Surnames in Obion County History Volumes I & II
This index was posted on the original Obion County TNGenWeb site by Jane Powell and was not relocated when the site was converted. This includes an index of the names found in volumes I and II of the Obion County Historical Society’s Obion County History. I don’t know whether or not this indexes are complete.
Abbott, Adams, Alexander, Allen, Allman, Ams, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Ashe, Ashley, Atkins, Austin
Bailey, Baker, Baldridge, Banton, Barnes, Barnett, Barry, Baucom, Beaird, Beck, Beeler, Bell, Bennett, Berner, Berry, Betts, Betty, Bizwell, Blackburn, Blackley, Blanton, Bludworth (Bloodworth), Board, Bogle, Bond, Boulton, Box, Boyd, Boyett, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bramham, Bransford, Bratton, Brevard, Brooks, Brown, Brown, Bruer, Brummell, Bryant, Burden, Burdick, Burkett, Burnett, Burress, Burtch, Butler, Byrn
Caldwell-Shelby, Caldwell, Calhoun, Call, Callicott, Campbell, Capps, Carlton, Carpenter, Carroll, Carroll, Carters, Carter, Carver, Casey, Catron, Caudel, Caughron, Chadwell, Chandler, Chappell, Cheatham, Cherry, Christian-Williams, Clark, Clayton, Cleek, Cleek, Clemmons, Clendenin, Clicque, Cloar, Cloyes, Cody, Cole, Coleman, Coleman, Collins, Cook, Corum, Cottrell, Covington, Cox, Crabtree, Cradock, Craddock, Cranford, Crews, Critchlow, Crossno, Crockett, Cross, Crossno, Crowell, Crowell, Cullom, Cultra, Cummings, Cunningham, Cunningham-Harris, Curlin-Tams-Scates, Curry, Cutler
Dahnke, Daniels, Darnall, Davis, Debow, Debow, Deen, Dickerson, Dickey, Dietzel, Dodson, Drerup, Drewry, Dunagin-Harrison-Caldwell, Dunning
Eakin, Easley, Easterwood, Edwards, Edmiston, Ellington, Ellison, Ennis, Erwin, Estes, Everett
Faulkner, Ferguson, Fielder, Finch-Green, Fleming, Flippen, Forbin, Forcum, Forrester, Fowler, Fowlkes, Fox, Freeman, Fry, Fullertons, Futrell
Garrett, Garrigan, Garth, Gibbs, Giffin, Gill, Glover, Goodrich, Gore, Graham, Grasfeder, Graves, Gray, Green, Griffin
Hagan, Hailey, Haley, Hall, Hamilton, Hampton, Harding, Harmon, Harper, Harpole, Harris, Harrison, Hairston, Hauser-Houser, Hayes, Heatherly, Hefley, Henderson, Hibbler, Hill, Hime, Hobbs, Hoffman, Hogins, Hollomon, Holman, Hopkins, Houser, Howard, Howell, Hubbs, Hudgins, Hudson, Huey, Huffstutter, Hunter, Hurt, Hutchinson, Hutchcraft
Ingram, Inman, Insco, Isbell, Ivy
Jackson, James, Janes, Jenkins, Jernagan-Jonsson, Jernigan, Johnson, Johnson-ladd, Johnston, Jones, Jordon, Joyner
Karnes, Keathley, Kelly, Kendall, Kennedy, Kerley, Kernodle, King, Kirkman, Kirchheim (Harper), Kirk, Kirkland, Kitchell, Kizer, Koontz
Ladd, Lannom, Laster-Eason, Laster, Latimer, Lawrence, Lippard, Lockhart, Loeffels, Long, Lovelace, Lowrance, Luce, Luker, Luten
Mashek, Madding, Maddox, Mainord, Marshall, Martinek, Martin, Massengill, Mathis, Mathes, Matthews, Maupin, Maxwell, May, Mayse, Meek, Merryman, Midyett, Miles, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moffatt, Mooney, Montgomery, Moore, Morehead, Morgan, Morris, Moseley, Moss, Wallis-Caudle-Moss, Moultrie, Mullins, Muse, Myers, Mcadams, Mcadoo, Mcalister, McCaleb, McCarroll, McClard, McCollum, McConnell, McCorkles, McDaniel, McDonald, McGaugh, McKay, McMackin, McNeill- Carmack, McQueen, McRee, McVay
