEMBERS--In connection with the morning worship at the First Baptist Church on Sunday morning,a short memorial will be held in memory of W.A.DANIELS and Mrs.Y.B. TURNER.This service will be held in honor of their faithfulness and devotion to their church.

FATHER OF AGENT IS ACCIDENTLY KILLED--B.F. HARDISON,SR.,of Ridgely,was killed early yesterday morning in an orchard near his home,through the accidental discharge of a shot gun.He was serving his 26th year as cashier of the Planters Bank of Ridgely at the time of his death.He was the father of B.F.HARDISON,Jr.,of this city,local agent for the Standard Oil Company of Louisana,was also extensively engaged in farming and was connected with an insurance company.He had served for a number of years as trustee of the First Methodist Church of that city,was a member of the Ridgely Board of Alderman and was an active member of the Ridgely Commercial Club.Besides his son,of this city,he is survived by his widow,Mrs.Addie Hoschel Hardison,two other children,Miss Virginia HARDISON,of Ridgely;Mrs.Don HALL,of Martin;his father,J.J.HARDISON,of Medina; two sisters, Mrs.Callie WRIGHT and Mrs.Murray ARNOLD,of Medina; and a brother,Carey HARDISON,of Fruitland.Services were held in Ridgely.

THE DICTIONARY MUST BE WRONG--Webster’s New International Dictionary says that no varity of snake stings with its tail.Will GRANT, Peck WELLS and John GUTHRIE,of Brighton,declare the naturalists are wrong.On Monday of last week in Beaver bottom,these three men killed a six and half- foot snake from which they removed as beautiful skin as has ever been seen here.It was of two colors only,a brilliant enamel- like black,with geometrically precise figures of red.They shot the snake and while it was in its dying throes,the giant snake repeatedly thrust a stinger out of the end of its tail whenever touched.

ALL GRAMMER SCHOOL TEACHERS ARE RE-ELECTED--The members of the school faculty are: Miss Gertrude WOODROW, Miss Gladys PENNEL, Miss Ailene DeWESE, Miss Julia ROANE, Mrs.R.H.GREEN, Miss Vergie MOORE, Miss Ora MOORE, Mrs.Elsye PROVOW, Miss Wilmoth WHITLEY, Mrs.Clemmie WILSON,and Mr.Paul SHOAF.

PRO.MORRISON HERE--Prof.& Mrs.Finis MORRISON,of Ada,OK left this morning after a visit of a week with his parents,Rev.& Mrs.S.B.MORRISON,of this city.He was a student in Byars-Hall during a previous pastorate here with his father.Leaving Covington,he attended the East Central State College at Ada,OK and was given a place in the schools of that city upon graduation.

DIED IN KANSAS CITY TODAY--M.H.HILL,of Fayetteville,AR died in a Kansas City,MO hospital this morning following an operation performed Saturday.Funeral services will be held in Fayetteville.He was a son of the late F.W.& Laura J.HILL,was born and reared in Tipton County,moving to the vicinity of Fayetteville in 1902,and having been engaged in farming since that time.Besides his widow,Mrs.Lina Murphy HILL; he is survived by five children,A.W., Blane, Florence, Erin and Martha,all of Prairie Grove,AR; two brothers,J.A.HILL,of Mt.Carmel and S.H.HILL,of Gates.

MRS.J.A.ARNOLD DEAD--Mrs.Sherrod SMITH and son,Mr.Peyton Smith,of this city,were in Sardis,MS Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs.J.A.ARNOLD of that city.Mrs.ARNOLD was the mother of D.A.ARNOLD,Mrs.SMITH’s son-in-law.She is survived by her son and her husband.

HALL GETS 20 YEARS--Clarence ( Cotton ) HALL,on trial in Circuit Court in Brownsville for the alleged hold-up of the Peoples Bank of Stanton,in July 1931,was convicted yesterday.He was given 20 years.

