Contributed by Sarah Hutcherson







ACCIDENTLY SHOT--C.H.SULLIVAN,JR. of the city,was the victim of a most regrettable accident which occurred in Cold Creek bottoms in Lauderdale County Wednesday afternoon.He was hunting squirrels with E.P. PETREE,local manager of the Texas Co.,when the accident occurred.Mr. PETREE is said to have fired one time and was in the act of ejecting a stubborn shell from the magazine of his gun when it fired,the greater portion of the lead taking effect in Mr.SULLIVAN’s left side,from his shoulder to a point below the hip.He was rushed to the hospital and after treatment returned home.Mr.SULLIVAN is one of the proprietors of the Red Star Service Station in this city.

VICTIM OF STROKE--Mr.Verby BASKINS,84 years,of the Hazel Grove vicinity,died yesterday as a result of a paralytic stroke experienced a few days ago.Services were held at Indian Creek cemertary this morning by Rev.W.C.THARP.Mr.BASKINS was one of the pioneer citizens of his community and was both a substantial and highly respected citizen.He is survived by two sons,Andrew and Orville BASKINS;three daughters,Mrs.Dora KNIGHT,Mrs.J.W.ABERNATHY and Mrs.Donnie MILLS,all of this county.

PASSES AWAY SUNDAY--Townes BOYD,a prominent figure in Covington socia land business life for fifty years,died at the residence of Mrs.T.R.HANNA,in this city,early Sunday morning.His death followed a paralytic stroke experienced a week ago.Services were conducted at the First Presbyterian Church,interment in Munford Cemetery.Mr.BOYD was born in Mecklenburg Co.VA and moved to Covington 50 years ago..He was graduated at Hampden-Sidney College,VAin 1862,and joined the Confederate Army,serving as a private in the Third VA Cavalry and in the First Richmond Howitzer Battalion to the end of the war.Mr.Boyd is survived by one son,Lewis BOYD,of Memphis; one daughter,Mrs.J.G.JOHNSON,of Hendersonville,TN and 6 grandchildren.Another daughter,Mrs.Frances BOYD CALHOUN,author of “Aunt Minerva and William Green Hill,” died several years ago.

DECREE OF ABSOLUTE DIVORCE--J.E.DICKEY,of the Liberty vicinity,received a decree of absolute divorce from his wife,Mrs.Emma DICKEY,in a decision handed down by County Judge C.B.McCLLELAND Monday.Mrs.DICKEY’s cross bill was dismissed.Mr.DICKEY’s suit,based on cruel and inhuman treatment,was answered in kind by his wife,who added failure to provide in her cross bill.Mrs.DICKEY was allowed $100 for attorney fees and alimony pendente lite,an amount of $30 monthly pending a successful plea before the court of appeals.A motion was filed by attorneys for Mrs.DICKEY yesterday for additional attorneys fees and cost of appeal.Judge McCLELLAND denied the plea,stating that the case of the defendant had been but a “frivolous one from the start.”The case however,will probably reach the higher courts.

BRIGHTON NEWS--Mr.Pearl ROSE and family,of Detroit,spent the week-end with his father,Mr.Henry ROSE at Brighton. --Miss Forrest ADAWAY and George & Donald RICHARDSON,of Rosemark,spent last week with their aunt,Mrs.O.L.TILLMAN. --Miss Mildren FARMER returned to her home Tuesday after spending several weeks with her sister,Mrs.A.L.TANNER. --Mrs.Will HINDMAN and daughter attended the funeral of Mrs.HINDMAN’s uncle,Mr.Jim SULLIVAN of Atoka Friday. --Estes TANNER,of Cherry Valley,AR is on an extended visit with his uncle,J.W.TANNER. --Much concern was aroused throughout the community over the recent death of Mr.Jerome ROAK,aged 23 years,son of Mr.& Mrs.J.F.ROARK,of Clopton. --BORN Friday morning,June 3rd,to Mr.& Mrs.A.L.TANNER,a daughter,June. --News has been received by relatives of the recent serious illness of Mrs Beauton Tanner CARWELL,of Cherry Valley,AR formerly of Tipton County.

