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or near that place on the 15th day of March 1781. General
Greene had the Chief Command in that battle. General
Eaton also had an important command.After the
battle at Gilford Court House he was encamped at
the Iron Works on Troublesome Creek and from
thence was marched to [ ? ] Mill at which
place the term of six months for which he volun-
teered expired some time in the month of March
1781 the day not recollected. (And) he was discharged
by his officer but immediately volunteered again
for the term of six months under Capt.
Nicholas Long in Col. Gilford Dudley's Regiment
and was marched to Camden on the Wateree river in
South Carolina and was in an engagement with the
enemy near that place in the month of April 1781.
[And] under General Greene marched from thence across the
Wateree river to Ninety Six, and at the time of the engage-
ment at Ninety six was not in the battle but on a
tour of fatigue driving beef cattle for the army.
He was also with the army of Genl Greene at the time
of the battle at the Eutaw Springs but was not in
that battle. [He] was detailed and engaged at the time of
that battle in collecting provisions for the army
and was with and knew well Joseph Thomas an acting
Commissary, and while on the detachment driving
and collecting beef cattle for the army he was a
while under the command of Capt. William Nettles.After
the battle of the Eutaw Springs he was marched
to [ ? ] Mill and was discharged some time
in the month of September or October having completed
the term of six months. He then returned to
his father's in Halifax County, North Carolina
having been absent from home in the service of
the United States more than twelve months. The