CHARLESTON NOTES--Miss Ivie DRAKE,county demonstrator,gave a most interesting demonstration in cottage cheese and butter making.Mrs.C.H.DAVIS was hostess for the occasion.Miss Marie TATLOCK,of Covington,favored the club with piano selections.The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs.W.C.HAMBY.--Mrs.W.H.COLE is reported better this week,being seriously ill last week at her home. --Little Miss Mildred SMITH,of Tabernacle,has returned home after a visit of a week with her aunt,Miss Minnie WALKER. --Miss Nelle SHOAF returned home Thursday after a visit of several days with her aunt,Mrs.Chester YARBROUGH,of Mason.--Mr.& Mrs.Edgar WHITEHORN,Jr.,and children,of Tabernacle,were guests of Mr.& Mrs.Ed WHITEHORN.Their little daughter,Edwina remained for a week’s visit.

SIMPSON-DENNIS--A 6 o’clock morning wedding was performed by Rev.A.B.LOVE,of this city,Friday,May 27th,at the Temple Methodist Church,of Lucy,which came as a matter of surprise to the many friends of the young couple.He united in marriage Mr.James C.SIMPSON,of this city,and Miss Gladys DENNIS,of Lucy.The bride was attended by her sister,Mrs.Roger WILLIAMS,as matron of honor;the groom by Mr.K.E.GIBBONS,his brother-in-law,as best man.The bride was given in marriage by her brother,Mr.Paul DENNIS.Ushers were J.T.BURROWS,of Memphis and W.B.SIMONTON,of Covington.Music by Doris Lee SIMPSON & Miss Oneida LEAKE.The bride was costumed in white crepe with harmonizing accessories,wearing a shoulder bouquet of white roses and sweetpeas.The matron of honor was gowned in pink crepe.Mrs.SIMPSON was a member of the fauclty of the Rosemark school during the past term and Mr.SIMPSON has been employed at the Mayes-Howard Lumber Company,this city for the past few years.They will make their home with the groom’s mother at Atoka.

GAINSVILLE NOTES--Mrs.J.D.McCLANAHAN,of this community,who had the misfortune to fall and break a wrist and hip recently,is improving at the home of her daughter,Mrs.A.S.WITHERINGTON,of Millington.

Dr. TORREYSON DEAD--Dr.B.W.TORREYSON,prominent educator and churchman of Conway,AR was buried Tuesday morning.He was president-emeritus of the State Teachers College,of that city and was formerly superintendent of schools at Fort Smith.It was while at the former city that he was an elder in the Presbyterian Church during the pastorate of Dr.R.L.JETTON,of this city.Dr.JETTON was called to conduct funeral services.

MOVES TO FAYETTEVILLE--Dr.& Mrs.R.W.YOUNG,who have been making Covington their home for about a year,have returned to Dr.YOUNG’s former home in Fayetteville.

NOTICE--To Mrs.Taylor HAYNIE, Mrs.Tom KYLE, Mrs.Walker SHOAF,and Walter HAYNIE: You are hereby notified that the County Board of Highway Commissioners of Tipton County,Tennessee has by resolution,condemned for road purposes,certain lands situate in the First Civil District ( description given ),Said right of way is necessary for the location and establishment of State Highway No.54, known as the Covington to Brownsville road,etc. This 26th day of May,1932.E.F.ELAM,Supt.of Roads of Tipton County.

LOCALS--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Earl WALK,of Garland,Wednesday,a son.

PERSONAL--Mrs.Fred TRAYER,of Water Valley,MS is spending a few days this week with her sister-in-law,Mrs.Frank THOMPSON. --Mrs.Harold McDANIEL and children,of Tyronza,AR are guests of Dr.McDANIEL’s mother,Mrs.J.W.McDANIEL,of this city. --Mrs.R.S.FULLER is spending several days with her granddaughter,Mrs.Billy HOGAN,of the Hogan’s Store vicinity. --Miss Sadie Sue GOAD,of Ripley,was a guest of her sister,Mrs.Conrad COOK,of this city,Tuesday. --Mrs.John KINCAID,of this city,was called to her former home in Troy Sunday,because of the serious illness of her father. --Dr.Ed WALL was in Jackson Tuesday returning with his daughter,Mrs.S.E.CARPENTER,who is visiting him and Mrs.HALL here this week. --Mrs.R.S.FARRIS and three children left Saturday morning for Carlisle,MS where they are enjoying a 10-day visit with Mr.FARRIS’ uncle,Mr.K.L.FARRIS,of that city. --While engaged on the road in this immediate territory,Mr.William RUFFIN,of Memphis,was the guest of his father,D.W.RUFFIN,of this vicinity,last week. --Mrs.William KELLY plans to leave for her home in Chattanooga early next week.She will be accompanied by her sister,Mrs.Troy McCALL,the latter’s son,William WHITLEY and Mrs.Y.B.TURNER of Caruthersville,MO. --Mr.A.H.OVERALL,of Troy,was a week-end visitor in Memphis,Stopping over in Covington to visit relatives.He was accompanied home by his son,Milburn OVERALL.