LOCALS--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Earl HILL,of Brighton,Monday,a son. --BORN to Mr.& Mrs.O.T.DODSON,of Garland,recently,a son. --BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Gary HADLEY,of Milan,June 1st,a daughter. --Mrs.Lena RUTHERFORD has recently moved into her new cottage on West Pleasant Ave.Her uncle,Mr.John GOODMAN,who makes his home with her,moved with her from their former place of residence on Shelton Stree. --Carl PETERSON,student and star athlete at Union University,Jackson,returned to his home in this city last week.After a short visit with his parents,Mr.& Mrs.Clyde PETERSON,he left for St.Louis,MO for the summer where he will be in the employ of the Pictorial Review.

HUBER-ROSE--Announcement has been made this week of a wedding which will be much interest to Covington friends of the bride.On Friday evening,June 3rd,at the residence of Dr.& Mrs.PITTENZER,of Indianapolis,Ind.,Miss Sara Margaret ROSE,daughter of Mr.W.L.ROSE,of this city.became the bride of Mr.Stanton L.HUBER of Anderson,Ind.

PERSONAL--Mr.& Mrs.W.R.GIFT and Mrs.N.H.MURPHY attended the WINN funeral at Lucy Monday. --Mrs.Walter MURPHY and son,David,of Birmhamingham,ala, visited her sister,Mrs.Lena RUTHERFORD of this city Sunday. --Mr.Arnim BRANN,a student at U.Of T. at Knoxville has recently been a guest in the home of his aunt,Miss Ivey DRAKE,of the city. --Douglas DELK left Sunday for Memphis where he is spending this week as guest of his sister,Mrs.L.J.LUTTRELL,of that city. --Mrs.Maud BILLINGS and son of Atoka,were guests of her sister,Mrs.Tommie KLUTTS,of this city. --Mrs.Fred TRAYSER,of Water Valley,MS returned to her home Sunday after a visit to her sister-in-law,Mrs.Frank THOMPSON,of this city. --Mrs.E.B.PACE and daughter,Catherine,are guests of her parents,Mr.& Mrs.J.M.FUTCH,of McGee AR. --Mrs.J.M.CRUMP,of Memphis,is spending the month of June with the family of her son,Rev.E.W.CRUMP of this city. --Mrs.F.T.ECHFORD and neice,Miss Katherine BLANKENSHIP,of this city,were guests of the former’s father,Mr.Ed CANTRELL of Central,Laud.Co.,TN. --Little Anne Claire ARNOLD,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.D.A.ARNOLD,of Sardis,MS is visiting her grandparents,Mr.& Mrs.Sherrod SMITH,of this city. --Mr.Mark DAUGHERTY,formerly of this county,but now of Detroit,Mich.,left Wednesday following a visit to the family of Mr.E.R.DAUGHERTY,his brother and friends in Brighton. --Mrs.Walter SANFORD will leave the latter part of the week for Charleston,MS where she will be the guest of her daughter,Mrs.H.R.WHITTEN. --Miss Shirley Fay WILBURN and Miss Peggy DAVIS,daughters of Mr.& Mrs.W.R.WILBURN & Mr.& Mrs.T.DAVIS of Water Valley MS,were guests last week of Miss Evelyn SMITH,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Walter G. SMITH of this city.

TERRY-SOMERVILL--A wedding beautiful in its simplicity,was solemnized at historic old Trinity Chapel om June 4th,when Mr.William Alexander SOMERVILL gave in marriage his daughter,Ellen Maude to Mr.Benton TERRY,of Cookeville,TN,the Rev.Victor R.SMITH,of Memphis,saying the ceremony.(very lenthly article.)

VICTIM OF MENINGITIS--Jerome E.ROARK,23 years,son of Mr.& Mrs.J.F.ROARK,of near Clopton,died at the Baptist hospital,Memphis,Friday June 3rd.His death was due to meningitis.Services were held in the Clopton Methodist Church Sunday,interment in the Clopton Cemetery.In addition to his parents,he is survived by five brothers and four sisters.

