Tobias Williams Pension File

These Documents Submitted by Peggy Martin Blue
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Court Document Page 2

From thence I emigrated into the State of Tennessee
and now I am a living in the same in Smith
County on the defeated creek.
Qus. How were you called into the service?
Ansr. By draft in the militia.
Qus. Who were your principal officers in the field?
Ansr. General Butler, Col. James Landers.
Qus. Did you ever receive a discharge from the service?
Ansr. yes, a verbal discharge, was the order of my discharge.
Qus. Have you any documentary evidence of your services?
Ansr. No, only by my recollection.
Qus. do you know of any person whose testimony you can
procure to make proof of this?
Ansr. I believe I can, there is one a living in this county
on the waters of Dixons Creek, by the name of Philip Day?
Qus. How long was you in active service?
Ansr. I was in active service six months and some few days.
Qus. do you believe yourself able to attend court to make
your declarations before the court?
Ansr. I do not
And I do hereby relinguish my claim whatever
to a pension or annuity except the present and declare
that my name is not on the pension Roll of the
agency of any State.
Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid
Tobias X Williams

Subcribed and sworn to before me
witnessed my hand (and date) above
David Hogg J.P.

State of Tennessee
Smith County
On the 28th day of August 1832 Jno Chambers & Jas C. Garrison
Personally appeared Philip Day before me Sol Debow
and acting Justice of the Peace for the State and County afore
said ^ Sitting in co. court for process <--(inserted text between lines)
and after being sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty
God to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth desposeth and sayeth that he was aquainted with
the said Tobias Williams and that this said Williams was on a
tour of five months under the above named officers and that
the forgoing statement is correct and true to the best of his
belief and knowledge -----

Transcribed By Mary Knight

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