HomeO – Goodspeed, 1887

J. H. Olive was born in North Carolina, October 10, 1824, and was brought to Tennessee, when about three years of age. His father died in 1859. His mother, whose maiden name was Holland Bowden, was also born in North Carolina. J. H. Olive assisted his father until he was twenty-one years of age. He at that time began farming, and by his energy and perseverance is worth about $3000. June 5, 1851, Mary Blake became his wife. She was a daughter of James and Martha Blake, and is the mother of three children: Martha Ann (Mrs. William Stovall), James E. and John Clinton. Mr. Olive is upright and honest in his dealings with his fellow men, and has been a consistent member of the Primitive Baptist Church for forty-five years. He is a Democrat politically, and has always been a law abiding citizen, and a man of his word.

James M. Ownby, of the firm of Ownby & Co., founders and machinists, was born in Robertson County, Tenn., May 20, 1850, son of James P. And grandson of Roland Ownby, who was born in Virginia. He came to Robertson County, Tenn., as early as 1812 and died in Missouri. James P. Ownby was born in Robertson County, Tenn., in 1825, and served in the late war in Company C, Forty-ninth Tennessee Confederate States Army and was commissioned captain in 1864. He was captured at Fort Donelson and taken to Camp Douglas, where he was kept a prisoner of war for seven months. He was paroled at Houston, Texas, in July, 1865. The mother of our subject, Carrie A. Ownby, was born in Sumner County, Tenn., in 1826. Her father, Jos. R. Boyles, was a soldier in the war of 1812. Our subject is one of eight children and was educated at Liberty Academy in Robertson County. In 1869 he began learning the boiler-maker’s trade and in 1868 the family came to Obion County, and here our subject has since resided. He began his present business in 1879 and is doing well financially. He is a fine mechanic, and in 1872 was married to Tabitha E. Green, who was born in Carroll County, April 11, 1852, and is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. They have four children: Ethel, Max P., Mabel, and George S.  Mr. Ownby is a Democrat and belongs to the K. Of P. And K. Of H.


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