Stewart County Court Minutes: Extracts from 1844

Holmes, Albert

Albert Holmes, deceased, settlement made with Nathaniel Holmes, executor of his estate.

January 1844

Wyatt, Thomas

Guardian to Lisa and Elisabeth Bird, settlement made, and ordered to be recorded.

January 1844

Outland, Josephus

Guardian of Rhoda Outland, Amey Outland, and Elizabeth Outland, presented to court and ordered to be recorded.

January 1844

Curtis, William

Guardian of Joel Mann's heirs, settlement ordered to be recorded.

January 1844

Brandon, Christopher

Guardian to Mary E. Cooper, settlement ordered to be recorded.

January 1844

Bell, Henry

Guardian to John Cook's heirs, settlement ordered to be recorded.

January 1844

Holmes, James and Nathaniel

Court allowed expenses to James and Nathaniel Holmes as executors of Albert Holmes, deceased.

January 1844

Lassiter, Lawrence

Lawrence Lassiter, receives letters of administration on estate of Jesse Lassiter, deceased, bond posted was for $24,000; securities, Z. T. Shemwell, Joseph Pinner and Fred H. Clark.

January 1844

Johnson, Abner

Abner Johnson, got letters of administration on estate of Thompson Johnson, deceased.

January 1844

Williams, Berry

Berry Williams, deceased, account of sale of his estate returned by Jonathan Skinner; among items was payment to William K. Colson for repairs on courthouse.

January 1844

West, William H.

Division of negroes belong to estate of William H. West, returned and recorded.

January 1844

Wimberly, Louisa

Louisa Wimberly, appeared in open court and gave additional bond as administratrix of James Wimberly, deceased, $2,000; securities, Edward C. Acree, Nathaniel B. Acree and Allen J. Shemwell, securities.

January 1844

Lassiter, Jesse

Samuel Ross, P. B. Nolin and Jethro Bass appointed to lay off year's provision to widow of Jesse Lassiter.

January 1844

Stancill, Godfrey

Appointed overseer of road in the place of James Morris.

January 1844

Cooley, Richard and Martin, William A.

Elected justices of peace in Districts 2 and 3 appeared and took oaths.

January 1844

Rowley, James

Allowed $75 each for keeping Molly Brown, Onner Arrington, and Molly Gossett, paupers.

January 1844

Mayfield, Alfred

Sheriff is ordered to summon Mrs. Mayfield to come to next term of court and show cause why Alfred Mayfield should not be bound out.

January 1844

Shaw, Thomas; Brown, E.L.; Elliott, T. F.; Powell, Thomas B.; Shemwell, Allen J.

Appointed to view and lay out a road beginning at Lineport on Cumberland and run to intersection of the road leading from Hades to Dover at Fletcher Elliott's and report next term.

January 1844

Bass, Jethro; Acree, Nathaniel B.; Downs, Thomas G.; Champion, Orval and Vinson, Jesse

Appointed to view and lay out road to begin on the Cumberland River at T. G. Downs' old ferry and to intersect the road leading from Brandon's Ferry at Tobaccoport to Craig's Ferry on the Tennessee River and Col. Jethro Bass'.

January 1844

Bell, William; Wynn, William G.; Randle, John

Appointed to divide negroes belonging to heirs of Benjamin W. Tayloe.

January 1844

Rogers, Matthew

Matthew Rogers, deceased, account of his property returned and recorded.

January 1844

Manning, Pridgen

Gets letters of administration on estate of Matthew Manning with Hiram Volentine and Z.T. Shemwell as his securities.

January 1844

Williams, Elisha

Appointed guardian to Sally Webster, heir of William Webster, deceased.

January 1844

Wallace, Abithal

Exonerated from paying taxes due and unpaid by insolvent persons for 1842.

January 1844

Manning, Matthew

Year's provision made for widow of Matthew Manning.

January 1844


Court adjourned with those present being, William A. Martin, William Bell, John Randle, R. Wilson, P. Lynch, chairman, B. Herndon, A. D. Scarborough, R. Caldwell, C. Brandon, William Ellis, Benjamin F. Fraser, H. Fuull(?), C. Travis, James Wilson, James Chan???b, Richard Craggs(?).