DEATH--Mr.Orvid WINN,of Lucy,died Friday after a lingering illness.He was 68 years of age.Services were conducted at Temple Church the following day,interment there.Mr.WINN married Miss Ada GOODMAN,of Covington and was well known here.

ATOKA R.F.D. NOTES--Mrs.R.E.RIALES,of Atoka,received a telegram last week informing her of the death of her sister-in-law,Mrs.Albert SMITH,of Como,MS which occurred Saturday,May 28th. --This community was surprised to hear of the marriage of Miss Gertrude LYLES,of Brighton,and Mr.Wert HANKS,of Egypt,the wedding having taken place several months ago at Marion,AR.

DEATH--Richard R.SOMERVILL,58 years,died at his Memphis residence Monday evening June 6th.Services were conducted in a Memphis mortuary by Dr.Charles F.Blaisdell with interment in Elmwood Cemetery.He is survived by his widow,Mrs.Lelar CHOATE SOMERVILL; his mother,Mrs.Donie SOMERVILL; four sisters, Mrs.J.T.ROSE,of Memphis; Mrs.W.H.POPE of Orlando,FL; Mrs.Maude CATHEY of Dallas,Texas; Two brothers, Alex SOMERVILL and Aurthur SOMMERVILL; both of Memphis.His father,Hunt SOMERVILL,of Mason,preceeded him in death.

RIPLEY WOMAN BADLY INJURED IN COLLISION--Mrs.R.D.JENKINS,of Ripley,mother-in-law of Mrs.James JENKINS,also of that city,the former Miss Martha LOWENHAUPT,was seriously injured in an auto accident crash near Murfreesboro Monday .Mrs.James JENKINS,who was visiting in Covington at the time the news was received,left at once for Ripley,accompanied by Mr.& Mrs.Bill HENDRIX,of Nashville,who was also visiting here.Mrs.HENDRIX is a daughter of Mrs.JENKINS.At Ripley,they were joined by James JENKINS and the four left for Nashville.Mrs.James JENKINS Sr.,in company with a brother,Hunter DAVIS and her nephew,Marshall DAVIS,both of Nashville,received her injuries when their car struck a truck and was thrown against the abutment of a concrete bridge.Mr.DAVIS Sr.,was instantly killed,the younger DAVIS living but a short time.Mrs.JENKINS is suffering from severe cuts and bruise and a fractured skull.

MOORE-ROSE--A wedding of great surprise to relatives as well as friends is formerally announced this week.On Nov.11th,last,Miss Virginia ROSE,daughter of Mr.W.L.ROSE of this city,became the bride of Raymond J.MOORE,son of Mr.& Mrs.Lee MOORE,of this city.The wedding was solemnized in Hernando,MS.

DIES AT KANSAS HOME--Rev.Charlie HOWARD,formerly of this county,but for the last four years a resident of Pittsburg,Kansas,died at his home in that city Friday,June 3rd.He was 44 years old,was a son of Rev.Samuel HOWARD,one of the early circuit riders of the Methodist Church.Besides his widow,he leaves two sons,Everett and Willie; a brother,Will HOWARD,of Garland and two sisters,Mrs.J.H.ROGERS of Burlison and Mrs.W.L. GREEN of Memphis.

End of June 9,1932 issue.






SAVES BOY FROM DROWNING--Fortunely for Edgar WHITE,14 years,of Gilt Edge, Roy FINLEY,also of that vicinity,was a member of a swimming party last Sunday morning.FINLEY, J.B. PINNER and Edgar COOPER,in company with five boys,Dean FINLEY, J.B.PINNER,Jr.,Bud EARWOOD, Herbert VANWINKLE and young WHITE were going to a large swimming hole in the canal about two miles north of Gilt Edge.The boys,racing ahead,were ready for a swim before the men arrived.As young WHITE,a poor swimmer,plunged into the water over his head,the men were about 100 yards away.Upon reaching the edge of the canal,FINLEY & COOPER plunged into the water with their clothes on.They found the drowning boy but was unable to bring him to the bank.Returning to the bank,FINLEY removed his clothing and plunged in again,this time succeeding in bringing up the apparently lifeless body of the WHITE boy.For about 40 minutes,the men worked over the youth,pumping his legs,arms and forcing the water out of his chest.They finally succeeded in restoring him to consciousness.

