for 1810 Census of Rutherford County, Tennessee |
numbers used are those stamped on the lower left hand side |
of the
bottom page. Each page number represents two pages. |
N A M E |
(taped-can't read) |
22 |
(taped-can't read) |
24 |
(taped-can't read) |
25 |
- A - |
Abbott, David |
7 |
Acklin, Chris |
14 |
Adams, Wm. |
5 |
Adcock, Andrew |
20 |
Adcock, Bennet |
20 |
Adcock, John |
19 |
Adkins, William |
6 |
Afflick, David |
2 |
Alexander, Ja's |
19 |
Alexander, Jno. |
18 |
Alexander, John W. |
9 |
Alexander, Pritchett |
19 |
Allen, James |
7 |
Allison, Jos. |
17 |
Alsop, Wm. |
11 |
Anderson, Marg't |
17 |
Anderson, Wm. |
13 |
Andrew, David |
2 |
Andrew, Margaret |
2 |
Anthony, John |
9 |
Anthony, Lewis |
22 |
Armstrong, Ja's L. |
14 |
Arnet, Sam'l |
5 |
Arnold, Darcas |
20 |
Arnold, John |
14 |
Arnold, Peter |
14 |
Arnold, Wm. |
16 |
Arons, Aaron |
8 |
Ashley, Tho's |
17 |
Askins, Lane |
25 |
Astkins, george |
22 |
Atwell, George |
11 |
Austin, Levi |
25 |
- B - |
Baird, Wm. |
15 |
Baker, Abr'm |
10 |
Baker, Ben. |
2 |
Baker, Conrad |
24 |
Baker, Jehu |
24 |
Baker, Joshua |
8 |
Ballentine, Charles |
7 |
Ballew, Joseph |
24 |
Bankhead, John |
4 |
Bankhead, Robert |
4 |
Banton, Lewis |
22 |
Barfield, Fred. |
12 |
Barfield, Ja's |
12 |
Barkley, James |
2 |
Barkley, John |
2 |
Barks, Sam'l |
15 |
Barksdale, Nath'l |
14 |
Barnet, Jos. |
22 |
Barnett, Brooking |
23 |
Barnett, Reuben |
23 |
Barnett, Robert |
23 |
Barnett, Wm. |
22 |
Barnhill, Alex'r |
18 |
Barr, Isaac |
19 |
Barr, Isaac Jr. |
19 |
Barr, Silas |
19 |
Barrentine, Ja's |
20 |
Barton, David |
10 |
Barton, Joshua |
4 |
Barton, Swinfield |
10 |
Baskins, Wm. |
22 |
Bass, John |
21 |
Baugher, Jacob |
11 |
Baxter, David |
24 |
Bayley, Champion |
17 |
Bayley, Wm. |
3 |
Bean, Dan'l |
3 |
Bean, John |
16 |
Bean, Sam'l |
16 |
Beasley, Solomon |
12 |
Beath, John |
11 |
Beatty, Wm. F. |
21 |
Beckton, Fred. E. |
24 |
Bedford, Ann |
14 |
Bedford, Robert |
13 |
Bell, James |
4 |
Benge, O.M. |
10 |
Berry, James |
4 |
Berry, Tho's |
11 |
Beshana, Clarissa |
14 |
Beverly, Isham |
21 |
Bevers, Nancy |
23 |
Bevers, Thomas |
13 |
Bevins, Fielder |
15 |
Bevins, Leonard |
5 |
Bishop, Beal |
2 |
Bishop, Jer'h |
2 |
Black, Sam'l P. |
9 |
Blackman, Alfred |
24 |
Blackman, James |
13 |
Blackwell, Nowell |
23 |
Blair, George |
12 |
Blair, Sarah |
23 |
Boatright, Dan'l |
9 |
Boatright, Dan'l |
22 |
Booth, Geo. C. |
13 |
Boss, James |
25 |
Boss, Tho's |
25 |
Bowler, James |
4 |
Bowman, Dan'l |
12 |
Bowman, John |
15 |
Bowman, John |
20 |
Bowman, Jos. |
8 |
Bowman, Sam'l |
5 |
Boyer, Eliza |
14 |
Boyer, Henry |
2 |
Boyles, John |
12 |
Brackeen, Dav'd |
25 |
Braddy, Joseph |
5 |
Bradford, James |
25A |
Bradford, Robert |
14 |
Bradley, John |
9 |
Brady, Fred. |
17 |
Brady, Jeremiah |
17 |
Brady, Jer'h |
13 |
Brambelow, Ed. |
2 |
Brandon, Cornelius |
3 |
Brandon, Geo. |
2 |
Brawley, Hugh P. |
2 |
Bray, Henry |
4 |
Brazel, George |
5 |
Briles, Mathias |
17 |
Brothers, John |
17 |
Brown, John |
23 |
Brown, Leonard |
20 |
Brown, Samuel |
