HomeN – Goodspeed, 1887

Henry H. Naylor is the fourth of ten children born to Woodfin and Ellen (Nelson) Naylor, and is of Irish and English descent. He was born in Bedford County, Tenn., November 25, 1841, and his boyhood days were spent on his father’s farm. He acquired a common school education, and has made farming his chief business through life. At the breaking out of the war he joined the first Mississippi Cavalry, Confederate States Army, for eighteen months, and was then transferred to Capt. Henderson’s scouts, serving in this command until the close of the war. He participated in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Vicksburg and Jackson, besides many other battles and skirmishes of less note. He served three years and nine months and was paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. September 24, 1868, he wedded Cynthia A. Mansfield in the house where he now lives. They have four children, three living: Hallie L., Charles Bell and Maria Kate. Mrs. Naylor was born in Obion County August 12 1842, and died November 11, 1883, being buried within fifty yards of the place where she was born, raised and lived all her life. Mr. Naylor is a Democrat, and a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and has held the office of constable. His father is a Tennessean, born August 12, 1812. He was reared and educated in Bedford County, and after his marriage moved to Fulton County, Ky., where he remained two years, and is now practicing law in Union City. His wife was born in Virginia September 17, 1817.

Alfred Naylor may be mentioned as one of the prominent farmers of Obion County, Tenn. His birth occurred in Pulaski County, Ky., December 8, 1807, the eldest of a family of ten children — seven sons and three daughters — all of whom are living. His parents, John and Sarah (Woodfin) Naylor, were born in Maryland, and North Carolina, respectively, and after their marriage in the latter State, moved to Kentucky. After residing in Pulaski County a few years, they came to Bedford Co., Tenn., and followed farming until the father’s death in 1854. From that time until her death, in 1856, the mother, was a resident of Obion County. At the early age of twenty-one, Alfred Naylor began merchandising in Rutherford county, continuing about two years. He then moved to Fulton County, Ky., where he was engaged in wool carding and farming, about eighteen years, and in 1850 came to Obion County, Tenn., and located on his present farm of 200 acres of fine land, near Union City, along the line of the Mobile & Ohio R. R. In 1842 he married Sarah Day, and by her became the father of twelve children, six of whom are still living. Mr. Naylor was an old line Whig, but of late years has been identified with the National Greenback party.

Andrew J. Nelms, farmer, was born September 8, 1833, in Obion county, Tenn., and is a son of William and Anna (Sykes) Nelms. The father was born in Northumberland County, Va., in 1775, and the mother in North Carolina. They were married in the latter State, and moved to Davidson County, Tenn., where they remained until 1821, then came to Obion county, locating four miles east of Troy, there being but three families, at that time, in the county. The father died in 1851, and the mother in 1855. To them were born nine children, four of whom lived. They resided on the farm after their parents’ death, and at the commencement of the war, Andrew J. enlisted in the Forty-seventh Tennessee Infantry, and served until February, 1863, when he returned home, and married Elisa Whitesides in November of that year, and has since followed agricultural pursuits. He owns a farm of 416 acres, near the old homestead. He and wife are the parents of eight children: William J. (deceased), James H., Margaret Ann, Thomas M., Nancy Ann, (deceased), Elizabeth, Belle and Andrew J.


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