DIED SATURDAY--Mr.Robert Mathis WALLACE died at his home in the 8th District Saturday,June 11th,after an illness extendind over a period of years.Services were held Sunday,after which the remains were interred in Providence Cemetery near Jackson,near the scenes of his childhood.Mr.WALLACE was born April 7,1865.Upon his marriage to Miss Janie Lee COMBS of Tipton County,he came to this county where he has since resided.To this union six children were born; three children and his widow surviving him.The children are the Mesdames BLALACK of near Mt.Carmel and Robert Lee WALLACE.Eleven grandchildren survive.

WILL GRADUATE JUNE 24th--Miss Lucile McDANIEL,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.N.McDANIEL,of Memphis,will graduate with valedictorian honors from Mathes-Lawrence Private School Friday June 24th.She will have completed the four year course in three years.Miss McDANIEL is the granddaughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.D.SMITH of this vicinity.

LOCAL MAN ATTENDS REELFOOT FOX CHASE--George B.RHODES,of Mt.Carmel,was a member of a large party of West Tennesseeans which enjoyed the hospitality of Joe BROWDER,prominent sportsman of Fulton,KY Tuesday June7th.Mr.BROWDER entertained his friends with a fishing,hunting party and fox chase at Reelfoot Lake.

BURIED HERE THIS MORNING--W.T.McCORMICK,for years a figure in Courthouse  life here,died suddenly at his Maple Street residence Wednesday at 2:30 a.m.Services were held at the residence this morning by Dr.R.L.JETTON.Mr.McCORMICK had not completely recovered from an attack of influenza during which he was confined to his home for some weeks.Death is attributed to heart failure.He was 74 years old.Besides his widow,Mrs.Lillie McBride McCORMICK,he is survived by three brothers;Messrs.John McCORMICK,of Memphis and O.S.& Claud McCORMICK of Munford; and three sisters,Mrs.Ollie SMITH of Barretville; Mrs.Laura SMITH of Poplar Grove and Mrs.Maggie BILLINGS,of near Tipton.

THE SICK--Mr.C.H.SULLIVAN,Jr.,of this city,is able to be out again after being accidently shot in the side recently.--Miss Katherine PARR,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Egbert PARR,of the Bride community is now at home again and much better after treatment extending over a period of three months at Baptist Hospital,Memphis.--Roy Dale DRAFFIN,3-year-old son of David DRAFFIN,of Atoka continues in serious condition in St.Joseph’s Hospital,Memphis.he was burned in a grass fire the 11th of last March.

TABERNACLE NOTES--Mrs.P.A.BRIGMAN returned Sunday after two weeks visit with a daughter,Mrs.B.K.WILLIAMSON of Kansas City,MO.--Miss Louise HOGAN,of Solo, is visiting her half-sister,Mrs.D.A.ARCHER this week.--Master Clifford ARCHER is spending this week with his grandfather,Mr.W.H.HOGAN,of Solo.--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Frank ADKINS Sunday,June 5th,a son,James Edward.

DEATH--News received this morning of the death of Mr.L.N.HEWITT at his home in Ft.Worth,Texas on Wednesday this week.He was a brother of R.A.HEWITT of Barretville and made his home in Tipton Co.,a number of years ago.He has been living in Texas the past 30 years.He is survived by two sons,one daughter and was 78 years of age.Funeral services were held in Fort Worth.

LYLES-CHAPMAN--A wedding surprising both relatives and friends has been announced this week.Miss Nell CHAPMAN,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.B.W.CHAPMAN,of this city,became the bride of Ernest LYLES,son of Mr.& Mrs.R.W.LYLES,of Brighton,on Dec.11th at Marion,AR.

