Tobias Williams Pension File

These Documents Submitted by Peggy Martin Blue
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Court Document Page 2

Given under my hand this 28th day of August
A. D. 1832
Philip Day
Sworn to in open court
28 August 1832
J. Pickett Clk.

We Miles West a clergyman residing in the
State of Tennessee and County of Smith and Elam Russell
residing in the same, hereby certify that we are well
aquainted with Tobias Williams who has subcribed
and sworn to the above declaration that we believe
him to be Eighty six years of age, that he is respected and
believed in the neighborhood where he resides Generally
to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that he
is not able to attend court on account of his age and
bodily infirmities -- and that we concur in that
opinion Sworn and subscribed the day and year afores'd
Attest                                            Miles West
Sworn to in open court 28             Elam Russell
Aug. 1832        J. Pickett Clk.
And I the said Justice do hereby declare my
opinion after the investigation of the matter, and after
putting the Interrogatores precribed by the war
department that the above named applicant was a
Revolutionary soldier and served as he has stated, and I
further certify that I am well aquainted with as
a neighbor and believe him to be the age he says
and that he is respected and believed by all that know
him to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that
Miles West -- who has signed the preceeding
Certificate is Clergyman resident in the neighborhood.

Transcribed By Mary Knight

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