January 1844


Peter Lynch, John Randle, James Wilson, Robert Wilson, Richard Cooley, Colman Travis, Benjamin F. Fraser, Henry Ferrell, Christopher Brandon, Robert Caldwell, William Ellis, William Bell, Asa D. Scarborough, William A. Martin, James Chambers, Benjamin Herndon

January 2, 1844

Hicks, Richard

Appointed overseer of road in place of Samuel Wilson.

January 2, 1844

Webster, William

Additional account of sale of William Webster, deceased, returned and ordered to be recorded.

January 2, 1844

Ingram, J. C. and Wall, A. M.

Appointed to settle with county officers.

January 2, 1844

Mockbee, Thomas D.

Settlement made with Thomas D. Mockbee, guardian of Sarah A. Tayloe and Susan A. Tayloe, presented and recorded.

January 2, 1844

Griffin, Nelson

Overseer, ordered to open and work the road leading from Mrs. McGee's Landing on the Cumberland to Dover Road near the Bear Spring Meeting House.

January 2, 1844

Sidebottom, F. L.

Appointed overseer of road from Dover to the mouth of Sandy so far as John Hinson's in place of Jarrot Crisp.

January 2, 1844

Anderson, James

Appointed overseer of road leading from the Mouth of Sandy to the ferry formerly owned by William R. Atkins on Cumberland River.

January 2, 1844


Ordered that the road from Dover to Clarksville be changed, beginning at the point near Thomas Johnson's in the direction of Dover running on the south side of North Cross Creek along the north foot of the hill passing the house of R. Wilson to a point below the apple orchard field...also mentions the upper end of Noah McGregor's field, John Mann's farm.

January 2, 1844


John Randle, William Bell and B. F. Fraser.

Feb. 5, 1844

Smith, John L.

Settled with John L. Smith, guardian to Mary Jane Drake.

Feb. 5, 1844

Williams, James W.

Gets letters of administration on estate of Elizabeth Morgan, deceased.

Feb. 5, 1844

Bradford, William W.

Division of negroes belonging to estate of William W. Bradford, deceased, presented to court and ordered recorded.

Feb. 5, 1844

Bailey, John T.

Gets letters of administration on estate of William Knighton.

Feb. 5, 1844

McElrath, John

Appointed overseer of road in the place of John Bogard.

Feb. 5, 1844

Jones, David C.

Appointed overseer of road in the place of Robert Harris.

Feb. 5, 1844

Randle, John

Settlement made with John Randle, guardian of Thos. H. Lightfoot, presented to court and ordered recorded.

Feb. 5, 1844

Hogan, William

Appointed overseer of road leading Cross Creek landing to the Indian Mount.

Feb. 5, 1844

Stanfill, George W.

Receives letters of administration on estate of John Stanfill, deceased, $10,000. Securities, William L. Dunbar, Peter F. Gray, William M. Andrews, T. J. Sleigh, A. Wallace.

Feb. 5, 1844

Eason, Thomas

Prays that his ferry on the Tennessee River at the mouth of Rushing's Creek be discontinued.

Feb. 5, 1844

Lee, James

Appointed overseer in the place of Laban Parker.

Feb. 5, 1844

Southerland, James Jr.

Appeared in court and gave bond for his faithful performance in keeping a public ferry across the Cumberland River at the mouth of North Cross Creek. James Southerland, Sr., and John R. Elkins, securities.

Feb. 5, 1844

Stanfill, John

Year's provision ordered for widow of John Stanfill, deceased.

Feb. 5, 1844

Garrick, Aaron

Appointed guardian for minor heirs of Matheny Rogers, deceased, and minor heirs of William McMinn, deceased. A. A. L. Rogers and Joseph C. Rogers, securities.

Feb. 5, 1844

Winters, Nathan A.

Released from further liability on his bond given for the indenture of Mahala Butler.

Feb. 5, 1844

Black, Catherine

Catherine Black, a colored girl, ordered to be bound to A. Goodrich.

