These Documents Submitted by Hollis Boston
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State of Tennessee}
Smith County}                      On this 9th day of November 1838
personally appeared before me A. A. Broward one of the acting
Justices of the peace for the county aforesaid and state of Tennessee,
William Carter resident citizen of the county and state aforesaid aged
seventy eight years, who being first duly sworn according to law
doth on his oath make the following declaration in order
to obtain the benefits of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.

                      That he entered the service of the United States
under the following named officers, and served as herein
stated. He entered the service of the United States as a
volunteer in the month of September 1778 (the day of the
month not recollected) and was mustered for the term
of six months under Capt. Harvey and Col. James Allen
and resided at the time of his engagement in Halifax
County North Carolina and marched from Halifax
town of said state through Warren County and Granville
to Hillsborough in Orange County, thence to Charlotte in
Lincoln County. He was discharged from this engagement
in the month of March 1779 having served six months
and was in no engagement with the enemy. Col. Allen
had the chief command during this expedition, and the
object seemed to be to subdue and keep down the Tories in that section.
He entered the service again as a volunteer in the month of September
1780 at Halifax town North Carolina under Capt. John Powers,
Lieutenant William Angel, and Ensign Abner Fluellen. Col.
Whiteman Hill had the command of the Regiment. He
was marched from Halifax to Harrisburg now called
Oxford, thence to Hillsborough, thence to High Rock
ford on the Haw river, [and] the waters of Cape Fear
river. [At] this place William Linton became the Colonel
of the Regiment and marched from thence to Gilford
(sic) Court House and was in the battle with the British at

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