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Greene County, Tennessee |
See also the 1783 Greene County Tax List (New Jul 2001)
Seth | Babb Sen. | Seth Babb Sen., Greene County, Tennessee. Private, Virginia Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 Pension Roll) See Surname: B. |
John T. | Balch | John T. BALCH, born Nov 1760, Deer Creek, Baltimore County, Maryland, s/o Rev. Hezekiah and Hannah LEWIS Balch, had removed to Greene County, North Carolina (now Tennessee) by 1785, died 27 May 1839, Jefferson Co, TN. (TNGenWeb's Biographies of Our Ancestors: John Tenant Balch) Rev. Hezekiah BALCH is on the 1783 Greene County tax list. |
Edmund | Boling | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $489.33 Amount Received March 19 1829 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) Edmond or Edmon BOLING (Pension S39205) served in the VA Line, applied 29 Jan 1829 Greene County, Tennessee, aged 69, having enlisted in Stafford County VA; in 1829 he had a wife & 5 small children. That same year, his brother Joshua BOLING was aged 57, and also a resident of Greene County, TN Source: Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Abstract Files. (no abstract found for Joshua Boling) |
Sparling | Bowman | Private, Maryland Line, $40.00 Annual Allowance $120.00 Amount Received January 10 1833 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | Briggs | Private, Pennsylvania Line, $80.00 Annual Allowance $160.00 Amount Received February 22 1833 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
William | Brotherton | Private, North Carolina Line, $80.00 Annual Allowance $240.00 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Jacob | Bruner | Private, Maryland Line, $40.00 Annual Allowance $120.00 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 71 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Frederick | Burkett | Private, Virginia Line, $30.00 Annual Allowance $00.00 Amount Received January 11 1834 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Thomas | Byant | Private, Virginia Line, $80.00 Annual Allowance $240.00 Amount Received February 18 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
David | Campbell | Served as a Major in the Continental line, and served in the North Carolina Assembly for Greene County; married Elizabeth, d/o Alexander and Penelope SMITH Outlaw. Died in Rhea County in 1812 (TNGenWeb Biography of Major David CAMPBELL) See also David Campbell on 1783 Greene County Tax List |
John | Carter Sen. | Private, North Carolina Line, $50.00 Annual Allowance $150.00 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 78 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
William | Chandley | Orderly Sergeant, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $854.40 Amount Received August 1 1821 Pension Started Age 79 Died September 29 1827 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | Coatney | Private, Virginia Line, $30.00 Annual Allowance $90.00 Amount Received July 10 1833 Pension Started Age 85 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Maximilian | Conner | Private, Cavalry Virginia Militia, $100.00 Annual Allowance $300.00 Amount Received June 1 1833 Pension Started Age 71 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | Crawford | See 1783 Greene County Tax List and see John Crawford of Anderson, Greene, Hamilton, Knox and Washington. |
Daniel | Creamer | Private, Maryland Militia, $35.00 Annual Allowance $105.00 Amount Received December 21 1833 Pension Started Age 77 (1835 TN Pension Roll); is on the 1783 Greene Tax List |
Robert | Crockett | He was aged 78 in Feb. 11, 1833 when he applied for his pension and at that time he was living in Cumberland Co. KY. He entered service in 1776 under Capt. James Johnson and Col. William Gaines. He served along the frontier of North Carolina as a substitute for Jacob Wills one month. He entered in June. In 1776 he entered under Capt. Isaac Bletcher and served three months and was engaged in building a fort on the frontier of Sullivan County. His next tour was under William Asher for three months as a drafted man in 1777. In 1778 he went to Chickamauga Country. He served under Col. Evan Shelby and Capt. Bledsoe seven weeks. He next went as a draft to King's Mountain and was in the battle. He served two months. In 1781 he was drafted for three months for which he got a discharge from Isaac Shelby. He served in all fourteen months. He lived in Sullivan County when he entered service. He was born in Bartly (Berkeley) Co. VA (now WV) in 1755. He lived in Green Co. TN until about 33 years ago when moved to what is now Cumberland Co. KY where he has lived ever since. James Williams of said county, aged 71, declares he was well acquainted with Robert Crockett in his youth. He lived near him in Sullivan Co., VA. 30 April, 1834. Cumberland Co. KY. Robert Crockett of said county declares he belonged to the company of Capt. James Elliott in the regiment of Col. Isaac Shelby. Today I went to your web site and enjoyed looking at the information. I believe that Robert may have been living with or near his father, David Crockett, in Carter's Valley where Rogersville is now in 1776. He was only 21 in 1776. His father and mother were killed by Indians in 1777. He may have been away on a tour of duty at the time. Is on the 1783 Greene Tax List --Submitted by Deanna Sanner |