Feb. 5, 1844

Manning, Matthew

Account of sale of Matthew Manning, deceased, returned and recorded.

Feb. 5, 1844

Wofford, John

Account of sale of property of John Wofford, deceased, returned and recorded.

Feb. 5, 1844

Manning, Mathew

Year's allowance for widow of Mathew Manning, deceased, returned and recorded.

Feb. 5, 1844

Randle, John

Settlement made with John Randle, guardian of Wm. P. Dawson, presented to court and ordered recorded.

Feb. 5, 1844


John Randle, William Bell and Colman Travis.

March 4, 1844

Champion, Orval

Appointed overseer of road leading from Thomas G. Downs old ferry on Cumberland by Orvel Champion's so as to intersect the Tobaccoport Road and the hands under Capt. Outland to work on this road.

March 4, 1844

Gwinn, Joshua

Appointed overseer of road from Dover to the mouth of Sandy as far as John Hinson's in place of Jared Crisp.

March 4, 1844

Elliott, Thomas F.

Road from Lineport on Cumberland to the road leading from Cadiz to Dover at Fletcher Elliott's and Thomas F. Elliott be appointed overseer of same and that Thomas Shaw and hands, A. J. Shemwell and hands, David King, Benjamin Downs and George Elliott work under said overseer.

March 4, 1844

Stanfill, John

Year's allowance for widow of John Stanfill returned and recorded.

March 4, 1844

Matthews, James J.

Account of sale of estate of James J. Matthews, deceased, returned and recorded.

March 4, 1844

Stanfill, Tabitha

Appointed guardian of Mark, R. G. Stanfill; John Milam and W. B. Cherry, securities.

March 4, 1844

Alley, David

Appointed overseer of road in the place of W. B. Nichols and the following hands work under him: W.W. Nichols, T. C. Nichols, Daniel McMillan, Malcomb McMillan, Allen Carter, James Carter, John Carter, Neal McMillan, John McMillan, Daniel McMillan, Mark Rushing, W. B. Nichols, and Shubel Weaks.

March 4, 1844

Dunbar, William L.

Settlement made with William L. Dunbar, guardian to William Dunbar.

March 4, 1844

Lee, John A.

Settlement made with John A. Lee, guardian to Hamlin W. Lee, presented and recorded.

March 4, 1844

Lassiter, Jesse

Year's allowance for widow of Jesse Lassiter, returned and recorded.

March 4, 1844

Moore, William

Settlement made with William Moore, administrator of John R. Lewis, deceased, presented and recorded.

March 4, 1844

Biggs, Joel

Settlement made with Joel Biggs, administrator of Joseph Champion (Champion), deceased, presented and recorded.

March 4, 1844

Pegram, Nathan P.

Appointed overseer of road in the place of James Breeden and to work from the foot of the hill at Sanders old field to the Dixon line and that the following hands work under him: William L. Allen, George H. Allen, John B. Clark, Jesse Clark, Frances Brooks, Thomas Walker, Robert Walker, Absolam Fentress' hands, William D. Milam, George Slaughter, William Keel and Owen Slaughter.

March 4, 1844

Mockbee, Thomas D.; Bell, William; Skinner, Jonathan; McAuley, Roderick; Dunbar, W. L.; Wallace, A.

Appointed to examine the papers of John H. Mockbee, deceased, who was acting deputy sheriff and report at next term and deposit papers with county court clerk for distribution to lawful owners.

March 4, 1844

Rutland, William C.

Appointed guardian of Frances M. Purvis and Joseph A. Purvis, minor heirs of Allen B. Purvis, deceased.

March 4, 1844


Ordered that portion of road leading from Tobaccoport heretofore obstructed by the mill built by Everett Lee and the following hands to work: Westley Brandon, J. J. Shemwell hands, Robert Hinson, M. S. Ross, Samuel Ross' hands, Samuel Morris, Inman Rogers, George Wallace, Eldridge Henson, William ??rk, F. Mills, Eli Cherry, Nathan Bragg, James M. Cherry, with James Kelly as overseer.