PERSONAL--David NICKEL,of Centerville,MS is the guest of his sister,Miss Mildred NICKEL,of this city.--Mrs.Ollie FAIRCHILD,of Memphis,was the week-end guest of her mother,Mrs.N.H.MURPHY,this week-end.--Mrs.D.W.MARKS,of Memphis was the week-end guest of her sister,Mrs.E.L.WORRELL,of this city.--Mrs.Guy HARWOOD and little son,Guy,of Milan,were guests of her parents,Mr.& Mrs.W.H.BAILEY this week.--Jean,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.William John WILSON,of the Detroit vicinity,is spending this week with an aunt,Mrs.Leslie RICHARDSON,of Memphis.--Charles & Jack McBRIDE,of Houston,Texas are the guests of their parents,Mr.& Mrs.C.O.McBRIDE of Mt.Carmel,enjoying a two weeks vacation.--Mr.& Mrs.C.C.PACE,after a visit with the family of their son,J.B.PACE,of Memphis,are visiting the family of their son,E.D.PACE of this city this week.--Mrs.C.N.HARDWICK,of South Covington.left Monday evening for Des Moines,Iowa,where she will attend the bedside of her daughter,Mrs.L.E.BRUMLEY,the former Mae Jewell HARDWICK of South Covington.

BRIGHTON NOTES--Mr.& Mrs.W.S.DeWESE and family returned to their home here last week after attending the graduation exercises of Miss Kathryn DeWESE at Peabody College,Nashville.--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Vertie WELLS Wednesday,June 8th,a son.--Mrs.Will SARTEN and grandson,J.B.MAYFIELD,of Covington,spent part of last week with relatives here.

SELF-DEFENSE--Detective Sergeant David L.JAMIESON,of Memphis,is out on a bond of $2500 for the alleged shooting of A.B.NOBLE,a baker, of that city.JAMIESON was born and reared in Brighton,living in Covington for a period of his early life.NOBLE is well known in Covington,having been employed here some years ago by J.W.BLACK Bakery. NOBLE’s wife,a red haired sprightly woman,many years his junior,is being held as a material witness.JAMIESON will make a plea of self-defence in answer to the charge of shooting with intent to kill.This in the event of NOBLE’s recovery,he is regarded in serious condition,having been shot in the vicinity of his heart.JAMIESON is a divorced man,and it is stated both by himself and Mrs.NOBLE to have gone out with her upon numerous occasions.JAMIESON and the woman were accosted by NOBLE as they left a Memphis night club Tuesday about 2:30 a.m.It is said he did not speak but advanced on the officer and his wife with a large stick in his hand.Jamieson’s face and leg shows signs of heavy blows,he states upon being attacked,he drew his pistol and fired.

LOCALS--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Lawrence MOONEYHAM,of the Liberty vicinity,Tuesday,a son.--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Mabin HOPKINS,of the Mt.Carmel vicinity,recently,a son.--Mrs.J.C.VAUGHN,of Detroit,received notice a few days ago of the death of her nephew,Cleveland BAKER,at Corpus Christi,TX.He was 47 years old,a WW veteran.He was buried at Carrizo Springs,TX under the auspices of the American Legion.--Friends of Mr.John DUNCAN,who has visited in the Solo vicinity,will be sorry to learn of his death,which occurred May 29th at his home in Earle,AR.He had been a railroad man for many years and when visiting in Tipton County was a guest of C.B.STRICKLAND,a boyhood friend.

NEWS FROM PHELAN--Miss Fannie John EUBANK was the guest of her mother and grandmother,Mesdames Anna EUBANK and Fannie KIMBROUGH,of Halls,Wednesday.--Mrs.John MILLER has returned to her home in Oak Grove after a visit with her mother,Mrs.Wylie PICKENS.--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Ed PEPPER,of Whiteville Tuesday,May 31st,a son,Edward Darrel.Mrs.PEPPER was before her marriage,Miss Lena Mai THOMPSON,of this vicinity.

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC--My wife,having left my bed and board without cause,all parties are hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by her. H.O.POINDEXTER.