4 |
Brown, Tho's |
17 |
Brown, Wm. |
8 |
Brown, Wm. |
11 |
Brown, Zach'y |
21 |
Browning, Jacob |
23 |
Bruce, Anderson |
6 |
Bruce, Martha |
16 |
Bruce, Tho's |
11 |
Brunts, Sol'n |
3 |
Bryan, Needham |
19 |
Bryant, David |
21 |
Buchannan, Geo. |
7 |
Buckner, Wm. |
25 |
Bullard, John |
5 |
Bullard, Joseph |
25 |
Burgess, John |
12 |
Burks, James |
16 |
Burleson, David |
13 |
Burleson, John |
14 |
Burlison, Moses |
8 |
Burlison, Wm. |
21 |
Burrus, Charles |
22 |
Burrus, Jos. |
7 |
Burton, Gideon |
13 |
Burton, John |
25A |
- C - |
Caldwell, Wm. |
15 |
Calton, Benajah |
24 |
Calton, Tho's |
20 |
Calvert, John |
20 |
Campbell, Sam'l |
15 |
Cannon, Jos. |
13 |
Cannon, Theop's |
8 |
Carey, Tho's |
19 |
Carmichael, Alex'r |
8 |
Carnahan, And. |
3 |
Carnes, Alex'r |
3 |
Carney, Joseph |
11 |
Carney, Wm. |
11 |
Carson, Robert |
4 |
Carter, John |
13 |
Carter, Tho's |
16 |
Carter, Wm. |
7 |
Caswell, Sally |
13 |
Cathey, Alex'r |
4 |
Cauthorn, Phil. G. |
5 |
Chaffin, Jesse |
9 |
Chafin, Robert |
4 |
Chamberlain, Tho's |
8 |
Cherry, James |
4 |
Childress, Armajor |
5 |
Childress, Armajor |
24 |
Childress, Joel |
6 |
Childress, Stephen |
5 |
Chism, Alex'r |
9 |
Chism, Zach'h |
5 |
Christian, John |
25A |
Christopher, Tho's |
21 |
Clark, C. Jno. |
19 |
Clark, David |
10 |
Clark, Jesse |
7 |
Clements, James |
22 |
Clements, John |
9 |
Clenehan, Mal M. |
8 |
Clouse, Elisha |
24 |
Cochran, James |
2 |
Cock, William |
15 |
Coffee, John |
14 |
Cole, John |
17 |
Coleman, Benj'n |
22 |
Coleman, Gordon |
21 |
Coleman, Joseph |
21 |
Colley, Signoir |
19 |
Collier, Charles |
8 |
Comer, Adam |
19 |
Conn, Rich'd |
4 |
Conway, Henry |
10 |
Conway, Wm. |
24 |
Cook, John |
5 |
Cook, Joseph |
8 |
Cook, Kerby |
2 |
Cooper, Wm. |
3 |
Cooper, Zacheus |
20 |
Cotter, Wm. |
2 |
Cotton, Caleb |
23 |
Covington, John |
21 |
Cox, Harman |
16 |
Cox, John |
4 |
Craddock, John |
23 |
Craig, Hugh |
13 |
Crawford, John |
21 |
Crawford, Lazarus |
21 |
Crockett, David |
11 |
Cronester, Adam |
24 |
Crowder, Philip |
11 |
Crownover, Doran |
3 |
Cummins, Rich'd W. |
8 |
Curry, John |
15 |
- D - |
Dabney, Carnelius |
24 |
Danaway, Sam'l |
7 |
Daniel, Peter |
18 |
Darnell, Anderson |
11 |
Davidson, John |
9 |
Davidson, Josiah |
24 |
Davidson, Wm. |
10 |
Davis, Ben |
4 |
Davis, Charles |
2 |
Davis, Dan'l |
20 |
Davis, John |
2 |
Davis, John |
2 |
Davis, John |
3 |
Davis, Lucket |
8 |
Davis, Sherwood |
16 |
Davis, Wiley J. |
8 |
Davis, Wm. |
24 |
Davolt, John |
25 |
Ab'm M. |
23 |
Dejarnet, Ja's |
22 |
Deloach, Wm. |
2 |
Dement, Abner |
7 |
Dement, Cader |
12 |
Deson, Absolam |
10 |
Deson, Wm. |
10 |
Devore, Ja's |
6 |
Dickey, David |
24 |
Dickson, Azahel |
9 |
Dickson, Ezekiel |
3 |
Dickson, Fanny |
22 |
Dickson, John |
2 |
Dickson, John Esq. |
3 |
Dickson, Jos. Jr. |
7 |
Dickson, Jos. Sen. |
14 |
Dickson, Rob't |
5 |
Dodd, Dan'l |
24 |
Donel, Tho's |
25 |
Dotry, Farler |
11 |
Douglass, George |
14 |
Douglass, Rodeham |
9 |
Drennen, Jos. |
9 |
Drennen, Wm. |
13 |
Duckworth, John |
6 |
Dunaway, Wm. |