March 4, 1844

Collins, Frances

Account of sale returned and recorded; year's provision for widow

June 3, 1844

Gillum, John

settlement with administrator of Hamlet, deceased

June 3, 1844

Nolen, Phillip B.

Appointed administrator of John Stancill, deceased

June 3, 1844

Turner, A. J.

Appointed guardian of William C. Hamlet, John A. Hamlet, Sarah Ann Hamlett, and James Hamlet, minor heirs of Robinson Hamlet, deceased.

June 3, 1844

Whitford, Willis

Appointed guardian of William G. Ables, Sandy Ables, Payne Ables, all minor heirs of Alexander Ables, deceased. Securities: Ebenezer Rumfelt and Lewis J. Moore.

June 3, 1844

Acree, Nathaniel B.

Settlement made with Nathaniel Acree, guardian of Frances and Nancy Acree, returned to court.

July 1, 1844

Acree, Nathaniel B.

Guardian of Fanny and Nancy Acree. Renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Atkins, H. Madison

Elected ranger.

July 1, 1844

Barnes, Hilliard

Last will presented for probate by Mary Barnes and Archibald A. Cook. Will contested by William A. Barnes. Case set for October.

July 1, 1844

Bogard, John

Took Abithal Wallace's place as guardian of Zelpha and Hiram Bogard

July 1, 1844

Bufford, Lucy

Made bond; executrix of last will of William Bufford, deceased

July 1, 1844

Champion, Orvel

Orvel Champion, guardian of Winburn and Polly Futrell, settled with. Settlement returned to court.

July 1, 1844

Champion, Orvel

Settlement made to Orvel Champion, guardian of Rachel Champion

July 1, 1844

Champion, Orvel

Guardian to Rachel Champion, renewed bond

July 1, 1844


Guardian to Polly and Winburn Futrell, renewed bond

July 1, 1844

Downs, Thomas G.

Settlement made with Thomas G. Downs, guardian of Pryor Downs. Returned to Court.

July 1, 1844

Downs, Thomas G.

Guardian of Pryann and David Downs. Renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Downs, Thomas G.

Permission to keep public ferry on the Cumberland River opposite Lineport.

July 1, 1844

Dunbar, Sarah

Guardian of Samuel Dunbar. Renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Dunbar, William L.

Guardian to George W. and Stephen M. Porter. Renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Gray, Peter F.

Guardian of William C. Bradford, renewed bond

July 1, 1844

James, John

Settlement made with John James as guardian of Elizabeth Hereford, Virginia Hereford, Rambler Hereford, Angeline Hereford. Settlement returned to court.

July 1, 1844

Jones, W. C.

Settlement made as guardian to Isaac Futrell's heirs; returned to court

July 1, 1844

Jones, W. C.

Settlement made as guardian to Sandford Spiceland's heirs; returned to court

July 1, 1844

Jones, William C.

Guardian of James, Shaderick, John, Lucy Ann Futrell. Renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Lynch, Peter

Along with John H. Petty to draw a plan for fencing courthouse in Dover. Peter Lynch (chairman of court) paid for repairing courthouse bell. Stacker and Woods Co. to be paid for bell.

July 1, 1844

Manning, Willis

Settlement made with Willis Manning, guardian of Clement Luton, returned to court.

July 1, 1844

Mizell, Stephen

Took oath for justice of peace.

July 1, 1844

Mockbee, John H.

Amount of sale for John H. Mockbee, deceased returned to court and recorded.

July 1, 1844

Mockbee, Thomas D.

Guardian of Sarah Ann Tayloe. Renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Morris, James T.

Took oath as justice of peace.

July 1, 1844

Petty, John H.

Along with Peter Lynch to draw plan for fencing in the courthouse in Dover.

July 1, 1844

Smith, John L.

Guardian of Sarah Jane Drake, renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Southerland, James

Settlement with James Southerland, deceased


Stancill, John

Account of sale of property of John Stancill, deceased. Year's allowance for widow.

July 1, 1844

Stancill, John

Account of sale of estate of John Stancill, deceased.


Stanfill, George W. vs. Tabitha Stanfill

George W. Stanfill ordered to pay, no details.

