Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lords day in Oct., 1859 and after prayer and praise, the church set in conference then appointed Mr. R. Jackson moderator protem then called for the business of the church then opened the door of the church and Yeatman Cherry came forward and gave his and was received into fellowship then dismissed in order.

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Saturday, before the second sabbath in May, 1860, the church set in conference.  Called E. E. Colison to the moderator's chair, then opened the doors of the church, then called for business.  None.  Then liberated Br. Yeatman Cherry to preach and Br. George presents himself before the church in order to settle a difficulty that exist between him and the church and made satisfaction which the church assured him resolved that we will recend the act the church in excluding Br. George and Br. Cherry and request the association do the same.  Then dismissed in order. Saturday, before the second sabbath in June, 1860, met at Liberty and after praise and prayer the church sat in conference.  Then appointed Br. Y. T. Cherry moderator.  First called for business.  None.  Then opened the doors for reception of members and A. G. Cherry and wife came forward and joined the church and was received in full fellowship then Sister Lydia Clark called for a letter of dismission and her request was granted then dismissed in order. Saturday before the second sabbath in August, 1860, met at Liberty and after preaching the church sat in conference.  The first business was to appoint a delegation for the next association which consisted of Brothers W. Wallace, E. Colison and J. Ross then moved to appoint a pastor for the next church meeting and dismissed in order.


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Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lords day in June, 1862. After prayer and praise the doors of the church was opened for the reception of members. In came Sister Mary Wallace and joined by recommendation and was received in full fellowship. Also, came sister Polly Wallace and joined by recommendation and was received in full fellowship then dismissed in peace.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lords day in July, 1862. After preaching, set in conference to transact business then agreeded (sic) to hold election to elect a clerk. The election was held and W. G. Morgan was elected then motion made and seconed (sic) to hold an election for pastor. The election was held and Br. Robert George was elected. Then E. E. Colison called for a letter and the same was granted then dismissed in peace.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Sabbath in August, 1862. After praise and prayer, the church sat in conference. The door of the church was opened for inception of members. Brother Josiah Wallace came forward and joined by recommendation and was received in full fellowship then the church agreed to have a letter prepared to send up to our national association and the church clerk prepare the same, Br A. G. Cherry be his assistence (sic) and have it ready by our next conference. Dismissed in order.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lord's day in September, 1862. After prayer and praise set in conference to transact business. The first was the letter that was to be prepared and ready for the association, called for and red and received then went into election for delegates. Br. A. G. Cherry, Br. George and Br. Josiah Wallace was elected delegates. Thirdly the church agreed to have and appoint a standing moderator and his time to expire at the time of the pastors. To wit Br. A. G. Cherry was appointed by the voice of the church as the standing moderator. Forthly (sic), the church agreed that no charge shall be brought before the conference for action unless the same cannot be settled by the deacons and reported to the pastor or moderator and from him to the church reported in order for action. Fiftly (sic), Sister Polly Wallace requested her name eraced (sic) from the church book. Her request was granted then dismissed in order.

Met Saturday before the second Lords day in Sept., 1862. No conference.

Met Saturday before the second Lords day in October, 1862. No conference.

Met Saturday before the second Lords day in April, 1863. No conference.

Met Saturday before the second Lords day in June, 1863. No conference.