16 |
Duncan, Wm. |
18 |
Dunn, Tho's |
19 |
Dycus, Dan'l |
17 |
Dyer, Joel |
14 |
Dyer, John |
23 |
Dyer, Robert H. |
12 |
- E - |
Earwood, John |
11 |
Earwood, Wm. |
11 |
Eaton, Isaac |
17 |
Edwards, Benj'n |
9 |
Edwards, Edmond |
16 |
Edwards, John |
7 |
Edwards, Nich's |
16 |
Edwards, Nich's Sen. |
16 |
Edwards, Owen |
7 |
Edwards, Wm. |
2 |
Ekerd, Jos. |
10 |
Elam, Dan'l |
13 |
Elam, Robert |
25A |
Elder, David |
11 |
Elliott, John |
5 |
Eppes, Dan'l |
17 |
Eppes, Edward |
17 |
Erwin, George |
24 |
Erwin, John R. |
14 |
Erwin, Nimrod |
5 |
Erwin, Robert |
18 |
Eskridge, Sam'l |
9 |
Espey, Alex'r |
4 |
Espey, James |
23 |
Evans, Thomas |
8 |
Evans, Wm. |
23 |
- F - |
Featherston, Jesse |
18 |
Featherston, Presly |
18 |
Fenny, Wm. |
25A |
Ferrce, And'w |
23 |
Fever, James |
7 |
Finch, Edward |
15 |
Finch, John |
24 |
Flanagan, Jno. |
23 |
Fleming, David |
19 |
Fleming, Jno. |
12 |
Floyd, Tho's |
15 |
Fonville, John |
21 |
Ford, James |
3 |
Fortenberry, David |
10 |
Fortenberry, Jacob |
10 |
Foster, Asa |
4 |
Foster, Geo. W. |
12 |
Foster, Wm. |
12 |
Fowler, Rich'd |
17 |
Fowler, Thomas |
4 |
Frederick, Hezekiah |
21 |
Freeman, Miles |
7 |
Freeman, Wm. |
18 |
Fulerton, John |
9 |
Fulks, John |
15 |
Fulks, Samuel |
3 |
Fuller, Arthur |
24 |
Fuller, Henry J. |
14 |
Fuller, Littleton |
22 |
Fullerton, James |
20 |
Fulton, Tho's |
5 |
- G - |
Gaither, Bely |
15 |
Gaither, Delai |
17 |
Gamble, Wm. |
23 |
Gambrell, John |
8 |
Gambrell, Susanna |
21 |
Garaway, John |
8 |
Garaway, Tho's |
22 |
Garner, Obed. |
21 |
Garrett, Lewis |
22 |
Garrison, Peter |
22 |
Gellespie, Ja's |
21 |
Gellespie, John |
21 |
Gellespie, Sam'l |
19 |
Gentry, Elijah |
10 |
Gibbons, Elizabeth |
22 |
Gibbs, Miles |
23 |
Gibson, James |
3 |
Gillam, William |
20 |
Gillespie, George |
24 |
Gilliland, John |
3 |
Gilliland, Joseph |
24 |
Glaze, John |
17 |
Goodman, Clayburn |
7 |
Goodman, Clayburn |
22 |
Goodman, Geo. |
18 |
Gordon, David |
21 |
Gordon, Tho's |
22 |
Gossett, John |
18 |
Gossett, Wm. |
18 |
Gowen, Joseph |
11 |
Gowen, Wm. |
5 |
Grammer, John |
9 |
Grasone (?), Peter |
25 |
Greaves, Jon'n |
12 |
Green, Anderson |
15 |
Green, Dan'l |
17 |
Green, Sam'l |
7 |
Green, Wm. |
16 |
Gregory, Alex'r |
12 |
Gregory, Wm. |
17 |
Griffin, And'w |
22 |
Griffin, John |
6 |
Griffin, Wm. |
22 |
Grissom, George |
5 |
Gunn, Radford |
7 |
- H - |
Hailes, John |
16 |
Haines, And'w |
20 |
Haley, Edward |
21 |
Haley, Edward |
23 |
Haley, Wm. |
24 |
Hall, And'w |
9 |
Hall, Eli |
16 |
Hall, Joab |
11 |
Hall, John |
15 |
Hall, Mebane |
22 |
Hall, Wm. |
25 |
Hall, Wm. Q. |
18 |
Hamilton, Geo. |
11 |
Hamilton, Hana. |
12 |
Hamilton, Ja's |
11 |
Hamilton, Ja's |
21 |
Hamilton, Thomas |
16 |
Hancock, Rob't |
25 |
Hand, Elkin |
16 |
Hand, Sam'l |
16 |
Hardiman, Constant |
12 |
Hardy, Jon'n |
15 |
Harggrove, Lindsey |
18 |
Harper, John |
21 |
Harrelson, Vincent |
11 |
Harris, Beverly |
19 |
Harris, Olsa |
19 |
Harris, Rich'd |
19 |
Harris, Sherwood |
17 |
Harrison, Edward |
4 |
Harrison, Rich'd |
18 |