PROCTOR-MAXWELL--A wedding of interest here and Burlison,which was performed last December 20,at Osceola,AR was announced this week.At that time,Mr.John PROCTOR,son of Mr.& Mrs.R.A.PROCTOR,of Burlison,was united in marriage with Miss Clemmie MAXWELL,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.E.MAXWELL,also of Burlison.The young couple were accompanied by the bride’s brother,Mr.Emmett MAXWELL,to the Arkansas city when they became man & wife.

J.W.McGUIRE BURIED IN MUNFORD CEMETERY--John William McGUIRE,of Memphis,died at his residence Friday night,May 27th.Funeral services were held at Harris Memorial Methodist Church in that city Sunday by Rev,Yates MOORE,interment occurred in Munford Cemetery,this city.Mr.McGUIRE was born in Covington and was the first white man to own a barber shop here,purchasing the establishment of A.D.SMITH,colored,who for many years served the white people in Covington.He moved to Memphis in the spring of 1898,soon after his marriage to Miss Dora KURTS,of this city.Three years later,his health began to fail and he moved to TX,settling at Mineral Springs.He was circulation manager of the Daily Index of that city for the next 25 years.Realizing that his search for health was futile,he returned to Memphis three years 69 ago,to be near his friends and family.He is survived by his widow,Mrs.Dora Kurts McGUIRE; a brother,Walter WOMACK,of Memphis; a neice,Mrs.J.O.ATKINS and a nephew,Bob BRYANT,both of Covington.

VETERAN FIREMAN IS BURIED HERE SUNDAY--W.C.( Dick) BRYANT,for the past ten years,a driver of one of the city fire trucks,died early Saturday morning.Funeral services were held at the First Methodist Church,conducted by Rev.E.W.CRUMP,assisted by Rev.S.B.MORRISON.Interment in Munford Cemetery.He was employed by the fire department for two different periods,he served as driver for 18 months during the horse drawn equipment and the above mentioned time.In addition to being employed by the city he also operated a dairy which enjoyed a liberal patronage.He is survived by his widow,Mrs.Clara BRYANT; his mother, Mrs.Sallie BRYANT and a brother,E.M.BRYANT.Also making his home with Mr.BRYANT was little D.M.SIMS,grandson of Mrs.BRYANT.

BRIEF ILLNESS FATAL--Charles M.PEETE,member of a prominent Tennessee family and a resident of Memphis since 1885,died Monday morning at the Baptist Hospital.He was 71 years old.He was born near Charleston,the son of Dr.& Mrs.John Speed PEETE.When his sister married Dr.R.E.BULLINGTON and went to Hernando,MS to live,Mr.PEETE went with them.Mrs.BULLINGTON,wife of the prominent Memphis dentist and Confederate veteran,died last year.Interment was in Elmwood Cemetery.

THE SICK THIS WEEK--Mr.Nick HOWARD accompanied by his son,M.B.HOWARD,and Garrot DOBSON,have returned after a trip by auto to Pittsburg,Kansas,where they attended the bedside of Mr.HOWARD’s brother,Rev.Charlie HOWARD,of that city,who is seriously ill after a major operation. --Prof.A.H.GRANTHAM,superintendent of schools,who has been under treatment in the Baptist Hospital,Memphis for several weeks,was hardly well yesterday,it being necessary to give him a blood transfusion.--Mrs.Bettie DOWNING is expecting to be up in a rolling chair this week after 10 weeks confinement with a broken hip.She is about 86 years of age,and is being congratulated on her remarkable recovery. --Mrs.E.F.ELAM,of this city,who is convalescing following a recent operation in a Memphis hospital,is now at the home of her sister,Mrs.W.H.LINDSEY,of that city. --Mr.Townes BOYD is critically ill,his left side being entirely paralyzed after a stroke he experienced early Sunday morning.

End of June 2,1932 issue.


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