James | Dawson | Private, Virginia Continental, $96.00 Annual Allowance $1521.60 Amount Received MARCH1 1819 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Benjamin | Dillard | Private, Virginia Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received February 12 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
George | Doherty | George Doherty, Private, Virginia Line, fought at King's Mountain, is on the 1783 Greene Tax List, and the 1835 Pension Rolls in Jefferson. |
Azariah | Doty | Private, North Carolina Line, $21.66 Annual Allowance $64.98 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 89 (1835 TN Pension Roll); is on the 1783 Greene Tax List |
Daniel | Dunikin | Private, Virginia Continental, $96.00 Annual Allowance $1391.73 Amount Received November 15 1822 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Anthony | Dunkin | Private, Virginia Line, $50.00 Annual Allowance $150.00 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 90 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Joseph | Dunlap | Private, Virginia Continental, $96.00 Annual Allowance $214.40 Amount Received December 12 1831 Pension Started Age 85 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Charles | Dyce | Or DYCHE. Private, Virginia Line, $21.00 Annual Allowance $63.00 Amount Received April 26 1833 Pension Started Age 70 (1835 TN Pension Roll) See also Surnames: D |
Henry | Earnest | See TNGenWeb Biography of Henry Earnest |
Michael | Edleman | Private, Maryland Continental, $96.00 Annual Allowance $369.33 Amount Received April 14 1830 Pension Started Age 79 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Andrew | Edwards | Private, North Carolina Line, $36.66 Annual Allowance $109.98 Amount Received January 9 1834 Pension Started Age 81 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Felix | Ernest | See Felix Ernest, Greene County, Tennessee, Private-Ensign, Virginia Line, $44.44 Annual Allowance $133.32 Amount Received June 13 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 Pension Roll), fought at King's Mountain and Boyd's Creek. |
Gilbert | Evans | Gilbert EVANS, alias Gilbert GETTREL, Greene County, Tennessee, Private, Pennsylvania Line, $36.66 Annual Allowance $109.98 Amount Received May 14 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 Pension Roll) |
John | Falls | Private, Pennsylvania Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $1128.00 Amount Received April 1 1819 Pension Started Age 86 Died January 27 1830 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
George | Fann | Or Fant. Private, Virginia Continental, $96.00 Annual Allowance $945.33 Amount Received February 16 1825 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) Fant or Faun per Pension File No. S35301, which shows that he was born in Hampshire co, VA, which is also where he lived when he enlisted, applied for his pension in Greene on 30 Aug 1824, at which time he was 75, and had a wife and ten children, but also declared he had seven children by his first wife (none named). By 1838, he was residing in Coles Co, Illinois. |
Samuel | Frazier | Born 10 Apr 1749; fought at King's Mountain; married Rebecca JULIAN, died 10 Apr 1839, Greene County (TNGenWeb Biography of Samuel Frazier) |
John | Gass | Private-Sergeant, North Carolina Line, $75.00 Annual Allowance $225.00 Amount Received February 12 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) Resided in Orange Co, NC, fought at fought at King's Mountain in 1780, removed to Greene in 1783, d 14 Jun 1843 in Greene County. (TNGenWeb Biography of Samuel Frazier); applied for his pension on 5 Sep 1832 in Greene County, at which time he was 73. He had married 26 Aug 1830 in Greene Co, TN as John GASS, Sr. to Betsey RANKIN, and she applied for benefits on 25 Feb 1853 in Greene County (Pension File NO. W7492, BLW #12575-160-55, NC Line) |
GILBERT | GETREL | alias EVANS, Private, Pennsylvania Line, $36.66 Annual Allowance $109.98 Amount Received May 14 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | HARMON | Private, Virginia Line, $53.33 Annual Allowance $159.99 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 84 (1835 TN Pension Roll) Served in Bedford Co, VA, removed to Greene Co, TN where he applied for his pension on 3 Sep 1832, age 82 (Pension File S18006) |
John | Horton | Private, North Carolina Line, $37.77 Annual Allowance $94.42 Amount Received May 14 1833 Pension Started Age 70 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
George | House | Private, Virginia Militia, $40.00 Annual Allowance $120.00 Amount Received January 10 1833 Pension Started Age 71 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | Houston | James Houston, Blount County, Tennessee, Private, Virginia Militia, $40.00 Annual Allowance $120.00 Amount Received January 10 1833 Pension Started Age 71 (1835 TN Pension Roll) See James Houston of King's Mountain. |
William | Houston | Private, Virginia Line, $25.00 Annual Allowance $62.50 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Francis | Hughs | Private, North Carolina Line, $51.66 Annual Allowance $154.98 Amount Received December 13 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | Hull | Private, Virginia Militia, $30.00 Annual Allowance $90.00 Amount Received January 10 1833 Pension Started Age 83 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | Jack | Private, Virginia Militia, $21.00 Annual Allowance $63.00 Amount Received January 10 1833 Pension Started Age 77 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John Moses | Johnson | John Moses JOHNSON served in the NC Line, having enlisted in Greene County. He died 8 Feb 1848, and his widow, Tabitha MASSEY Johnson applied 30 Dec 1856 in Hancock Co, AL, aged about 88. |