Hart, Mark |
21 |
Haynes, John |
25 |
Haynes, Joseph |
25 |
Head, Enoch |
15 |
Heague, John |
5 |
Hedgepath, Jere'h |
25 |
Heflin, James |
20 |
Heflin, Jonathan |
19 |
Heflin, Wm. |
20 |
Henderson, James |
12 |
Henderson, Jno. |
12 |
Henderson, Sam'l |
14 |
Henderson, Wm. |
6 |
Hendricks, Betsey |
20 |
Hendricks, John |
20 |
Herd, Charles |
22 |
Higgins, James |
17 |
Hight, Wm. |
18 |
Higinbotham, Elisha |
15 |
Hill, Allen |
5 |
Hill, Ja's |
23 |
Hill, John |
6 |
Hill, John |
12 |
Hill, John |
20 |
Hill, Sam. |
9 |
Hill, Wm. |
19 |
Hill, Wm. |
20 |
Hill, Wm. D. |
14 |
Hindis, John |
21 |
Hobson, Morninbg |
8 |
Holder, John |
16 |
Holding, Cha's |
19 |
Holding, George |
19 |
Holdman, Yancey |
6 |
Holliman, Wm. |
21 |
Hollis, David |
4 |
Hollis, John |
4 |
Hollis, Mcajah |
4 |
Holmes, James |
12 |
Hooper, John |
16 |
Hoover, Christ. |
17 |
Hoover, Jacob |
17 |
Hoover, John |
12 |
Hoover, John |
17 |
Hoover, Mathias |
15 |
Hopkins, And'w |
10 |
Howell, Grvin |
5 |
Howell, Wm. |
13 |
Hubbard, Peter |
18 |
Hubbard, Tho's |
9 |
Hudson, Henry |
10 |
Huggins, John |
7 |
Huggins, John |
25A |
Humphries, Wm. |
9 |
Mathew |
10 |
Hunter, Mary |
2 |
Hunter, Rob't |
24 |
- I - |
Ireland, Wm. |
3 |
- J - |
Jacobs, Jeremiah |
11 |
Jacobs, Joseph |
15 |
Jacobs, Zachariah |
11 |
Jarrett, Arch'd |
20 |
Jarrett, Gideon |
12 |
Jarrett, Rob't |
20 |
Jarrett, Tho's |
20 |
Jenkins, Hiram |
15 |
Jenkins, John |
3 |
Jenkins, Nimrod |
7 |
Jetton, Ja's S. |
11 |
Jetton, John |
9 |
Jetton, John J. |
10 |
Jetton, Rob't |
6 |
Johns, Abner |
12 |
Johns, Edmond |
15 |
Johns, John |
12 |
Johnston, Arch'd |
3 |
Johnston, Edward |
19 |
Johnston, James |
3 |
Johnston, James |
15 |
Johnston, John |
18 |
Johnston, John |
23 |
Johnston, Larkin |
12 |
Johnston, Mat. |
17 |
Johnston, Tho's |
14 |
Johnston, Wm. |
15 |
Johnston, Wm. |
24 |
Johnston, Wm. Sen. |
17 |
Jones, David |
21 |
Jones, Ezra |
23 |
Jones, James |
19 |
Jones, Jonathan |
4 |
Jones, Jon'n |
13 |
Jones, Jon'n |
22 |
Jones, Julius |
3 |
Jones, Nich's |
16 |
Jones, Tho's |
25 |
Jones, Wiley |
8 |
Joy, John |
3 |
Joy, Rich'd |
3 |
- K - |
Kain, Wm. |
8 |
Kavenaugh, Charles |
8 |
Keel, Rich'd |
17 |
Keel, Rich'd |
17 |
Keel, Wm. |
17 |
Kelly, Dennis |
16 |
Kelly, Robert |
17 |
Kelton, Robert |
6 |
Kelton, Will'm |
6 |
Kelton, Wm. Jr. |
11 |
Kendrick, Tho's |
23 |
Kennard, Nat. |
20 |
Kerr, Ben |
14 |
Kerr, Wilson |
9 |
Killian, Wm. |
22 |
Killough, Ja's |
20 |
Killough, Sam'l |
6 |
Killough, Tho's |
10 |
Kimbro, John |
12 |
Kimbro, Wm. |
21 |
King, Jane |
25A |
King, Wm. |
8 |
Kinnard, Anthony |
19 |
John |
19 |
Kirby, Henry |
21 |
Kirk, John |
9 |
Knox, Squire |
24 |
Knox, Tho's |
24 |
Knox, Wm. |
3 |
- L - |
Lackey, Alex. |
6 |
Lacky, Robert |
16 |
Lane, Ja's |
17 |
Langston, John |
9 |
Langston, Wm. |
25 |
Lanier, Herbert |
5 |
Laughlan, James |
11 |
Laurin, Sam'l |
25 |
Lawler, Levi |
10 |
Lawrence, John |
21 |
Lawrence, John |
24 |
Lawrence, Jos. |
13 |
Leathers, Ja's |
19 |
Legrand, Peter |
15 |
Lemmon, John |
23 |
Letcher, Ja's H. |