Nailling, Nash, Naylor, Needham, Neel, Neeley, Neville, Neyman, Niell, Niles, Nohsey, Norman, Norrid
Olive, Oman, Orr, Osborne, Owens
Palmer, Pardue, Park, Parker, Parks, Parnell, Parr, Parrish, Paschall, Patterson, Pepper, Penn, Phebus, Pickering, Pierce, Pipkin, Pitts, Pitzer, Polk, Polsgrove, Prather, Pressly, Preuett, Pruett, Price, Primrose, Pursley
Ramer, Ramsey, Ratliff, Reams, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Reynolds, Rice, Riley, Riley, Rippy, Roberts, Robey, Bond-rodgers, Rodgers, Rogers, Roper, Rose, Ross, Ruuble, Rumage, Russell
Sage, Sampson, Sanders, Sanderson, Sanford, Schaedle, Schliefer, Schmidt, Schoggin, Sedberry, Sears-Pitts, Sellers, Shannon Shannon, Shapard, Sharp, Shatz, Shipp, Shires, Shore, Simrell, Sims, Skinner, Smith, Smith-Kerr, Sowell, Spangler-Shupe, Speed, Spradlin, Stanfield, Stapp, Starnes, Stephens, Stephenson, Stone, Stovall, Stover-cunningham, Stover, Stubblefield, Sturgis, Summers, Swiggart
Talley, Tanner, Tarkington, Tate, Taylor, Temple, Templeton, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thorpe, Threlkeld, Thweatt, Tilghman, Tinkle-wiley, Tinkle, Tipton, Todd, Toombs, Totten, Touchstone, Treece, Tucker, Turner, Tyler
Underwood, Upton
Vaden, Vanderford, Vaughn, Vincent, Vise
Waddell, Wade, Wagster, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Ward, Warner, Warren, Watson, Weatherford, Weaver, Wehman, Wells, Wheatley, Wheeler, Whipple, Whitaker, White, Whitesell, Whitesides, Whitson, Whildee, Wilhauks, Wilkerson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wilson-Gwaltney-Short, Winston, Witherspoon, Wood, Woodfin, Woods, Woody, Word, Worley, Wright, Wuench
Yates, Youree, Youngblood
Acree, Albright, Allen, Allen-Chumley, Allen-Hodges, Alphin, Anderson, Armstrong, Arnn, Arnett, Arnold, Ashley
Baker, Barns, Barnes-Smith, Barnes-Barton, Barnes-Doughtry, Barnett, Batts, Baucom, Bean, Beauchamp-Sutherland, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Blacknall-Pierce-Whitney, Blurton, Boehms, Bond, Bondurant-Wiseman, Bonner, Bowers-Culp, Bradberry, Bradford, Bradshaw, Briggs, Bright, Brimm, Browder, Brown-Dickey, Brown-Edmonds, Brown-Lawson-Crockett, Brown-Marr, Brown-Somers, Brown-Watkins, Brown, Brown-Maupin, Brown-Edmonds-Brownlee, Bruer-Council, Bruer-Glover, Bryant, Buchanan, Bufford, Burcham, Burnett, Burns, Burrus, Butler, Bynum, Byrn
Caldwell, Calhoun, Callis, Cammuse, Campbell, Campbell-brown, Carnatzie, Carver, Cary, Case, Castleman, Caudle, Cawthan-Warix, Chapell-Collier, Cherry-Cunningham, Clack, Cloar, Cloys, Cole, Coleman-Lancaster, Conner-Nanny, Conner, Corkran, Correa, Corum, Counce, Council, Covey, Cox, Craig, Crawford, Crawford-Mathis, Crawford-Shepherd, Crawford-Vinson, Cresswell, Crockett, Crossno, Culberson, Culp, Cunningham, Cunningham-Lippard, Cutler, Curtis, Cutler-Arrington
Dalton, Daniel, Darnall, Davis, Debow, Derryberry, Donnell, Dowell, Drewry, Driskill, Dunavant, Dunlap, Dunn, Dunn-Johnson, Duren, Dyer
Easterwood, Edmonds-Walker, Edwards, Elam, Embrey, Emerson, Emrich, Erwin, Evans
Faulkner-Allison, Fellel, Fergerson, Fieldss, Finch, Fisher, Fleming, Flowers, Forrester, Forrester-White, Fowler, Fox, Fullerton