Zopher | Johnson | Or Zapher. Zopher [Christopher ?] JOHNSON, S1840, VA Line, appl 24 Oct 1832 Greene Co TN aged 70, was born at the forks of the Delaware River in PA[?], lived in Frederick CO VA at enlistment & about 1792 he moved to Greene Co TN. 1835 Greene County Rolls |
Joseph | Jones | Private, Virginia Continental, $96.00 Annual Allowance $25.67 Amount Received May 16 1825 Pension Started Age 79 Died April 22 1826 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Peter | Kent | Private, Virginia Line, $60.00 Annual Allowance $180.00 Amount Received December 24 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | Keslerson | Private, Virginia Line, $46.66 Annual Allowance $139.98 Amount Received June 13 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Charles | Kilgore | Private, Campbell'S Regiment, $30.00 Annual Allowance $330.00 Amount Received June 2 1820 Pension Started $48.00 Annual Allowance $137.06 Amount Received April 24 1816 Pension Started (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | Landrum | Private, Virginia Militia, $33.33 Annual Allowance $99.99 Amount Received January 5 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Henry | Long | Private, Virginia Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received May 14 1833 Pension Started Age 70 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | MAGILL | Private, Virginia Line, $21.66 Annual Allowance $64.98 Amount Received February 18 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Thomas | Mccamish | Private-Sergeant, Virginia Militia, $66.66 Annual Allowance $199.98 Amount Received January 10 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Samuel | McKenny | Private, Virginia Line, $21.66 Annual Allowance $00.00 Amount Received December 14 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
William | Milburn | Private, Virginia Militia, $48.00 Annual Allowance $146.64 Amount Received February 27 1833 Pension Started Age 81 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | Morgan | Private, Pennsylvania Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $1450.13 Amount Received April 1 1819 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Thomas | Morgan | See Thomas Morgan Revolutionary War Pension Application |
John | Morrison | Private, Virginia Line, $40.00 Annual Allowance $120.00 Amount Received February 12 1833 Pension Started Age 77 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Charles | Nichols | Private, 24TH Infantry, $48.00 Annual Allowance $197.73 Amount Received February 3 1830 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Franklyn |
Parman | Giles Franklyn Parman, b abt 1758 Wyoming Valley, PA; d 1832 Knox Co., KY; m (1) Elizabeth Penn. Giles and Elizabeth raised 11 children in Green Co, TN; m 2) Phoebe Gilbert Woolsey, abt 1799 in Greene Co, TN. Had 1 child with Phoebe, Massee of Mafee, DOB bef 1799. Giles was s Sgt. in the American Revolutionary War; enlisted in Northampton Co, PA. Taken from : "DAR Patriot Index Centennial Edition, Part III" (Florence Parman) |
George | Parsons | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $1509.86 Amount Received October 1 1819 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | PEARCE |
Captain James Pearce, North Carolina Line, resided Washington, Greene and Sevier Counties, fought at King's Mountain and Boyd's Creek. When he was a resident of Washington County, "now Tennessee, then in the State of North Carolina, which county was then a frontier and bordered on a Nation of Cherokee Indians who were in liege with the British in the War of the Revolution and was at that time and before and after committing murders and confrontations on the said frontier in which he resided." In the summer of 1779, he raised a company of volunteers in what is now Greene County by order of Col. John Sevier, marching them to the French Broad River, then Indian Territory, now Cocke and Sevier Counties in Tennessee, in company with Capt. Jacob Brown who also commanded a volunteer company from Washington County, their goal to prevent the Indians from crossing the river to the frontier settlements. In the spring of 1780... marched to Beaver Dam on Lick Creek where the Indians had come in on the frontier settlements... In the early fall of 1780... marched to Gap Creek in what is now Carter County, Tennessee, where they were joined by Colonel Shelby's Regiment from Sullivan County, Tennessee and Colonel Campbell's Regiment from the western part of Virginia. They then marched on to "Kings Mountain atop the Yellow Mountains" by way of Bright's Trace. He further states that there was a hard battle fought on Kings Mountain, in which the American army was successful, the British Colonel killed and his army principally killed and taken prisoners. Immediately after his return to Greene county... march[ed] with his company to guard the frontier neighborhood on the Lick Creek flats against the Cherokee Indians and prevent Indian spies from getting into the white settlement.... marched his company and joined Colonel Sevier's regiment on Lacy Creek, now Jefferson county, Tennessee, in accordance with the order of the said Colonel Sevier. From thence, marched over the French Broad River, encamped on Boyds Creek... having served the full time of nine months in said campaign.
