Tobias Williams Pension File

These Documents Submitted by Peggy Martin Blue
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Court Document Page 3

and that Elam Russell
who has also signed the same is a resident in the
neighborhood and is a Credable Person, and that
their Statement is entitled to Credit and further
that I do not believe that this above applicant
Tobias Williams to be able to attend Court to make
his declaration in open Court on account of his age
and bodily infirmities.
given under my hand this day and date above
written.                        David Hogg JP

State of Tennessee
Smith County                       I Jonathan Pickitt, Clerk
of the court of pleas and quarter session for said
county do hereby certify that David Hogg before
whom this foregoing proceedings and was held in the
matter of the application for a pension
for Tobias Williams now is and was at the time
said proceedings was held one of the acting Justices
of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for
the County aforesaid duly commissioned and
qualified according to law.

In testimony whereof I have
unto set my hand and affixed the seal
of said court at office in Carthage
this 5th day of September 1832
& 57th year of our independence.
J. Pickett, Clk

Transcribed By Pat Abell & Mary Knight

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