July 1, 1844

Tayloe, Charlotte

Guardian to James W., Thomas H., and John M. Tayloe, renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Tyer, Michael

Guardian to John T. and Dudley Q. Williams, renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Williams, James

Guardian to Nancy C. Weaks and James H. Weaks. Renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Wynn, William G.

Guardian to R. J. Wynns, renewed bond.

July 1, 1844

Andrews, John

Guardian to Maranda, John M and Henry Andrews, order recorded.

August 5, 1844

Andrews, John

Guardian to Miranda Andrews and John McHenry, renews bond.

August 5, 1844

Bailey, John T.

Received letters of administration for will of Sally Hays, deceased.

August 5, 1844

Dowdy, L.L.T.

Renewed guardianship of Watson T. Dowdy

August 5, 1844

Kendall, Peter

Peter Kendall, guardian of Moses Kendall's heirs; settled and recorded.

August 5, 1844

Kendall, Peter

Peter Kendall, guardian of Sarah (Kendall) Dickson, settled and recorded.

August 5, 1844

Lisenby, John A. and O. W.

Received letters of administration of estate of Daniel McKinnon, deceased. Year's allowance for widow.

August 5, 1844

Lisenby, John

Last will presented in court by John A. and O.W. Lisenby. Contested by Baker Degraffenreid. To be determined in circuit court in October.

August 5, 1844

Manning, William M.

Received letters of administration of estate of John Manning, deceased.

August 5, 1844

McKinnon, John

Letters of administration for estate of Daniel McKinnon, deceased. Year's allowance to widow.

August 5, 1844

Rutland, Blake W.

Recorded ear mark.

August 5, 1844

Scarborough, Thomas (coroner)

Returned inquest on three bodies of unknown persons found in Cumberland River.

August 5, 1844

Shelby, Clark M.

Appointed guardian of Clark S. Brunson

August 5, 1844

Summers, Milas

Asked that Robert Rushing be bound to him.

August 5, 1844

Tompkins, Robert

Appointed guardian of Jesse Thomas and John R. Brunson, minor heirs of Jesse A. Brunson, deceased.

August 5, 1844

Turner, A. J.

Settled and recorded with A. J. Turner, guardian of minor heirs of Robinson Hamlet.

August 5, 1844

Bell, Henry

Settlement with Henry Bell, guardian of minor heirs of John Cook.

Sept. 2, 1844

Boswell, Susannah

Bond given in August to Susannah Boswell as guardian of William Madison Boswell, ordered recorded.

Sept. 2, 1844

Earhart, David

Notes and accounts belonging to David Earhart returned to court and recorded.

Sept. 2, 1844

Fentress, A.

Amount of hire for negroes belonging to A. Fentress, deceased, presented in court.

Sept. 2, 1844

Fowler, William

Ordered to court in place of Jonathan Skinner to appear and give security as administrator of Judith Fowler, deceased.

Sept. 2, 1844

Gatlin, George W.

Ordered that bond given by George Gatlin in August to William C. Weaks, E.P. Weaks, Elizabeth P. Weaks and P.J. Weaks recorded on minutes.

Sept. 2, 1844

Lisenby, John

List of property willed to widow of John Lisenby returned to court and recorded. Account of sale of property returned to court.

Sept. 2, 1844

Lisenby, John

Year's provision ordered for widow of John Lisenby, deceased.

Sept. 2, 1844

Lisenby, John

Report of year's provision to widow of John Lisenby. Rejected, said Rebecca prayed for, obtained appeal to next court. Additional account of sale of John Lisenby, deceased.


Lock, James

Year's provision to widow of James Lock.


McGee, William H.

Resignation as constable of District 7.

Sept. 2, 1844

Parchment, John

Coroner's inquest returned by John Parchment and James Wilson. Unknown person found in Cumberland River.

Sept. 2, 1844

Thweatt, William R.

Appointed guardian of Matthew James Thweatt, minor heir of Miles Thweatt, deceased.

Sept. 2, 1844

Wall, A. M.

Released from further liability as guardian of Mary James Cotton.