Gallahaire, Gargis, Gates, Gibbs, Gill, Glasgow, Glass, Glover, Graves, Green, Green-Bruer, Green-Puckett, Griffith, Guy-Harrison, Gwaltney
Hailey, Haislip, Haislip-Brown, Hale, Hall, Hall-Wagster, Hampton-Wilson, Hansen, Harner, Harpole, Harris, Hart, Hayes, Hays-Canton, Herndon, Herring, Hethmon, Hickman, Hodges, Hoffman, Hogins, Holladay-Wilkins, Holloway, Hollis, Holman, Holt, Howard, Howerton, Huffstutter, Hughes, Hughey, Hughey-Fultz
Jacobs, Jarvis, Jessup, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jonakin, Jonas, Jones, Jordan-Cook, Joyner
Kaufman, Kendall, Kennedy-Caudle-Johnson, Key-Jones, Killebrew, Killgore, Kimzey, Kincade, King, Kingsbury, Kirkland, Knox
Lannom, Lasley, Laster, Latimer, Latta, Lawrence, Leathers-Barnett, Leathers, Leininger, Leonard, Leonard, Lewis, Lippard, Logan-Arrington, Logan, Long, Lovett, Lynn
Magness, Marshall, Masoud, Massengill, Mays, McClanahan, McCleish, McCollum, McCord, McCorkle, McCullough, McDaniel, McFadden, McFarland, McGowen-Calhoun, McIntosh, McKinnis, McMackin-Freeman, McNeal, Meness, Miller, Montgomery-Alexander, Montgomery, Moore, Morehead, Morrisette, Morrow, Morton, Moss, Moss-Thomas, Moss-Wilson, Mott, Mott-Withers, Mullins-Myatt, Murphy, Murphey
Nanney, Neely, Heill, Newell, Nichols, Norrid
O’Daniel, Oliver-Cloyes, Oliver, Orr, Osborne, Owens, Ozment
Pacer, Parker, Parrish, Paschal, Patton, Perkins, Petty, Phebus, Pinon-Parker-Worlds, Pollard, Primrose, Puckett, Puckett-Waggener, Pullen
Ragsdale, Ravn, Reed, Reedy, Reeves, Reeves-Deal, Reeves-Falkenburg, Reeves-Hamilton, Reeves-McIntosh, Reeves-Shelton, Reeves-Weisgerber, Reid, Reynolds, Rhoades, Rice, Richardson, Richie, Riley, Roach, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rogers, Roney, Roper, Rushing
Sampson, Sanders, Savage-Ables, Savage-Jordan, Scates, Scott, Sellars, Shepherd-Haislip, Shepherd-Mathis, Shore, Simpson, Sinclair, Smith, Sowell, Spitznas, Stanfield, Stephens, Stewart, Stovall, Stover, Stubblefield, Sturgis, Sublett, Sublett-Angel, Sublett-Ferguson, Sublett-Garrett, Sublett- Garrigan, Sublett-Reeder, Sublett-Scott, Summers, Swiggart-Mayes
Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Threlkeld, Tidwell, Tipton, Touchstone, Townsley, Tull, Turner
Underwood, Unthank, Upton
Wade, Wakefield, Walker-Basham, Walker, Wall, Watkins, Watson, Weaver, Webb, Whitby, White, Whitlatch, Wilkerson, Whittington, Williams, Williams, Wilson, Winter, Woods, Woody, Wright
Yoes, Young
I am trying to find more information on my father’s family. My father was born in Lincoln County, TN but they move to West Tennessee a few years after his birth. How do I access the Obion County History Volumes I?
The Obion County Public Library has these books. I also have a copy, and if you will let me know which name/names you are searching, I’ll see what I can find out.
I am not the first person you corresponded with but my family also came from Obion County. My great grandfather was Marion Campbell Owens and his wife was Deller Smith, daughter of James Claiborn (Clabe) Smith. Any info on them would be appreciated.
I am the grandson of Deller Smith’s brother J.C. Smith and have lots of information about the Smith family. Please feel free to contact me!
I’m looking for the write up on the surname McKinnis that is in Obion County History, vol. II.
Thank you,