THE LEAFLETS--Mr.Calvin SMITH,of Troy,for the past year a theological student in Erskine College,Due West,SC occupied the pulpits at Salem and Sharon last Sabbath on invitation of the pastor.He is visiting a sister,Mrs.J.C.TROBAUGH,of the Salem community.--Mrs.R.K.GARRISON and granddaughter,little Miss Sarah RICE,of Tigrett,are visiting the former’s daughter,Mrs.Edgar HUNTER,of the Orphanage.--BORN Saturday,June 11th,to Mr.& Mrs.E.L.ROPER,Jr.,of this city,a daughter,Josephine Shelton.

FAULK-LEE--Friends and relatives of the groom in Tipton County are interested in the recent announcement of the marriage of Miss Maude Walterrine LEE,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.L.LEE,of Inverness,MS and Mr.Peyton FAULK,of Memphis,son of Mr.& Mrs.C.E.FAULK,also of that city.They were married in Memphis last Feb.25th.Mr.FAULK was born and reared in Covington.

HOLLY GROVE NOTES--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Buck Taylor,June 3rd.a daughter,Ida Mai.

WHERE IS J.B.HESTER? --Editor Leader: I wonder if you could give me any information about my father,J.B.HESTER,his address or whereabouts.I understand he is in Covington.I think he has kin people by the name of Becky BOYD who has been living there many years and my father has been there about six years.Thanking you very much and awaiting your reply.Yours Truly, W.A.HESTER Rt.2 Box 108 High Point,NC.

AMONG THE COLORED PEOPLE--Henrietta THOMAS,wife of Albert THOMAS,died at their home on North College Street Saturday evening,June 4th.She had been ill for quite awhile.The funeral was preached by her pastor,from a text selected by herself.She is survived by her husband,A.B.THOMAS,a good Christian citizen and three girls she reared; Polly,Amidora and Georgia; a large number of relatives on both sides.Interment was in Townsend Cemetery.

HIT AND RUN DRIVER--Late Saturday afternoon,R.S.McDOW,of this city,was struck by a speeding hit and run driver and suffered a fractured left ankle.Negroes nearby came running to his rescue and secured the services of Claud HANKS,of near Kerrville,who brought McDOW to Covington for treatment.

HENNING BOY BETTER--William DYSON,7-year-old boy of Henning,who was seriously injured June 10th,while he and his brother,Raymond,9 years old,were playing with a shotgun,was reported doing “fairly well;”at Baptist hospital.The boys,sons of G.W.DYSON,found the gun in the attic of their home.While they were examining it,William’s right arm received the full charge of the shot.

End of June 16,1932.






MAY HAVE LEADER OF ROBBERY GANG--Verble SMITH,of the Owen’s School vicinity,and Clint WORTHAM & Bruce FLEMING,of Oak Grove,were given a preliminary hearing before Esq.J.Lauderdale RICHARDSON yesterday afternoon SMITH was arrested by Sheriff Jim T. SCOTT Saturday afternoon,and confessed to the robbery of the Mt.Carmel Mercantile Store and E.G.McIntosh Store of Covington,early that morning. WORTHAM & FLEMING were arrested by Deputy Jim Tom WOOD on a warrant sworn out by Esq.A.E. SLOVER.Upon searching the SMITH farm,a large quanitity of misc. merchandise was found in an out building.SMITH has been in trouble here often before.(long discussion of his past crimes)

FORMER CITIZEN DIES--A perfect record of 44 years’ continuous service as an engineer for the Illinois Central railroad without having had a wreck was brought to a close with the death of William H.RALPH, 66 years old,retired railroad man of Memphis.Moving there from Covington 29 years ago,Mr.RALPH had been in active service until two years ago,when he suffered a nervous breakdown and was retired.He had been confined to his bed for three weeks and was unconsicous for the past four days.Death came to him at 8:45 p.m. Monday.He is survived by his widow,Mrs.Lula Morgan RALPH; a son,Charles E.RALPH and a daughter,Mrs.C.J.GWALTNEY,all of Memphis; and two brothers, Ed RALPH,of Covington and Ike RALPH,of Gift.Services were held Tuesday in Memphis with burial in Memorial Park.