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Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lords day in Aug., 1863. After prayer and praise set in conference. The moderator called for the business of the church. It was agreed to overhaul the church book. Brothers Y. T. Cherry and John H. Morgan with W. G. Morgan , the clerk was appointed to the overhauling of the said book and report it at the next conference meeting then gathered together, the church agreeded (sic) that G. Cherry with the clerk to prepare a letter to send to our next association and have it prepared by our next conference meeting. Then dismissed in order.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lord's day in Sept, 1863. After prayer and praise by the moderator then the business of the church was called for. The brothers that were appointed to overhaul the church cook came with their report to wit they find deliquent (sic) members, names of such members on the church book that ain't (sic) been to their church meeting in years to wit Sister Caroline Cobb and Disid Cherry and Martha McCoy . The last sister has gone to far from the church for legal dealing. Also John Kelly and E. A. Kelly and Albert R. Lewis has moved away without a letter and has not sent for one and George Roberts has moved and taken no letter or sent for one and Evans Wallace and Austin Taylor and Johnathan Brewer the church received the report and the brothers released. Then the case of the above names taken under consideration. Motion made and seconed (sic) that sister Caroline Cobb and Disid Cherry be excluded from the church for non attendence (sic). The vote taken and they was excluded from the church. Then came up the case of Sister Martha McCoy . Motion made and seconed (sic) that she be excluded for non attendence (sic) and improper conduct. The vote taken and she was excluded. Then the case of Br. Albert R. Lewis and George Roberts was taken. Motion made and seconed (sic) that they be excluded from the church for moving and ___________ (illegible). The vote taken and they were excluded from church. Then the case of Evans Wallace and Austin Taylor and Johnathan Brewer was taken up. Motion made and seconed (sic) that they be excluded for non-attendance and for using profane language. The vote taken and they were excluded from the church. Then letter was called for and read and received and Bro A. G. Cherry, Y. T. Cherry and G. Feltner was appointed to bare it to the association then dismissed in order.

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Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lord's day in May, 1864. After prayer and praise by the moderator, the church sat in conference. The unfinished business being called for there being none then new business was called for then the church taken up the case of Br. William Wallace and Sister Emline Page for drunkness (sic) and using vain language and Br. A. G. Cherry was appointed to talk to the brother and sister and report to our next conference then dismissed in order.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lord's day in July, 1864. After prayer and praise by the moderator, set in conference the business of the church was called for by the moderator then the reference read then the case of Br. William Wallace and sister Emline Page were taken under consideration. Br. A. G. Cherry stated to the church that he had talked to the brother and sister as he was requested to by the church and made his report and was released. Br. William Wallace , being present, got up and made satisfactory acknowledgement (sic) to the church and was reinstated in full fellowship. Then the charge taken up against sister Emline Page. Motion made and seconed (sic) that she be excluded from the church for the same. Then went in election for pastor for the church. Br. Robert George was elected to the postorial (sic) chair of the church then the church agreed to licence (sic) Br. A. G. Cherry to preach and the clerk write them out, give them to him and also to write out Br. Y. T. Cherry and give to him that was granted then dismissed in order.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lords day in August, 1864. After preaching by Br. Robert George , set in conference. The business of the church being called for being no reference on the church, then called for new business. Motion made and second the church go into and elect delegates for the next association to be held at Liberty Union Church in Kentucky. The vote taken and carried through into election and chose our beloved brothers to wit W. G. Morgan, Y. W. Cherry and James Feltner then agreed to fix up a letter to send to our association and W. G. Morgan write it and have it ready by our next conference meeting and Br. John H. Morgan be assistant then agreed to attend to the Lords Supper and Washing of feet. Met Sabbath morning and after preaching by Br. George , the meeting being protracted seven days. Thursday morning the doors of the church was open for the reception of members then came forward Sister Penny Morgan and handed in a letter from the Missionary Baptist and was received in full fellowship. Also came forward Br. Joseph Vick and joined by recommendation and was received into full fellowship. Also came forward Enos H. F. Morgan, David Williams, William Wallace, Nathan Wallace and Lucinda Morgan, Martha G. Williams, Mary Williams, Martha Ross and joined by experience of grace and was received into the church in full fellowship then dismissed in order.

