These Photos Graciously Submitted by Judith Holley
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William H. and Sarah S. Allen had the following Children in his will dated August 3rd, 1869
and witnessed by H.W.Y. Hart and Wm. Cornwell. James T., John Y., Martha B. Kittrell (Mrs.
Fielding), grandson William H. Allen, son of George W. Allen, deceased (killed in civil war).
He was sergeant in H Company, 28th Infantry.
A grandaughter, Beaulah Kemp Jones said he was in the CSA and was a
lawyer. James died April 22, 1900 and Talitha died December 05, 1882. They are buried
in the Allen cemetery on Gladdice Road in Kempville next to Inez Holleman's home.
The following from the Allin/Allen Bible:
James T. Allen was born November 24th., 1837 in Person County, N.C.
Talitha Cornwell was born December 25th., 1837 in Smith County, Tn.
James and Talitha were married March 22nd., 1857 in Smith County, Tenn.
Their issue:
Robert J. Allin was borned Jan. 1st. 1858 In Smith Co. died June 7, 1859
Julia A. Allin was borned Mar. 27th, 1859 in Smith Co. died Mar. 12, 1895
Drury Cornwell Allin was borned Feb. 9th, 1861 in Smith Co. died April 08, 1917.
John Henry Allin was born April 4th, 1863 in Smith Co. Tenn.,
died Oct.10th 1909 in Dallas, Texas
Virginia Frances Allin was borned Nov. 5th, 1865 in Smith Co. Tenn.
and died Aug. 22, 1954
Eula Jane Allin was borned Jan. 10th, 1869 in Smith Co. Tenn, and died Jan. 26, 1902
Julia A. Allen m. F.W. Woodmore July 14th, 1886
Drury C. Allen m. Effie Tompkins Dec. 27th, 1905
Virgie F. Allen m. John Morgan Kemp July 3rd., 1887
Eula J. Allen m. Henry Bluford Kemp Nov. 3rd. 1889
No marriage was recorded for John Henry Allen
James T. Allen died April 22, 1900 and Talitha died Dec. 5th, 1882
A Letter Home
Dear Father,
We, thy children, whom thou hast so carefully protected, and so
devotedly loved, feel that ere long we are to be separated, perhaps never
to all return to the parental roof again; but we now pledge ourselves, to
you and each other, that what ever may be our lots in life we will ever be
true to each other as brothers and sisters, allowing none to suffer for want
of assistance which we can give if known; also that we will ever be ready
to render any aid to you in our power, and as long as food and shelter is
ours, be ready to share them with you. That we will from henceforth endeavor
to lead honorable and faithful Christian lives, and pray for a final reunion in
Heaven of father, mother, brothers, sisters, where no sad farewells can
disturb our happiness.
Alice Woodmore, Cedar Hill, November 17, 1886
Drury C. Allen, Cedar Hill, November 17, 1886
Note: This is James T. and Talitha Cornwell Allen's children, Julia Alice
(married F.W. Woodmore July 14, 1886) and Drury Cornwell Allen. I believe
this to be " Cedar " Hill...It is written quite fancy..but word "Hill" and
the date is plain. Evidently they had just left to build their own lives and wrote this
letter to their widowed father (Talitha died December 5th, 1882) to let him
know they would never forget him or their siblings, no matter what life had
in store for them. Julia Alice died nine years after she wrote this with her
brother, who was to live till 1917. Their father, James, was to live 14 more
years in Kempville, Tennessee before being buried beside his wife Talitha
in the Allen Cemetery there.
The paper upon which this letter was written was graph like with this typed
on the back:
Total Number of Days Present
Total Number of Days Absent
Total No. of days taught this Month,
Per cent of Attendance
Trancsriber Note: Perhaps they were teachers. the actual letter is now scanned:
John Allen
Son of James T. and Talitha C. Allen