LOCAL ITEMS FROM OVER THE COUNTY--Prof.R.H.COBB,of Rome,GA is in Chicago,IL this summer where he is completing work for his Ph.D. degree.Mrs.COBB,the former Miss Rose WOOTEN,of this city,will remain during the summer with her parents,Mr.& Mrs.Joe WOOTEN.--An anticipated visit of former Covingtonians was interrupted at Limon,CO this week. Mrs.Gracey Key HARRY and daughter,and the Misses Berta & Catherine MALONE were en route from their home in Boulder,CO for a visit with Mr.& Mrs.Irving MALONE,of this city.In passing an auto on loose gravel,their car overturned,breaking

Mrs.HARRY’s collar bone,wrenching Miss Catherine MALONE’s back and bruising other members of the party.They returned home and abandoned the trip for this summer. --Mrs.H.C.WILSON,of the Detroit vicinity,recently received notice of the death of a sister,Mrs.Burt WAGES,of St.Louis,MO.In addition to Mrs.WILSON,Mrs.WAGES is survived by another sister in this county,Mrs.Ed ROBERTS,of near Covington.

FORMER RESIDENT DIES--Relatives have been notified of the recent death of Mrs.E.R.WAGES,of St.Louis,MO which occurred in a hospital in that city on June12th.Funeral services and interment took place there the following day.Mrs.WAGES formerly resided in the 3rd district of Tipton County.Two sisters; Mrs.H.C.WILSON of Walnut Grove and Mrs.E.H.ROBERTS ,of Garland,survive.

FEET AND BOTTLES USED AS WEAPONS--Jimmie WARDLAW and the McDANIEL brothers,of District #12 are somewhat the worse for wear as a result of a free-for-all with almost the entire extent of Elm Street as the setting for the shindig.Officers state that the three men are bosom friends,but that upon this occasion,they tested their respective metal after indulgence in strong drink.Saturday night the trio turned from friends into combatants.Now,John McDANIEL is a man small of statue,but with a giant heart,so when WARDLAW,a man of heroic proportions,essayed to take a swipe at his smaller opponent,it was resented and that right heartily.John,however,was no match for Jimmie and was quickly thrown to the ground.Now Jimmie,unwilling to run the risk of knocking his fingers out of joint on John’s head,decided to use his feet as a means of bringing to a speedy end the “Battle of Elm Street.”The outcome of the combat might have been more serious had not John’s brother arrived about this time.Wielding a coke bottle filled with a liquid,(not coke),he brought the weapon down upon WARDLAW’s head with a resounding report.The bottle exploded and the officers showed up.WARDLAW was fined $10 Monday morning for his Highland Fling on John McDANIEL’s head.The McDANIEL reserves who valiantly threw themselves into the fray in time to snatch victory from defeat,were not fined for the use of the coke bottle filled with Hatchie bottom Attar of Corn Silk.

GRANTHAM FUNERAL HELD HERE MONDAY--The funeral services of Prof.A.H.GRANTHAM,superintendent of the city schools,were held at the First Methodist Church,of which he was a member,Monday afternoon.Immediately following services,the funeral cortege left for Henderson,his former home,escorted by State Patrolmen JOHNSON & ALEXANDER.Interment occurred there. It is believed that Prof.GRANTHAM’death was indirectly due to an accident suffered the past winter.He was crushed in the body at that time.About three months ago,he suffered an attack of influenza,complications from which resulted in his death.He is survived by his wife,Mrs.Etta GRANTHAM; one son,James Edwin GRANTHAM; three daughters,Misses Rebecca, Mary Frances and Martha Jean GRANTHAM; his parents,Mr.& Mrs.J.M.GRANTHAM of Henderson; four brothers and four sisters.

DEATH--Mr.James Edgar McDANIEL,54 years,of near Kerrville,died Wednesday morning,after an illness of several years.He had been confined to his bed since January last,prior to his death.Services were held at Salem Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church,interment in Salem Cemetery.Mr.McDANIEL was born 20 October 1877 in the Salem community,spending most of his life there.The past several years of his life were spent in the vicinity of Kerrville,ill health having incapacitated him for active work.Surviving are his widow.Mrs.Ella Joyner McDANIEL;and three children,James, E.J.and Mable McDANIEL.