Sept. 2, 1844

Williams, James W.

Received letters of administration on estate of Benjamin Grimes, deceased.

Sept. 2, 1844

Wilson, James

Coroner's inquest returned by John Parchment and James Wilson. Unknown person found in Cumberland River.

Sept. 2, 1844

Wilson, Robert

Settlement with Robert Wilson as guardian to Elizabeth Williams and Selitha Williams.


Atkins, George S.

Along with H. Volentine, John James and A. Wallace made bond that negro woman belonging to Thomas French is emancipated.

October 7, 1844

Barnes, Hilliard

Last will presented and proven on oaths of William McAuley and Michael Vickers, witnesses.

October 7, 1844

Bell, Henry

Renewed bond as guardian of Louisa J. and Sarah A. Cook.

October 7, 1844

French, Thomas

Petition to emancipate negro woman Nancy, allowing privileges of a free person of color.

October 7, 1844

Gatlin, Elizabeth

Settlement with Elizabeth Gatlin, guardian to James H. Gatlin.

October 7, 1844

James, John

Gets letters of administration for estate of William R. Jones, deceased.

October 7, 1844

James, John

Along with H. Volentine, George S. Atkins and A. Wallace made bond that negro woman belonging to Thomas French is emancipated.

October 7, 1844

Johnson, Thompson H.

Account of sale of Thompson H. Johnson, deceased.

October 7, 1844

Lassiter, Jesse

Inventory, account of sale of estate of Jesse Lassiter, deceased.

October 7, 1844

Lewis, Mary

Allowed $40 for keeping and burial of Jane Parker

October 7, 1844

Manning, Willis

Released from paying tax on negro for 1844 (negro is in Kentucky). Renewed bond as guardian of Clement Luton.

October 7, 1844

McKinnon, Daniel

Account of sale of property of Daniel McKinnon, returned. Year's allowance to widow.

October 7, 1844

Outlaw, William C.

Ordered to give new bond as guardian to Francis M. and Joseph A. Purvis, minor heirs of Allen Purvis, deceased.

October 7, 1844

Rutland, William C.

Made bond as guardian of Frances M. and Joseph A. Purvis.

October 7, 1844

Settle, Pendleton

Account of sale of Pendleton Settle, deceased.

October 7, 1844

Shemwell, Allen J.

Settlement with Allen J. Shemwell, guardian to minor heirs of Howell Harris

October 7, 1844

Shemwell, Allen J.

Renewed bond as guardian of minor heirs of Howell Harris.

October 7, 1844

Volentine, H.

Made bond with John James, George S. Atkins and A. Wallace that negro woman belonging to Thomas French is emancipated.

October 7, 1844

Wallace, A.

Along with H. Volentine, John James and George S. Atkins made bond that a negro woman belonging to Thomas French is emancipated and will not be a charge to the county.

October 7, 1844

Andrews, William M.

Appointed guardian of John M. Stanfill

November 4, 1844

Barnes, Hilliard

Amount of sale of estate of Hilliard Barnes, deceased.

November 4, 1844

Bass, Jethro

Letters of administration on estate of James Lock, deceased.

November 4, 1844

Gray, Peter F.

Settlement made with Peter F. Gray, guardian to William C. Bradford.

November 4, 1844

McIntire, James

Last will presented and proven on oaths of Louie L. Hilliard and Hudson Parrish. Executor: Robert Graham

November 4, 1844

Rogers, Matthew

Account of sale of estate of Matthew Rogers, deceased

November 4, 1844

Largent, William Jr.

Letters of administration for estate of Eli J. Stavely Jr., deceased. William Largent Sr. and Eli J. Stavely Sr., security. Year's provision to widow of Eli J. Stavely Jr.

Dec. 2, 1844

Skinner, Jonathan

Settlement made with Jonathan Skinner, guardian to Elizabeth Earhart, Elijah Earhart, and David Earhart minor heirs of David Earhart (deceased).

Dec. 2, 1844

Williams, James W.

Settlement made with James W. Williams, administrator for Jesse Hudson, deceased.

Dec. 2, 1844

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