13 |
Letts, Henry |
4 |
Lillard, Mordicas |
9 |
Lilly, Noah |
4 |
Linsey, Wm. |
9 |
Litten, James |
11 |
Lock, Charles |
8 |
Locke, William |
8 |
Loftin, Henry |
17 |
Loftin, Moses |
18 |
Loftin, Wm. |
17 |
Loving, John |
10 |
Low, Charles |
5 |
Low, George |
6 |
Loyd, Tho's |
7 |
Lynch, George |
4 |
Lynch, James |
22 |
Lynch, Stephen |
12 |
Lytle, Wm. |
13 |
- M - |
Mackey, John |
3 |
Magness, Lydia |
21 |
Mallard, Thornton |
19 |
Manahan, James |
12 |
Mankin, Wm. |
11 |
Marable, Braxton |
23 |
Marable, Henry H. |
22 |
Marler, Rhachel |
25 |
Marlin, Tho's |
21 |
Marsen, John |
2 |
Martin, James |
22 |
Martin, John |
22 |
Martin, Josiah |
13 |
Martin, Wm. |
23 |
Martindale, Tho's |
10 |
Mason, Gilbert |
11 |
Massey, Thomas |
4 |
Mathews, Dudley |
7 |
Mathews, John |
8 |
Mathews, Robert |
12 |
Mathews, Winney |
14 |
Mathews, Wm. |
20 |
Mayberry, John |
22 |
Mayberry, Sam. |
7 |
Mayfield, Ambrose |
16 |
Mayfield, Ja's |
2 |
Mayfield, John |
16 |
Mayfield, John |
16 |
Mayfield, Tho's |
16 |
Mayfield, Wm. |
16 |
McBride, Sam'l |
8 |
McCain, Alex'r |
12 |
McCallister, Wm. |
22 |
McClary, Sam'l |
13 |
McClure, John |
15 |
McConnel, Moses |
4 |
McCorkle, Robert |
4 |
McCorkle, Wm. |
3 |
McCormack, Joseph |
3 |
McCorsby (?), Robert |
3 |
McCoy, Amos A. |
18 |
McCoy, Beatty |
18 |
McCoy, David |
20 |
McCoy, Ezek. B. |
12 |
McCoy, Francis B. |
18 |
McCoy, Henry |
19 |
McCoy, John |
25 |
McCulloch, Alex'r |
22 |
McFarland, Ben. |
11 |
McFarland, Caleb |
4 |
McFerren, Ja's |
11 |
McFerren, Wm. |
11 |
McFerren, Wm. Sr. |
11 |
McGill, James |
4 |
McHenry, Jno. |
25 |
McHenry, Wm. |
25 |
McKee, Ambrose |
2 |
McKee, Jos. |
23 |
McKee, Tho's |
2 |
McKelvey, Hugh |
9 |
McKelvey, Wm. |
15 |
McKinney, Sam'l |
23 |
McLaughlan, Jno. |
18 |
McLaughlan, Jos. |
18 |
McMahan, David |
18 |
McMiken, And. |
2 |
McMillan, Alex'r |
23 |
McMillan, Amon |
23 |
McMillan, Ja's |
23 |
McMurray, Sam'l |
9 |
McMurry, Rob't |
13 |
McNeely, David |
2 |
McNees, Sam'l C. |
22 |
McPeak, Jehu |
5 |
McPeak, John Sr. |
5 |
McPeek, Henry |
8 |
McPeek, John |
12 |
McRay, Murdoch |
22 |
Mebane, Sam'l |
15 |
Mebane, Wm. Jr. |
19 |
Medford, John |
16 |
Menafee, Nimrod |
14 |
Meredith, Fred |
5 |
Meredith, John |
5 |
Merry, John |
25 |
Miller, And'w |
6 |
Miller, Henry |
8 |
Miller, Isaac |
17 |
Miller, Jacob |
5 |
Miller, John |
17 |
Miller, Marg't |
17 |
Miller, Mat. |
17 |
Miller, Robert |
3 |
Miller, Robert |
12 |
Miller, Rob't H. |
11 |
Mills, James |
8 |
Mitchell, Jesse |
4 |
Mitchell, Mark |
7 |
Mitchell, Tho's |
14 |
Mitchell, Wm. |
10 |
Montgomery, Ja's |
6 |
Montgomery, Ja's Jr. |
6 |
Montgomery, John |
12 |
Montgomery, Wash'n |
11 |
Moody, Henry |
4 |
Moontgomery, Hugh |
9 |
Moore, Alex'r |
16 |
Moore, Arch'd |
14 |
Moore, Arthur |
16 |
Moore, David |
24 |
Moore, Ezek. |
13 |
Moore, Fennin |
9 |
Moore, George |
15 |
Moore, James |
20 |
Moore, Lod. |
10 |
Moreland, Edward |
21 |
Morgan, Elijah |
24 |
Morris, Geo. |
20 |
Morris, Tho's |
3 |
Morrow, John |
2 |
Morrow, Wm. |
2 |
Morton, Catharine |