Met at Liberty church Saturday before the second Lord's day in Sept., 1864. After prayer and praise, set in conference. The door of the church being open for the reception of members, then came forward M. Morgan and Sarah Page and joined by experience of grace and was received into the church in full fellowship, then proceeded to attend to business of church, then Br. Albert G. Cherry informed the church that Br. William Wallace had become dissatisfied and requested his name erased from the church book. The case taken under consideration and he was excluded by his request. The letter that was prepared to send to our next association was called for, read and received and then dismissed in order. Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lord's day in Nov., 1864. After singing and prayer by Bro. A. G. Cherry , the church sat in conference the business of the church being called for. Being no reference on the church book called for new business. Motion made and seconed (sic) Br. Robert George was elected pastor for the ensuing year. Br. Robert Jackson was elected moderator for the ensuing years. Then appointed Br. W. G. Morgan to visit Sister Caroline Stalls to see where she was guilty as charged of swearing or not then agreeded (sic) that we hold our communion and washing of saints feet in May and September then dismissed in order.

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Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lords day in August, 1865. After preaching by Samuel Griffin , the church sat in conference. The door of the church being open for the reception of members then came forward Samuel Griffin and joined by recommendation. Then on motion made and second to appoint delegates to the association. Then appointed Br. W. G. Morgan, Br. A. G. Cherry and Br. Wesley Brandon and Br. Y. W. Cherry to send to our next association to be held at Bethleham (sic) Church, Cheatham Co., Tennessee. Then agreed to fix up our letter to send to our next association and Brother John H. Morgan and W. G. Morgan to write it out and have it ready by our next conference meeting to be read. The meeting being protracted for several days.

Friday the doors of the church being open for the reception of members. Then came forward Susan McCoy, John McCoy, Emlis Cherry, Eliza Cherry, Riggs Griffin, M. D. Hutchinson, Henry Legate, Frances Wallace and joined by experience.

Sunday the doors being opened for the reception of members came forward George Cherry, Calista Page and Margaret Taylor and joined by experience of Grace.

Monday came forward Nancy McCoy, Mary Niblett, Rebecca Wallace, Emline Page and joined by experience.

Wednesday came forth Tebe Vick, James Stewart, Mary Mitchell, Milton Newberry and Sister Newberry .

Then on the sabbath attended to the ordinance of the baptism then dismissed in order.

Met at Liberty church Saturday before the second Lord's day in Sept., 1865. After preaching by Robert George , the church sat in conference. Called for the business of the church and the doors of the church being open for the reception of members then came forward Susan Newberry and joined by experience then preceded to business. Then W. G. Morgan stated that he had inquired into the charge of Sister Carolyn Stalls, found it not true then read and received the letter that was wrote to send to the association, then delegated Br. John H. Morgan to appoint a committee of five to write a letter of inquiry to the association consisting of Robert George, Albert G. Cherry, W. G. Morgan, Josiah Wallace and Br. John H. Morgan concerning a report made in 1863 then dismissed in order.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lord's day in October 1865. After singing and prayer, the church sat in conference then proceeded to business. On motion the church went into an election for pastor. Robert George being elected for the ensuing year then held and election for deacons. Josiah Wallace and Perry McCoy found to be elected then Brother A. G. Cherry stated that Sister Minerva Wallace wanted a letter from the church if they would write it; if not to erase her name off the church book. On motion her name was erased from the church book by her request. Then elected Br. W. G. Morgan moderator for the ensuing year then dismissed in order.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lords day in Nov., 1865. After preaching by Br. A. G. Cherry , the church sat in conference. The doors of the church being open for the reception of members then came forward Sister Clarisa Vick and joined by recommendation then appointed Br. Josiah Wallace and Br. Perry McCoy to site Br. George and Br. E. E. Colison to attend the next church meeting to answer to a charge of bad feelings which existed between them and also Br. E. E. Colson (sic) to answer to a charge of laying a charge against the church in the association.

Sunday the doors of the church being open for the reception of members came forward sister Sally Morgan being joined by recommendation and sis. Francis Page being joined by experience then dismissed in peace.

Met at Liberty Church Saturday before the second Lords day in December, 1865. After singing and prayer by Br. Robert George , the church sat in conference. Then called for the Unfinished business then Br. Perry McCoy and Br. Josiah Wallace stated to the church that they had sited Br. Colson to attend the church meeting. As Br. E. E. Colson failed to come, the business was laid over until the next church meeting then dismissed in peace and harmony.

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