THE SICK THIS WEEK--Mr.Frank DACUS,of Burlison,is again home after a throat operation in Memphis.--A letter from Prof.B.O.DUGGAN,of Knoxville,former superintendent of schools here,informs his friends that Mrs.DUGGAN underwent a serious operationJune 16th.--Mrs.Garret DOBSON,of Garland,is confined to her bed as the result of very seriousburns on her left foot and leg.A container of boiling grease was overturned on the injured members about two weeks ago.Her young son,Jerry,is also at this time seriously ill with colitis.Jean,a younger daughter,is better after being quite ill.

HONOREE AT BIRTHDAY PARTY--On Saturday,June 19th, the children,grandchildren and other relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs.Frances Jane ROE near Garland.The gathering was in celebration of Mrs.ROE’s 84th birthday.The elderly honoree has five children; 34 grandchildren; 63 greatgrandchildren and two great-greatgrandchildren,most of whom were present to do her honor.

PERSONAL--Mrs.Norma MILLER,of Memphis,has been the guest of her grandmother,Mrs.N.H.MURPHY,of this city.--Miss Mary Martha McBRIDE is in Vicksburg,MS,where she is a guest of her sister,Mrs.Dan RIORDAN.--Mrs.J.A.REEVES,of Dyersburg,is a guest of her daughter,Mrs.T.J.WILSON,of this city.--Mrs.A.P.PETREE and Miss Bettie PETREE,of Red Bay,AL mother and sister of Mr.E.P.PETREE,of this city,are his guests this week.--Richard ROPER left Saturday for Jacksonville,FL where he will be a guest of the family of his uncle,J.W.ROPER.--Mrs.J.R.NOTGRASS and family arrived Saturday and are guests of her parents,Mr.& Mrs.W.R.GIFT,of this vicinity. --Miss Sarah WORRELL left Saturday for Cleveland,where she will be the guest of her sister,Mrs.Frank HARDWICK,the former Mrs.Mary MOORE. --Miss Mary Arden GALLOWAY,of Blytheville,AR arrived Monday for a visit with her sister,Mrs.Will S.ROPER of this city.--Mr.& Mrs.W.A.HILL,of this city,were guests of their daughter,Mrs.F.M.LUCAS,of Ripley last week.--Mr.I.R.CALHOUN left yesterday for a visit in the West.He plans to stay some weeks with his son,Mr.William CALHOUN in Los Angeles,CA . Both going and returning,he will make brief visits with his sister,Mrs.Annie B.SOMERVILL,of San Simon,AZ.

WILL TOUR EUROPE--Mr.& Mrs.W.T.”Bill” BOYD and daughter,Miss Ina Helene,of Austin,Texas,were guests of the family of B.B. BOYD,of this city the past week.They were en route to New York from which place they will sail for Europe.Mr.BOYD was among the first graduates of the Robinson High School of Salem and is well remembered in this section.

DEATH--Mrs.Vivian Crook SCOTT,wife of J.B.SCOTT,of the Rialto vicinity,died Sunday after a brief illness.Services were held at the residence,interment in the Munford Cemetery.Mrs.SCOTT was a member of a well known Lauderdale County family,having been born and reared near Glimp.Besides her husband,two sons survive,J.B.SCOTT,Jr.and Edwin SCOTT; several brothers and sisters.

CHARLESTON NOTES--A wedding of much interest in the community occurred Saturday afternoon,June 18th.Miss Sophie BAXTER,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.H.W.BAXTER,of this place,became the bride of Mr.Haskin DAVIS,son of Mr.& Mrs.J.W.DAVIS,also of this place.The wedding occurred in Marion,AR the young couple being attended by Mr.& Mrs.W.A.DANIELS and Mr.& Mrs.Preston MARSHALL.

End of June 23,1932 issue.


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