21 |
Morton, Ja's |
21 |
Morton, John |
5 |
Morton, Joseph |
21 |
Morton, Sam'l |
21 |
Mosely, William |
5 |
Murphey, Ezekiel |
5 |
Murray, Jane |
11 |
- N - |
Nacy, Ja's |
6 |
Naish, Geo. R. |
14 |
Nance, Allen |
21 |
Nance, Bird |
21 |
Nance, Dan'l |
2 |
Nance, Isaac |
8 |
Nance, Wm. |
21 |
Nash, Tho's |
18 |
Nash, Travis C. |
12 |
Nash, Wm. |
12 |
Neal, Obediah |
4 |
Neel, John |
23 |
Neel, Ralph |
13 |
Nelson, Dan'l |
9 |
Nelson, Dan'l |
25 |
Nelson, Humphrey |
25A |
Nelson, Moses |
4 |
Nelson, Sam'l |
6 |
Nelson, Tho's |
8 |
Nesbit, Alex'r |
9 |
Nevins, Isaac |
9 |
Nevins, James |
13 |
Newman, Jos. |
6 |
Newsom, Baylum |
23 |
Nichols, John |
24 |
Nichols, Jos. |
3 |
Nichols, Josh'a |
3 |
Nichols, Rob't |
15 |
Nicks, Jonathan |
23 |
Noland, Micajah |
20 |
Norman, Forney G. |
14 |
Norman, Ja's |
6 |
Norman, John |
24 |
Norman, Wm. |
18 |
Northcut, John |
3 |
Nugent, John |
6 |
Nundley, Anderson |
4 |
- O - |
Oglesby, Smith |
19 |
Oliphant, Ja's |
23 |
Ormond, Wm. |
3 |
Orr, Alex'r |
2 |
Orr, John |
6 |
Orr, Robert |
25 |
Owens, Sam'l |
18 |
- P - |
Pace, James |
10 |
Pace, John |
10 |
Pace, Wilson |
10 |
Pace, Wm. |
10 |
Pace, Wm. |
10 |
Pain, Dan'l |
3 |
Pain, James |
3 |
Paine, Jacob |
21 |
Painter, John |
15 |
Pallet, Abr'm |
13 |
Parham, Dickson |
11 |
Parker, Adrew |
4 |
Parker, Dan'l |
15 |
Parker, Joel |
16 |
Parker, Joseph |
24 |
Parker, Nich's |
6 |
Parker, Tim |
16 |
Parks, John |
7 |
Pasley, Abr'm |
4 |
Pastor, Philip |
16 |
Pate, Dan'l |
25 |
Patrick, James |
2 |
Peacock, Micajah |
23 |
Pearce, Arthur |
18 |
Pearce, James |
10 |
Pearson, Dan'l |
4 |
Peay, Thomas |
9 |
Peck, Jeoffery |
22 |
Penelton, Absolam |
23 |
Perkins, John |
9 |
Perkins, Joshua |
23 |
Perkins, Leroy |
9 |
Perry, Burrel |
19 |
Perry, Nath'l |
19 |
Pew, William |
18 |
Phelps, Amos |
22 |
Phelps, Ephraim |
23 |
Phelps, Henry |
22 |
Phelps, Jehu |
22 |
Philips, Bennet |
20 |
Philips, Sam'l |
19 |
Phillips, Thomas |
3 |
Piercy, Tho's |
19 |
Pigg, John |
20 |
Pitts, Ezekiel |
5 |
Plummer, Rebecca |
11 |
Poarch, Israel |
25 |
Poland, Moses |
3 |
Polk, Wm. |
7 |
Pool, Alex. |
5 |
Pope, Hardy |
8 |
Pope, Wm. |
5 |
Porter, Hugh |
5 |
Porter, Sam'l |
2 |
Posey, Zachariah |
14 |
Prator, Rob't |
18 |
Price, Jon'n |
10 |
Prim, Abraham |
20 |
Pruet, John B. |
17 |
Pully, Gideon |
16 |
Pully, Tho's |
6 |
Purcell, Abel |
12 |
Pybas, Wm. |
11 |
- R - |
Ramsey, Newell |
22 |
Ramsey, Sam'l |
8 |
Randles, Middleton |
8 |
Raney, John |
21 |
Rankin, David |
6 |
Rankin, Jno. |
23 |
Rankin, Rob't |
15 |
Ransom, Ben. |
12 |
Rap??, Ja's R. |
6 |
Ray, Jos. |
21 |
Recker, Felix |
12 |
Reed, Clem. N. |
14 |
Reed, David |
2 |
Reed, David |
5 |
Reed, David |
24 |
Reed, Godfrey |
24 |
Reed, John |
4 |
Reed, John N. |
12 |
Reed, Peter |
13 |
Reed, Robert |
7 |
Reed, Rob't |
4 |
Reed, Silas |
13 |
Reedy, Charles |
2 |
Reeves, Hooker |
19 |
Reeves, John |
15 |
Renshaw, Isaiah |
2 |
Renshaw, John |
3 |
Replogle, Fred. |
6 |
Reynolds, John |
2 |
Rhodes, Kenchen |
3 |
Rhodes, Rich'd |
19 |