That he resided, as before stated, in Greene county, then Washington co., and there resided for many years but recently removed to Sevier... (See Capt. James Pearce) |
Daniel | Peterson | Private, Pennsylvania Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $993.60 Amount Received April 1 1819 Pension Started Age 83 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Richard | Porterfield | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $1017.60 Amount Received May 14 1824 Pension Started Age 70 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | Price | Private, Virginia Continental, $96.00 Annual Allowance $42.13 Amount Received November 8 1819 Pension Started Age 76 Suspended May 1 1820 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | Price | Private, Virginia Line, $80.00 Annual Allowance $240.00 Amount Received September 10 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
William | Rankin | Private-Quartermaster, North Carolina Militia, $45.88 Annual Allowance $127.30 Amount Received February 27 1833 Pension Started Age 76 Died December 13 1833 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Henry | Reynolds | born in Sussex County, Pennsylvania "some 25 miles from Philadelphia," Pennsylvania. At the age of four or five, he was moved to Staunton, Virginia. He resided near the "Cow Pastures" in Augusta when he enlisted and in the fall of 1779, moved to Washington County, North Carolina, that part that became Greene County, Tennessee. He also enlisted here and was a resident of this county when he applied for his pension on 8 Feb 1833 at the age of 76. He died prior to 29 Nov 1836, leaving a widow whow was not named. She (Extracted from Rev. War Pension file, S4079). Private, Virginia Militia, $45.00 Annual Allowance $112.50 Amount Received July 6 1833 Pension Started Age 77 (1835 TN Pension Roll) See also Thomas Morgan Revolutionary War Pension Application |
William | Setton | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $480.00 Amount Received November 17 1818 Pension Started Age 92 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
William | Sharp | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $382.40 Amount Received March 12 1830 Pension Started (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Frederick | Shever | Private, Virginia Line, $80.00 Annual Allowance $240.00 Amount Received September 19 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Joseph | Simmons | Private, Virginia Line, $80.00 Annual Allowance $240.00 Amount Received December 13 1833 Pension Started Age 79 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Philip | Swatzel | Private, Pennsylvania Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received October 25 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Henry | Tarrant | Dragoon, Armand's Legion, $96.00 Annual Allowance $1246.93 Amount Received December 9 1820 Pension Started (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | Trail | Private, Virginia Line, $23.33 Annual Allowance $69.99 Amount Received January 5 1833 Pension Started Age 77 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Samuel | Vance | Private-Sergeant, Virginia Line, $36.66 Annual Allowance $109.98 Amount Received February 20 1833 Pension Started Age 80 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Henry | Varner | Private, North Carolina Line, $23.33 Annual Allowance $69.99 Amount Received June 13 1833 Pension Started Age 93 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Martin | Waddle | Private, North Carolina Line, $30.00 Annual Allowance $90.00 Amount Received February 12 1833 Pension Started Age 93 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Michael | Weese | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $382.40 Amount Received May 16 1825 Pension Started Age 82 Died April 20 1829 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | Welty | Private, Maryland Continental, $96.00 Annual Allowance $258.66 Amount Received January 27 1831 Pension Started Age 90 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Lewis | Willis | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $344.80 Amount Received August 12 1828 Pension Started Age 90 Died March 5 1832 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Philip | Wolever | Private, Pennsylvania Militia, $30.00 Annual Allowance $90.00 Amount Received February 19 1834 Pension Started Age 83 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
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