(destroyed by falling trees during tornado, May 4, 2003)Photographs contributed by Wanda Lee
Below are six photographs showing damage to the Allison-Dudly Mausoleum caused by falling trees during the tornado, May 4, 2003.
The photographs above were taken after the fallen trees were removed from the cemetery. The tree in the background of the very poor image of the mausoleum below gives one an idea of just how large some of the trees in Riverside Cemetery had grown.
This photo comes from the Allison-Dudley Mausoleum entry in Jonathan K. T. Smith's My Riverside Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions Scrapbook Part VI.
See also Allison-Dudley Mausoleum entry in Jonathan K. T. Smith's Tombstone Inscriptions in Historic Riverside Cemetery, in Jackson Tennessee.
Robert Cartmell Marker, June 2003
Note the size of tree stump on right edge of image and the large pile
of storm debris and fallen trees being burned in background.
Massive Stump Collapsed Into Adjacent Grave, June 2003
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