Richardson, Sam'l |
15 |
Ridout, Gordon |
21 |
Riley, Martin |
11 |
Ritchie, Tjo's |
6 |
Roan, Henry |
5 |
Roberts, Thomas |
3 |
Robertson, Wm. |
7 |
Robinson, John |
9 |
Robinson, Mathew |
20 |
Robinson, Nat. |
18 |
Robinson, Rich'd |
13 |
Robison, Hugh |
13 |
Rochell, John |
18 |
Rodan, Greenberry |
20 |
Roebuck, John |
5 |
Rogers, David |
2 |
Rogers, David |
18 |
Rogers, James |
18 |
Rogers, John |
11 |
Rogers, John |
18 |
Rogers, Joseph |
18 |
Rogers, Robert |
22 |
Rogers, Seth |
11 |
Rogers, Tho's |
6 |
Rollins, Wm. |
15 |
Rose, Neil B. |
14 |
Ross, James |
23 |
Ross, Robert |
8 |
Rucker, Elliott |
25 |
Rucker, James |
7 |
Rucker, James |
13 |
Rucker, Jon'n |
3 |
Rucker, Tho's |
6 |
Rue, Dan'l |
16 |
Runnier, John |
25A |
Rushing, John |
17 |
- S - |
Sanders, Cornl's |
6 |
Sanders, Elisha |
9 |
Sanders, Isaac |
14 |
Sanders, Philip |
7 |
Sanders, Simon |
6 |
Sanford, James |
24 |
Satvene, Jacob |
3 |
Saunders, John |
25 |
Saunders, Rachel |
25 |
Sawyers, Tho's |
5 |
Scott, Moses |
7 |
Scott, Reuben |
5 |
Scott, Tho's |
16 |
Scratt, John |
23 |
Scruggs, Gross |
25 |
Seagraves, Jacob |
25 |
Searcy, Wm. W. |
13 |
Seaton, Geo. |
18 |
Self, Melchis'k |
4 |
Senoir, Jno. P.H. |
8 |
Sewall, James |
14 |
Sewall, Lewis |
24 |
Shall, Geo. |
14 |
Sharpe, James |
14 |
Sharpe, James Sen. |
8 |
Sharpe, John |
8 |
Shelby, Evan |
10 |
Shelby, Isaac |
7 |
Shelby, Tho's |
15 |
Shelby, Tho's P. |
9 |
Sherwood, Hugh |
16 |
Ship, Jos. |
7 |
Shute, Tho's |
13 |
Simpson, Geo. |
14 |
Simpson, Gilbert |
6 |
Simpson, Gilbert |
10 |
Simpson, Peter |
4 |
Simpson, Wm. |
10 |
Sipes, Tho's A. |
18 |
Smith, Bennett |
24 |
Smith, Cung'hn |
25 |
Smith, Elijah |
11 |
Smith, Guy |
5 |
Smith, James |
25 |
Smith, Joel |
17 |
Smith, John |
2 |
Smith, John |
8 |
Smith, John |
20 |
Smith, John |
23 |
Smith, Jos. |
14 |
Smith, Joshua |
25 |
Smith, Philip |
17 |
Smith, Rob't |
14 |
Smith, Rob't |
15 |
Smith, Rob't |
25 |
Smith, Tho's |
7 |
Smith, Wm. |
2 |
Smith, Wm. |
12 |
Smith, Wm. |
20 |
Smith, Wm. |
25 |
Smith, Wm. |
20 |
Smotherman, Hugh |
24 |
Smotherman, Jno. |
19 |
Smothers, John |
9 |
Snell, James |
14 |
Snell, John |
20 |
Soap, Joseph |
4 |
Spann, Wm. |
21 |
Stamps, Wm. |
7 |
Staten, Reuben |
16 |
Staten, Wm. |
16 |
Stephens, Ebenezer |
16 |
Stephens, Henry |
12 |
Stephenson, John |
14 |
Stevenson, Wm. |
18 |
Stewart, James |
6 |
Stewart, Ja's W. |
10 |
Stewart, Rob't |
20 |
Still, John |
13 |
Stockart, John |
13 |
Stockart, John Sen. |
13 |
Stokes, Starling |
5 |
Stokes, Wm. |
23 |
Stone, John |
9 |
Strickland, Barney |
7 |
Strickland, Sam'l |
4 |
Stringfield, John |
4 |
Stroop, Jacob |
16 |
Sublett, Wm. |
7 |
Suggs, Aquila |
18 |
Sullens, John |
24 |
Sullivan, Garret |
17 |
Suttle, Spencer |
24 |
Swearingam, Jno. |
7 |
Swift, John |
10 |
- T - |
Tannehill, Ben. H. |
15 |
Tarpley, John |
13 |
Taylor, Absolem |
25 |
Taylor, James |
25 |
Taylor, Ja's |
20 |
Taylor, John |
17 |
Taylor, John |
18 |
Taylor, Wm. |
17 |
Tedder, Elisha |
2 |
Teer, Rich'd |
14 |
Tennison, Ab'm |
3 |
Tennison, Jos. |
3 |
Thacker, Larkin |
25 |
Thomas, John |
2 |
Thompson, Jesse |
15 |
Thompson, John |
14 |
Thompson, John |
24 |
Thompson, Joseph |
5 |
Thompson, Joseph |
24 |
Thompson, Robert |
6 |
Thompson, Sam'l |
3 |
Thompson, Tho's |
12 |
Thorn, Tho's |
15 |
Thweatt, Wm. |
13 |
Todd, Aaron |
2 |
Todd, Ben. Jun. |
16 |
Todd, Benj'n |
16 |
Todd, Reuben |
16 |
Todd, Wm. |
16 |
Travis, Dan |
3 |
Travis, Dan. Sen |
3 |
Travis, Wm. |
2 |
Truman, James |
9 |
Truman, Kinchen |
19 |
Tubbs, Eleanor |
11 |
Tucker, James |
3 |
Tucker, James |
3 |
Tucker, Sarah |
24 |
Tucker, Wm. |
24 |
Turbyfill, Ja's |
20 |
Tweedwell, Wm. |
19 |
Twiddy, John |
19 |
Twigg, Timothy |
13 |
Tyrone, Adam |
6 |
- U - |
Ufelton, Geo. |
13 |
- V - |
Vanata, Christ'r |
24 |
Vanhoose, Val. |
2 |
Vaughan, Joel |
21 |
Vaughan, Peter |
7 |
Vaughn, Drury |
25 |
Vaughn, James |
9 |
Vaughn, Peter |
25 |
Vest, Gabriel |
25A |
Vincent, Henry |
19 |
Vincent, Tho's |
5 |
Vincent, Wm. |
19 |
- W - |
Wa???, Jer'h |
25A |
Waddles, John |
24 |
Wade, Charles |
20 |
Wadley, John |
20 |
Wadley, Sam'l |
19 |
Walden, John |
22 |
Walker, Henry |
19 |
Walker, John |
10 |
Walker, Rich'd |
15 |
Walkup, Wm. |
3 |
Wallace, Alfred |
23 |
Wallace, George |
6 |
Wallace, John |
6 |
Wallace, John |
14 |
Wallace, John |
22 |
Wallace, Jos. |
6 |
Wallace, Mich'l |
17 |
Wallace, Sam'l |
12 |
Wallace, Wm. |
9 |
Wallace, Wm. |
11 |
Walls, Wm. |
15 |
Ward, Barwell |
21 |
Ward, Benj'n |
5 |
Ward, Jesse |
8 |
Ward, Wm. |
25 |
Waring, Jon'n |
17 |
Warnick, John |
22 |
Warnick, Robert |
8 |
Warren, Wm. |
15 |
Washington, Tho's |
14 |
Wasson, Robert |
9 |
Weatherly, Abner |
20 |
Webb, Aaron |
18 |
Webb, Abel |
18 |
Webb, Daniel |
4 |
Webb, Isaiah |
20 |
Webb, Rich'd |
10 |
Webb, Soloman |
18 |
Welch, Rebecca |
24 |
Welch, Thomas |
10 |
Wharry, John |
2 |
Wheeler, Wm. |
25 |
White, Caimm G. |
6 |
White, Stephen |
10 |
White, Thomas |
6 |
Whitsett, Ja's |
7 |
Whittle, Ninioon |
11 |
Whitworth, Isaac |
17 |
Wilburn, Ja's |
8 |
Wilkins, Wm. |
2 |
William, Lod. |
9 |
Williams, David |
12 |
Williams, Edward E. |
18 |
Williams, Elijah |
4 |
Williams, Freeman |
21 |
Williams, Henry |
16 |
Williams, Jno. T. |
20 |
Williams, John |
5 |
Williams, Sarah |
4 |
Williams, Simon |
17 |
Williams, Tho's |
5 |
Williford, Jordan |
4 |
Williford, Jordan Jr. |
4 |
Williford, Simon |
17 |
Williford, William |
4 |
Wills, Mathew |
13 |
Wilson, Benj. |
25 |
Wilson, James |
9 |
Wilson, Ja's |
8 |
Wilson, Sam'l |
8 |
Winn, John |
22 |
Winsett, German |
21 |
Wood, Marg't |
18 |
Wood, Reubin |
25 |
Woodall, Wm. |
9 |
Woodall, Wm. |
22 |
Woods, John H. |
13 |
Woods, Thomas |
15 |
Wright, Isaac |
13 |
Wright, Jeremiah |
6 |
Wright, Joseph |
13 |
Wright, Lem'l |
13 |
Wright, Rich'd |
12 |
Wright, Wm. |
19 |
- Y - |
Yardley, Thomas |
6 |
Yell, Moses |
19 |
Yerby, Everett |
7 |
Yerby, William |
7 |
Young, John |
10 |
Young, John |
16 |
Young, Moses |
5 |
Younger, Alex'r |
6 |
Yourie, Francis |
10 |
Yourie, Joseph |
11 |
- Z - |
Zachary, Caleb |
23 |
Zachary, Joshua |
25 |